I was a good student in high school , I wasn't the best because I didn't try much because I thought it was pointless , but I still got my good grades without studying much , wasn't late to class , didn't screw around but I guess that's just my nature

I used to be the best when I was a little kid , I was able to pay close attention to the teacher but for some reason I started losing it in middle school and started zoning out A LOT , and losing my ability to focus resulted in me not giving a shit about studying , I got decent grades anyway so why bother? as long as I pass , there's nothing to worry about

now I'm going to college and I don't know what to pick as a major , I was thinking about computer science but I don't feel it's a good idea

I also wasn't bullied much , even though I didn't have much friends to help me but I avoided unnecessary trouble so it was fine

and I definitely faced some teachers who were a stick in the ass , (I hated LSI teachers because they were jerks) , same goes to that one LSI student who I punched in the neck for being such an asshole to me