Anakin Skywalker | A Tragic Hero (Redemption)

The Force has all potential, all timeframes, perspectives and vortices of the ever evolving scale of polarities to envision musical classifications of our part and job in the reality forge gives strength and directive to the riddles and gamble cubes of uncertainty and foretelling, so by tapping into these all surging streams of detonation into the bigger flag of victory shows majestic thunder and all consuming fiction giving way for the tale to add presents and borders of the conceited gist to a bigger marble bell tower.

We are searching for the apex of all achievement, the crowning tin stronghold of giga price on an electric portal to doors and harbors of a higher serenity. The hero endures and entails the birth of fortune, the glass painting of foolishness to profound realization. The way, the path, the staircase storms down victory road with heavy winds and tempest plumes rolling and shouting gray force aegis manifolds of luster and all pieces clicking into place.