This was posted by one

Some demons supposedly give people a skill of knowing the future, and even knowledge of science and arts. Heaven doesn’t like that. So I agree that some parts of reading is rightfully labelled evil. Knowing is inherently evil. Knowledge is supposedly temptation, entities who like to take matters in their own hands are evil and demons.

We are part of that. It’s already in our nature to “sin”. What we need is to embrace the light and dark within us and integrate them together to achieve balance.

Is it bad to contact demons? Not necessarily, but yes if you don’t know what you are doing. It’s the same thing with doing drugs or trying any substance. Everything should come from the place of light when you are going towards darkness. And it’s the other way around when you are going towards the path of light. Come from a place of darkness when you are going towards the light. Think of going by the rules, but remembering that you don’t have to strongly adhere with it and might break it from time to time. It’s all because these extreme ends are not the truth, the middle path is the truth.

We are all having the human experience. That involves extreme ends of everything. And all that we perceive are just accessories to that human experience. You could use anything either for good or evil.

When you are bridging the demonic territory you have to know if you are well-equipped for it. It is only bad when you aren’t in touch with yourself and that you don’t have the control. You should have the control and know that you have control. Whatever happens is your own doing and that you can modify your reality. When you come in contact with one, why would you be scared? Face it and assert your dominance. It’s the same with angels. You have the power and every thought and entity is below you. They work for you, you don’t work for them. Even fate. You make your fate, no one would tell you what to fucking do. The real downfall is relinquishing your power.

And I say that even outside the realms of occult. Everyday we experience things that would make us feel inadequate and powerless. But you can always do something. Most people assume that they are not responsible however and keep a blind eye. Not being accountable is easy. The moment that you assume that everything is within your power and that you create your own reality is when you get to the truth of life.

This power, this force, this control over every side and end of the holy grail... this is very inviting and oracular, like we might defeat a time emblazoned entity of darkness with the sword of light in an all dominating and unrelenting fashion that shows that our victory was so immortal, so triumphant, so complete. The utter annihilation and death to the living Force in such an unspeakable engine of collapse could be major down the centuries in a reverberating eruption!!