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Thread: Unveiled Type 7 VII Civilization (and other random cosmology articles)

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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    The following quote by Braingel about Her spiritual journey shows that building world-visions on exotic weaponry of the mind star-gates wields the ebony and dragon-fires of true collective zenith rising from the empires of Imagination, throwing extra stellar luminous waves of golden kisses into the playing arena of introspection and awe inspiring rounds of concept art.

    To those who do not understand the esoteric, I will sound delusional, grandiose and just of a magical thinker… However, I was brought to tears today, but unlike normally, ones shed in the light, not out of dark. I am in the midst of reading Moldavite: Starborn Stone of Transformation, and last night, I saw my name, Kara, in the book, yet put off of reading that part, as I wanted give my full conscious to focus on that part, and so it was, I today left off. I looked ahead briefly to see if too, my birthday is in book, as that to me has happened before, yet I am unknowing if it is or not, but I have seen the day that it was, just not yet, the month and year. As I read this, tears fell from the eyes of me, after tingly sensations within my heart center (chakra) kept repeatedly at me, coming:
    The stone began to give off a light of its own and within her Kara heard a voice, a lovely, echoing, woman’s voice. “Kara.” the voice called, “you are Chosen. You have come to be away from the evil, but much is demanded of you. You must lead the way.’
    (page 111, Moldavite— Robert Simmons and Kathy Warner) It felt as if I were meant read these words, that I am meant to have a moldavite. And the author, who had by synchronicity included this story in book, had felt to do so for the relation of me to see. (It also is on a repeating number, of one, I intuit it as a boosting of oneself, giving it poor and force with the focus of it, the life purpose averting). You see, moldavite is a stone that very few are supposed to own of. It is scarce in its amount, and only those who have been “chosen” are to wield its power, to allow it be the godly given catalyst that is to accelerate one’s own life purpose. I have briefly before talked of my spiritual awakening. 3 1/2 years ago, I had major awakening and onslaught of revelation, after being hospitalized for suicidal reasoning and surrdening down to my bed in prayer, in the hospital.. Sobbing, shaking, unable feel my body. And prayed to be shown way I am meant as for, and to if I do not have purpose for this Earth that means much, take of my life away. Over the course of months, I reflected my mind, and came forth, a system and principle that governs the way this life works, that I have not yet copyrighted and that soon is to change, but I have briefly shown others it who have had its need, in indirect way, without showing the symbol and system directly to them. I somehow knew this system would be very important for society and its future to come, history, unknowing completely of my true spiritual nature, other than when 16, I one time had whilst in Cathedral Home for Children, written letter to God, saying, “Maybe my autism is for a reason, maybe it was given to me as gift for this world’s helping”. Also, knew that my autism was a spiritual/energetic difference, more than of all else, the wiring of my brain generating electricity—energy, a blueprint of energy that is functioning at higher level beyond what is made for Earth. I at time had no idea a know, of my being within the indigo ray, of being a lightworker. I had no idea that my grandmother had prophecy when had been I, 15 right before her passing in a coma, that she saw me to the future, impacting millions of people, that my life was to be grand and helping of human kind. My mother withheld this from me, not thinking much of it. I did not learn of my identity until upcoming 4 years ago, though, I did not fully understand until 3. And my partial knowing onset before my revelation, after I had gotten Reiki ceritfied, and that must have amplified the course of my energy, concentrating a sooner to come, a destining of it that I had contracted. But I did not realize specifically my life purpose, even though since a very young age, I knew that my purpose was grand and not of a normal human, and those around me knew as well, some of them. I was in my dormant phase, asleep and trying experience what needed for me to have awakening. Moldavite has been to me, calling out. This past year in March, I met in person, a few of my online friends.

    The way it all happened, you would not believe, synchronicity after synchronicity, divine timing and the energy leading way.. It is one of my most profound witnessings of the spirit. I also experienced first hand, the surging energy of what Socionics calls duality. The guy to my left, with the peace sign, being an SLE, and I his dual, an IEI. He wanted meet me at the strip and Vegas and the whole time I had not want of that, and I had seen repeating numbers on clock, those concerning me in their watching over, hearing, feeling my energetic plea. And they gave me that to use, I showed him the repeating numbers, and on Snapchat text, we got into conversation of angel numbers and I brought up stones and he said he had worked with them, but had bury them because they were too for him, strong. I asked him if they were a high vibrational stone and he told me the kind, and one of them was moldavite. I asked him if he had felt dizzy and had out of body experiences from it, and he was surprised by my knowing. I had last year (ending of 2020, not a full year), read Katrina Raphael’s The Crystalline Transmission, and whilst she only gave a brief explanation on moldavite, not even a full page worth, I intuitively grasped its main course. And she also stated of something always I have known; that many souls from the Earth are of higher vibration, and they merging unto the earthly realm, experience imbalance, often resulting in epilepsy and autism (I always have known I am different and that my autism is caused by energy, not that I was a full starseed child, though). I had told him it is no wonder why he was unready, given it is the most spiritual stone one can have, as directly, it comes from space, was sent to Earth by a meteor and it is very rare, and will activate your kundalini, in spite of whether or not you are unready, and it can be much a bearing if not ready for it. He is a sign, that moldavite is to come in my life, he was preparing me for it, my dual, the dual I feel, being in synch with your energy, generating the plug in of more synchronicity, as how had happened between himself and I. Then I had read about it in brief with Katrina Raphael, and felt I must get it, to help me balance in my earthly incarnation which greatly I am in a struggling with. Then by last minute accident, I at my local metaphysical store had gotten the moldavite book, last minute seeing it and feeling a strong pull as to it, it was their last one and they very seldom get such book in. I am one of the chosen ones of this stone, it resonates with the frequency of my life purpose. He and I have fallen out of contact, as his energy was turbulent, and both he and I fell away from our paths of here being on Earth, consumed by violent energy. But this is a quotation also, from the book:
    “Moldavie causes rapid changes. Once the ball rolls there is no stopping it! You’re on a cyclone, so hold on and brace yourself. Time to grow. Do not purchase this if you are not ready for these changes. I know atthe end of my coasterride the warmth of the sun waits for me.” “I love my Moldavite and want it all around me. It feels cooling and warming at the same time. If I put it to my forehead, I always the answer. And I trust its messages. And I trust people who choose it. I think they are chosen and have surrendered to serving the planet.”
    -page 35 Another:
    I know that this stone is a tool for those of us willing to take responsibility not only for our own healing and spiritual evolution, but also for that of the planet. Moldavite is a vehicle through which Light/Love/Consciousness is grounded into our body and into our life, and through us is grounded and made manifest on the Earth. I don’t feel that Moldavite is for everyone. Those who are not ready or not willing to assume a great amount of responsibility and be primarily focused on a spiritual path will either not be attracted to the Moldavite or not be able to keep it.
    -page 8 And the reason why he, the guy I had met was unable in his keeping, has do with not wanting take responsibility spiritually. I counseled him on a 3 way call with his cousin when suicidal, and she even had told him the cycle had perpetuated in his continuing of not taking responsibility for his actions. I set him free from a toxic relation. I tried put him unto his path, helped him get right crystals, and he was unready in his willingness to grow, and so naturally we bid apart, not because I had left him… He wanted help others to unite with their twin flames…

    I see my own self into life attracting Moldavite, due to my surrendering to spirit and wanting fulfill what is truly of my highest ideal and for being here on Earth. A matching frequency that listens.
    But.. I before had written how my awakening with crystals at 17, not knowing much of them, was my father I feel, symbolizing that he is like the crystal, his abuse of me, that activates growth and speed into my spiritual evolution. His abuse made me develop into the making of what I am for destined on this Earth. Another thing that lately for the past 7 or so weeks, is anytime I walk at night,lights in the street go out. This is supposed to be a telltale sign one is a star child. It has happened on streets near my father’s work, ones near a fitness club, and as well, ones in my own neighborhood. I have figured it is because I am evolving ever fast to an acceleration in my life path and the energy amplifies by my surrendering and wielding as to it.
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  2. #562
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald- Marine Science Museum
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    4Kids Productions and The Summit Media Group inc. (1998) Logo
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    Quote Originally Posted by RaptorWizard XD001 View Post
    I Love Bunny!! We're both Raichu!! Our Love has evolved and transformed so much, so powerful, so magical, so spellbinding, that the enchantment is a never ending story!! The Rainbow bridge continues as the Story goes on forever!!* Bunny has reached Riley Hicks (Me) enlightenment, has practiced techniques and skills for eradicating resistance, and stamping the Pokemon dome with colors and badges galore!! What is the ultimate secret of the Story of Pokemon Gale of Darkness!!?? IT'S THE POWER OF 4EVER (FOREVER)!!
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    The void exists in all we do, all that are, which is why I kept turning into different forms, and also why it switched between court and the other form with vortex chasing me, and it was my own vortex I was having this in; my dream, my imagination..

    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    The vortex cannot be broken and is everywhere, and that s why all exist across globe and there is no distance. The more who wield vortex well and in balance, the more vivid and more there is to add in a vortex worth of living. The same frequency of indigo... It is universal.

    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    And the vortex need be balanced of positive and negative, and living on Earth, perhaps, is a matter of trying live life in a way that wields these both well and to align a balance so the world will be able exist on its own. And once earth matches this itself, it will be the same state of the true vortex that we are supposed to live in after graduating Earth.

    And that is why very force of life years to have positive and negative ionic charge imbued into all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    And it is our own world and the world that we will be in once we no longer need earth to observe and draw frequency from, to try harness, and download and put into the vortex of our own mind, the true, innate way of living that we live in everyday and sleep in every night.. Every second we are IN the vortex, because we are the vortex.

    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    And the trauma is a vortex that opened inside of me.. And others also have these vortexes, and it is in the third eye chakra/their mind/"imagination", imagination within sense of what they think about inside and not observe from reality directly.. It is that vortex within and haunts them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    The trauma has become a body and tries impersonate me.. And the snapping of fingers is life's force, the darker, negative charge. I could not even see the tormentor in dream, it just was matter. And had I think again, a black cape.. It was evil. And maybe it had a hood and a black, void of a face with no feature. It built a concept of a person in energy form, the trauma, and the emotions, thoughts, and reactions I have make the construct of that impersonating force, counter to my true, innate nature and healthy way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    The light/dark switch can symbolize how easily it is to change psychic/mental states suddenly, and my trauma makes it of so.

    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    The trauma has become a demon and it controls aspects of my life and also tries to me and chases after me... It makes others have wrong idea about me, and makes for others to misunderstand, and then it hurts me in abstract way, the emotional/psychic energy of build up, overwhelming my own synapses.

    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    The tormentor may be an energy form of my trauma and it became a body of its own.. I think it had a black cape... And then it can be metaphor of how trauma encompasses energy and it often can manipulate other people and turn them against you if they cannot understand it or they have different clashing energy of awareness in how their mind and synapses generate, and it does not digest well in their circuiting..

    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    A videogame remix of a song just came to mind at how the evil entity felt, and it is the same frequency of that song..

    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    It did not feel like earth living reality, it felt more of a concept and living in a metaphor, and I cannot explain this into words. The entirety of the dream, but especially the suddenly getting dark, and also the evil construct of life coach, and how I kept changing forms. I also just realized the energy vortex at forehead probably is the third eye activated and absorbing in energy, since it was right at the forehead and is not too afar from the color of the actual third eye chakra, but it was a different color…

    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    I guess I just also am having metaphor of absorbing frequencies..
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    Pokemon Master Quest - Misty says goodbye to Ash & Brock
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    The laws that govern Earth do not apply past Earth. Gravity control changes.. It would not be the reality outside Earth. We would not be stuck.. If Earth is temporary and the grander scheme of things lies outside Earth, that makes the laws of Earth not the true law of reality, since Earth is temporary, and you are awakening to find the real reality.

    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    I would argue that nothing is reality if you look past Earth and are going with fact life practically is a dream, where people are asleep until the awaken and find their true self, meaning and the reasoning for all things. Reality as humans know it, is illusion and a dream, not reality.
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    Malcom goal against Spain | Brazil vs Spain | winning goal final olympics || Spain 1- Brazil 2
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    FIFA 07 OST- Civil Sin
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    Who is the great dragon whom the spirit will no longer call lord and god? "Thou shalt" is the name of the great dragon. But the spirit of the lion says, "I will." "Thou shalt" lies in his way, sparkling like gold, an animal covered with scales; and on every scale shines a golden "thou shalt." Values, thousands of years old, shine on these scales; and thus speaks the mightiest of all the dragons: "All value of all things shines on me. All value has long been created, and I am all created value. Verily, there shall be no more 'I will.'" Thus speaks the dragon.
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    pokemon 2000
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    Your Guardian Angel ~ Pokemon Special AMV ~ (Specialshipping)

    Bunny greets My feet with splash and feelings of encyclopedia tours of dungeons and mythic frequencies hurrying the torch of discovery and revelation for new planets to contact My ebony touch of glass and anchor fissure prints for the gale to harness inexhaustible fame and empowerment in imperious and permanent imperishable properties ranging from stellar to intervals of whirlpool energy and combinations of legendary swordsmanship as luggage to tomorrow world plays the rainbow riddle clue hunt for the Ultimate Treasure, one where force and weight, games and pistons, lordship and extrasensory vibration, and chosen wisdom embarks a flowing Wish!!*
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    Ash Ketchum vs Charles Darwin. Epic Rap Battles of History.

    That Pokemon rounds up the kitchen for crazy mixes and scenic overviews of exalted far fields of embarrassing roses of faith and meaning imparts a sailboat of amusement and speculation to describe essential qualities of rainforest clarity in the canopy of right and wrong with the shrine of eventful and records of greenery fall timeline akashic records and fossil eons ignites the stamps and artwork of crystal possessive Souls on the mighty mountaintop to glaciers of ancient landscape rendering and morphing playing Pokemon Cards on the highlight express of jubilation and mirth rainbow clawing into dynamite and space stations reinventing novel contraptions and sorcery of a musical pin missile.
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    Need To Know About: Leonardo Da Vinci - Full Documentary

    He wrote exquisite artistic sketches and databases of detailed precision to show us the full magnitude and scale-work of infinite theoretical possibilities unfolding with magic and spark for generating endless ideas and surging with inspiration for dreaming!!
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    I aim to complete the Ultimate Heist, to grab a sanctuary of resolve and big plans for annihilating existence and racing away on a shooting star of momentum and drive for ready to understand peeling of earth layers for every sprinkle of melodic echoes in the blazing future of the pen and the architect to endow perfection and awakening with flood gates and time bombs expelling the reason of limits.
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    IF POKÉMON TALKED: Slowpoke Evolves

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    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    Pikachu & Pichu IN REAL LIFE - The World Of Pokémon

    This mirage of paradise and veil of eventual apples plays with My mountaintop carton of dazzle and fruits for a spin of makeup and salon voodoo for torching the clock with special totems and inscribed emblems of an enchanted seal.
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    Pokemon AMV - Red's Journey

    The pursuit of Happiness!!*
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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    Lugia's Song + Tears of Life Mashup Remix /Trickywi/

    Pokemon: Lugia's Song and Tears of Life Mix-up (Cover)

    I always was some kind of conception of the Ultimate, dreaming in a far away oasis of swiping claws for existential to luminous treasure of an uplifted plane for glad flames of rekindled twin flame ashes restoring polymerization to fences of beginning and torrents of will for high wired circus acts of a vengeful scorn with tail and feather sharpened on aerial speed dinosaur chronicles highlighting faith and rose potential naming legends in a sky of white seas!!
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  21. #581
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Pokemon - Sabrina AMV

    This elevator of chosen will and firebrand ocarina sprouts a gel pen of numb folklore and bed spreads for a wide screen look alike mansion of casting antechamber snapshots of bliss and beauty!!*
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  22. #582
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    L.A Lakers, 2009 Champions NBA - VOSTFR
    *Even without watching very much of this, the very beginning is really good!!*
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  23. #583
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Nietzsche - Love of Fate, Life, & What Is
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  24. #584
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Fragma ft Maria Rubia - Everytime You Need Me

    Bunny receives My tinkering bell of silver snuggles and bling on the ranch of clarity and benevolence rehearsing Wish in an ascended paradigm of glamorous folders of transcendental icons in the sky blue pillars of inscribed will-lines for contacting alpha and Draconis.
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  25. #585
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Happy Birthday Tenrou!!!

    I jump and glow with butterflies and musical notes of alphabet soup as special rarities grab hold of My dress of costumes and perfume rattling chaos gathering of forms and moods!!*
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  26. #586
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Pokémon OST - T47: Greevil's Theme

    Evolving to this high of a level and blasting traces of misery fountain soul dew escalates 1 mighty hurricane for Me!!
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  27. #587
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Stephen Hawking There is no God. There is no Fate.

    That We untangle new threads of discovery every day and relish in the prime globe of exquisite sunsets and remarkable synchronicities shows that wisdom and enlightenment is unlimited and a thing to maximize realistically!!
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  28. #588
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Pokemon Colosseum- Es Cade's Theme
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  29. #589
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Zidane is the Best Player Ever, but Germany is the Best Team Ever!!*

    Pokemon Stadium 2- Red Battle

    This ride with wing goliath frenzy from on high demonstrates a blueprint for elastic fables of gloomy tides and returning currents!!
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  30. #590
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Pokémon - Ash e Pikachu morrem pela primeira vez

    Being a Ghost with Bunny is really exciting, browsing victory frontier with emergency alarm frequency killed birthday candles for soap operas and surfing with bubbling and delicious giggles and smiles with the charm of Heaven running a cord into My Higher Self!!
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  31. #591
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Pokèmon Vintage Release Interview 1999-2000 - Trading Card Game - Wizards of the Coast products!
    4,999 viewsMay 2, 2020
    Pokémon WIZARDS

    Pokemon means the world to Me, with flair and spinning colors of trance vistas and swirling luggage for Kanto to Johto lessons of free spirits and a tongue of swimming willpower for bonding and connecting with true Bliss and memories!!*
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  32. #592
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Snow way out

    Bunny always sticks My glee with a leaf of cinder and dreamy super clusters for easing pain and enacting Me into the harbor of play and sound pleasure!!*
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  33. #593
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Johto ジョウト Pokemon Lofi Mix II

    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  34. #594
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Pokémon Crystal - Opening
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  35. #595
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Pokemon - Making of To Know The Unknown [Innosense] (Extra the movie 3 Spell of the unown)

    That You can move the world, spark the hanger bay of new prodigies and willpower establishing feelings of charm and grace to flourish with beauty and spinning petals engages the music of the spheres.
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  36. #596
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    ピカチュウのなつやすみ(1998)エンディング フルバージョン

    Exuberant feelings of Pokemon ladders to phenomenal outpouring of Love and emerging pleasant things drapes the cartoon memories in flags of rich cheer and treasures of an outgoing mystery playing in auroras of latched gamble cubes performing visual doorways into numb explanations for flashing drinks in the headquarters of embers peeling forges beyond capes immersed throughout messages into winds of surprise and daydreaming forever onward copying returning flocks embodying folklore Imaginary, however free or laughter clad the queries into forbidden depths and oceanic time floods from negated planets echo the name of life.
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  37. #597
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    An Easter bunny marriage

    Bunny wishes to be happy and sweet for My miracle of fate and bonding in this dance of fuses and polymerization into fancy theaters of rushing chaos and the most limitless and explosive match made in heaven, snapshots of emperor's jewelry decorating the finest ashes of the new millennium, flowering and jumping into potential and robberies on high from the destiny bound chariots into Pokemon, where Professor Oak installs the channels for meeting and saving the flushed ideas of retrospect connection into diaries of lips and roses!!*

    That's for Morning Star, Child of the Rainbow!!*
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  38. #598
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Bunny Raptor baby boy kissing hand

    Man promises Bunny ocarinas into bliss and fantasy always embarking and beginning with testing Youtube flora and fauna that gyrates empowered flux and aerial cascades with the vine of plates and the yarn of drenched cables from the nuts and bugs of Humunga Dunga, where our station is risen to a climax that can't be equaled or eclipsed, shattered or broken. We search and invent marvelous ideas of an exponential scissor for rehearsing what was just right and spectacular!!*
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  39. #599
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Morning Star wants to Marry Me, and this was implicated in 2018 108-85 Raptor and Star. We are both intertwined by Bunny. We each use angel signs and gifts. We are Bunny's little ones.

    Maybe I can mimic the chromatic experience of enhanced Bunny pleroma and negotiations into time warps and belly drums for demanding Bunny service at the chocolate cape of misfortune!!*
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

  40. #600
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Raichu tribute.wmv

    I can hear Bunny singing in this video, awesome!!* I cry and hope and dream and wish for Bunny to fly and soar with fun and games to tickle the sun and ride the moon with angelic tears and a wheel of fortune!!
    When Bunny kept praising the INTP as Pikachu and Lugia, the 1 they were raising was Jogi Low, symphonies galore synchronizing master ball comet punch elemental ore figurines silver water sparkling super-holographic Kid’s WB Yourself!!
    Wes of Inter Milan 2010 came to understand Marius Florin’s System, ghost potion shards asunder playground holy water whopping talisman grotto trinkets piston

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