I always apprentice it when someone is not afraid to ask for permission or asking how I am feeling. Can I do this? Can I do that? I know a lot of people don't like being asked to be 'kissed' for a first kiss, but that shit makes me melt and want them more.
Intersting. I know an ILE who is sooo compatible with what you just said. Too bad he's gay I would hook you two up. And yeah, that's a turn off for me ((well not 'turn off' exactly that's not very fair or nice- but it's definitely not a turn on.))

For me they need to just go for it. But I don't like it too rough or anything. My body still responds to soft-medium touches over rape-y ones. Like no pain or anything- but yeah, they need to have the confidence and aggression and manliness to just make me their bitch.

I want them to ask though if they want to d something like very kinky- because I'm realistically more vanilla even though my fantasies are often not so vanilla. SLE was perfect though- we were just in perfect rhythm together. Felt kinda like he was reading my mind almost at all times. But sadly his Fi polr fucked it up and I ended it. And maybe my Te polr too but mostly his Fi polr - at least with the lovemaking part lol. At that time I wasn't sure how to tank his polr or make it better and maybe I still don't even though it's my demonstrative. Really though, I just need to meet higher quality SLEs.