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Thread: Erotic attitudes

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    Stray Cat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    I would not say that the Si caregiver is 'dominate' and the Ne infantile is the 'submissive. Like @necrosebud mentioned, the Si caregiver more so 'takes the lead'. Have you ever tried to control an infantile? LOL it is not going to happen Unlike victims, the worse thing you can do to an infantile is make them 'choose' or 'contain them. Especially in regards to seduction. IMO The Caregiver rather takes the lead on where the infantile wants to go sensation wise. Si is all about personal and internal sensations and since infantile are very receptive to it, I would think they would be more reactive of the Si caregiver taking the lead and showing them where to get the most bang for their buck so to speak. I think the roles may switch once the infantile gets comfortable and start using the Ne possibilities to show more options or alternatives. In the sense, Ne wants to try this possibility, gives the vision, and the Si can envision the sensation and make it happen. The roles tend to not be concrete, rather more so taking turns leading and following rather then dominating and submitting. That is how I would envision it theory wise and what I would rather have personally.
    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I would expect the exact dynamics to play out differently for each Ne type. From talking with an ILE, I get the impression his experience is fairly different, but don’t know enough to be able to elaborate more.

    But from my own experience with an Si type: besides occasional times when one of us tried to be more “dominant,” I’m not sure that lens fits well. It’s easier to describe the dynamic as “playful.” Usually I would do something to see how she reacted and then determine what to do from there. Seeing her react to things was fun for me — a dynamic that carried over outside of sex as well. And she would playfully try to “instruct” me: admonish me or tell me to do something. That also is something she and SEIs in general like to do in normal life. I might try to get around her “orders” but liked when she asserted herself; the more assertive she was the more reluctant I was to disobey. But sometimes I would just break out of the dynamic and assert myself if I thought things were getting boring. So there was back-and-forth.

    I really like to be “led” and to give the other person pleasure as they want. But I also don’t like to feel that things are boring or stagnant, so I might act to make things more interesting.

    Cool, man. Good responses. Ne is my role but it juxtaposes my Se lead. When my mirage and I flirt, I go Ne but my instinct is to dominate through Se. My guess is, during a convo, my attitude will alternate between Ne & Se. I haven't really asked her if I've confused her but the ultimate goal is to have a good time anyway. People might suggest that I just use Se but that's a lame as fuck take. Getting decent at the role function, while being myself and seducing this chick is pretty ace.

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    PinKDiGiT18's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stray Cat View Post
    Cool, man. Good responses. Ne is my role but it juxtaposes my Se lead. When my mirage and I flirt, I go Ne but my instinct is to dominate through Se. My guess is, during a convo, my attitude will alternate between Ne & Se. I haven't really asked her if I've confused her but the ultimate goal is to have a good time anyway. People might suggest that I just use Se but that's a lame as fuck take. Getting decent at the role function, while being myself and seducing this chick is pretty ace.
    Mirage is viewed in the books as a lightweight intertype, but so far has the SEI been more fun than other types?

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    Mirage is viewed in the books as a lightweight intertype, but so far has the SEI been more fun than other types?
    Brief reply: SEI are my second favorite type at a close psychological distance for me personally

    In other words...
    I view relationships different cause I'm aware of what irritates me at a close psychological distance

    - I don't favor rationals (even in own quadra)
    - I don't favor extraverts
    - I self supply my Ni DS well enough to make wise choices
    - My Fi polr is shit. IEI & SEI got Fi demo
    - Fe creative is pretty awesome

    I probably wouldn't live with an Si-dom but this chick and I have matching subtypes, adore animals, discussing movies/documentaries, books and going on thrilling travels together.

    You once mentioned Si/Ne get oriented toward needs & that Se/Ni get oriented toward goals. That's actually been helpful in this relationship.

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