Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
A bit off topic but I am curious about something. IRL, how many IEI-Ni do you meet/date/whatever in comparison to IEI-Fe?
The reason I ask is that while I do respond well and I am attracted to both ILE-Ne and ILE-Ti, ILE-Ne are way too much for me. Especially in a romantic sense. I find ILE-Ne way too much up in the clouds and while I know my Si is strong, It is not strong enough to ground an ILE-Ne as an SEI-Fe individual. That, and I am already neurotic af as it is and I can't have more, especially as a type 6 lol.

People have mentioned that ILE-Ti are more grounded and that is something I would appreciate as a SEI-Fe. I would like to think that IEI-Fe would come across a little more grounded and logical with their Ni in comparison to IEI-Ni. I am curious if you would respond better with an IEI-Fe and the Ni will be strong but not in the fore front. Plus, logical leads seem to lead with logic but come from a place of caring. Ethical leads seem to lead with feeling but try to have a logical/consistent reasoning behind it. Both logical and ethical keep that aspect balanced and I think it would be unbalanced if you threw in an irrational leading function with the rational functions if you get my drift. You may find that IEI-Fe may be an bit better as an irrational-rational SLE.
Where is the applause emoticon when you need it? YES! Yes to all of this. LSE-Te’s need for Fi is so all-encompassing that it drains even my base function. I basically can’t Ne around them - I have to force my Fi to be on full-blast at all times. On the one hand, the appreciation for my base is great but on the other I am left feeling as though my natural tendency to be more random, spontaneous, and a bit silly is squashed by the strict rationality of some LSE-Tes, who find it much less endearing than the Si-subtype.

IEI-Fe is a lot more mobile, protective, and proactive about reaching tangible goals than IEI-Ni, from what I’ve seen.