Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
The funny thing is, my ex boyfriend used to steal from me all the time. He would literally take any money I had in my purse. Eventually I stopped carrying cash altogether. Then he started sneaking off to the atm (with my car of course) when I was asleep and pulling money out of my bank account. After I discovered that and changed my pin, he started stealing my credit card and buying gift cards online, which he traded for drugs lol. It got so bad that I had to hide my keys and wallet before going to bed.

He had quit his job after I moved in with him and refused to get a new one. I was working full time and commuting to work 3 hours a day. The worst part was between me supporting the both of us financially and him stealing from me all of the time, I had very little money left over, and it took me two years to save enough to move out. I’ll never forget the feeling of signing the lease to my apartment. It was literally one of the happiest days of my life. For that reason I’ll never get into or stay in a relationship with a man who doesn’t have money or a job. I made that mistake once, and I’ll never do it again.

I also prefer to date men who are smarter than me. I think intelligence is attractive, and I don’t see anything wrong with that.

You can call it hypergamy if you want, I don’t care.
@Poptart, what type was your BF? I’m taking a survey.