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Thread: Hey Everybody, Looking to find my type

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    Default Hey Everybody, Looking to find my type

    Hi everyone, this is my first post here. After many a long meaningless night searching the internet for something that describes who I am, it appears that I've finally ended up on these boards. From some of the posts I've read (however jargon filled they may be) there seems to be 'a lotta' love' on this forum.

    I'm generally a very outgoing person, how I speak to other people is in quite a confident, almost arrogant manner. I'd joke around and give people random nicknames (much like Sawyer from lost, if there are any other junkies out there). I never really tell anybody how I'm really feeling at the time. That's not to say I'm never happy, I just don't like burdening people with my problems.

    I'm not sure if the following is relevant information though I thought that its inclusion may prove helpful (maybe I'm going through a 'phase' or something)

    Age: 16
    Subjects studying at GCSE level: Maths, Ad Maths, English, English Literature, Full level of the three sciences (triple award to the GCSE literate), History, French (compulsory), Religious Education (compulsary).
    Grades last year: 4 A*s. 4 As and 2 Bs.
    Religious standpoint: Atheist
    Hobbies: Music and basically just going to bars and things.
    Taste in Music: I love musical with classical influences. Mozart just rocks. I also have a love for power metal bands (the way they kind of implement neo-classical styles into really heavy metal appeals to me)

    Anyway, the reason I'm here in the first place is because of the continuation of a social cycle that I go through. When I first meet people I refrain from talking to them until I know them. When I know them properly I get on great with them and for a period of about 6 months everybody adores me and I adore them. Then I get to know people a little bit better and bad things start to happen. It just seems that when I start to get on great with large groups of people I just can't help alienating them. One thing leads to another and some things are said that shouldn't of been said then I can't forgive myself for doing it. I can't even bear to speak to the person that I wronged so I just avoid everything and pretend that I don't exist in the hopes that everyone will forget about me. It never stops and I'm in my avoidance stage at the minute just wasting away infront of the computer screen. I'd stick up for any of them; like if somebody started a fight with them i'd be in there straight away trying to help them (at least I feel like I would). Hell, I don't even know if I'm doing it to protect them or to make me feel better about myself.

    Somehow I feel morally obligated to help and stand up for people and I absolutely hate it. It gets me into trouble with 'popular' people all the time which matters a lot to me. I am disgustingly vain and find myself looking into mirrors all the time. Anyway, on with the story. So a small popular kid in my class starts making fun of what would be considered by him (and also secretly by me) one of the nerdy kids of the class. I walk up to him and tell him to stop it to divert attention away from the guy he was picking on. Luckily, I'm 6ft 2 so there really wasn't much chance of me getting started on by the little gobsh***. Anyway, crisis averted and now I become even less popular. I just can't bear to see people that can't defend themselves be made fun of so I do my best to look out for them. I think the reason I do this is because they kind of remind me of myself a few years back.

    God I feel horribly narcissistic writing this.

    Anyway, by my calculations and my being in p6 or p7 I must have been 10 years old at the changing rooms at the local swimming pool. My childhood nemesis, a boy that my mother gave bad grades to (she's a teacher) stops me halfway between the showers and the changing rooms and tells me that I'm in the wrong changing rooms (a reference to my sex). I try to walk past him, he pushes me back. I try again, he pushes me back and I tell him to 'go to hell'. This is exactly what he was looking for and then he hits me in the eye. I yell 'come on' at him then he hits me again.

    I just f***ing stand there and take it like an idiot.

    He hits me about 7 or 8 times and I'm still standing there like a moron, not even bloody trying to fight back. He then walks off laughing and I finally bring up the courage to thump him in the back. He keeps on laughing. To add insult to injury the fight took place in front of his mate (who was there to back him up) and the both of them said that I had tried to strangle him. Meanwhile I'm sitting on a chair outside the changing rooms crying with blood spattered all over my face where all my freinds can see me and his father makes him come and apologise to me, putting the icing on the cake. After this I never returned to the swimming club again, avoiding it completely. Nowadays I often envisage myself getting revenge on him and anyone else that hurt me while I was a kid.

    I don't want to write about that anymore.

    As part of Northern Irish culture alcohol is essential to socialisation ages 15 plus. Horrid, I know but you're nobody if you don't drink. Or I'm nobody if I don't drink. I seem to make great impressions on people the first time I meet them, usually blocked and buying everybody at the bar drinks. People only seem to get on with me better when I drink so I do it as often as I can. Sometimes I don't even care if it's destroying my body or not, at least I'm happy for a couple hours each weekend and this seems to be the only real happiness I can derive from life.

    Really all I want is a damn girlfreind. I'll come out and say I'm not that bad looking, I certainly wouldn't be classed as hot though. I used to have long hair down to my shoulders, going for the whole 'tramp' effect. Started waxing it up now and it looks alot better.

    My relationships never last long and after the smallest little thing I break up with the doll usually leaving on very bad terms. This has happened for the past 5 girlfreinds.

    I often dream that 20 years from now, I'll have the girl of my dreams, she'll be 5ft 6 with blonde short hair (i'm into girls with short hair and no fashion sense whatsoever, though they have to be 'hot'). I'll stumble in completely drunk and she'll catch me in her arms and I'll tell her how much I love her. Then she'll haul my drunk ass to the bedroom and just tuck me into bed and we'll fall asleep together with both our clothes on in eachother's arms. No sex at all.

    I don't know if anybody can make any sense of my stupidity, but if you make an attempt I'll be very thankful. Kudos to anyone that has actually bothered to read this far and I'll get some high pitched violin players for next time.

    "Peace is but a shadow of death, desperate to forget its painful past... Though we hope for promising years. After shedding a thousand tears, yesterday's sorrow constantly nears. And while the moon still shines blue, by dawn it will turn to scarlet hue."

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    Welcome to the forum!

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    There was a lot of conflicting information there (type wise). At first I thought ExTx but the whole feel of the writing style and type of whining (no offense) is similar to that of an INTj I know quite well. The "no fashion sense" thing in the description of your ideal partner throws that off though.

    INTj is my guess for now. The Fi role and Se PoLR make sense. You seem to want to be with a Si type and I think you value Fe.

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    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    I have no idea what type you are except that it's a great description. Maybe ISTp/ESTj? It sounds like you have Delta values. Standing up for the little guy, etc.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  5. #5
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    Sawyer in Lost is probably ISTp and your taste for metal music suggests that you might be...

    Nah, when I read it I thought ENTp too (it's not like INTjs to go to bars!), but all the stuff about drinking in 20 years time doesn't seem like the kind of goals they would set themselves (what type would?).

    Your description of your dual doesn't sound ISFp (poor fashion sense etc. ), but that doesn't really count for anything.

    What do you do other than drinking? Like, what career do you want?

  6. #6
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    I dunno, to me it sounds like he's describing his 3rd and 4th functions. He seems to be describing things that disturb or frustrate him. He's unsure of who the "real" him is.

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  7. #7
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    something and (maybe.) alpha, generally, i think. or and ?

  8. #8
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    I don't see how he could be fe>fi based on that description.

    Seems to have "to love" as his agenda maybe too.

    It's always hard to say though of course. No one could know better than he could know. if you want to read some descriptions, Atrophy
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  9. #9
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    he reminds me of heathie in a way!

  10. #10
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    He doesn't "like" drinking. He does it because it allows him to be social. The INTj I know quite well was an alcoholic at 14 because his friends drank. Until very recently, he was a druggie because that's what holds his social group together. It sounds like he's ready to get rid of them though. Anyways, he seems reasonable over resolute for sure, meaning he's Alpha or Delta. I think he values Fe over Fi, making him Alpha. And the most traumatizing experience of his childhood was about getting beat up... Se PoLR. The fact that he described it for us and that he likes to stand up to weak kids who he can sympathize with indicates a Fi Role.

    And I have a feeling that if he had a healthy ESFj in his life he wouldn't drink so much. He needs to be taken care of in order to allow himself to be pulled out of the state that he's in.

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  11. #11
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    I'm not sure how to interpret things on the scale.

  12. #12
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    Atrophy, why did you choose that name for your screen name? Also, which description sounds most like your ideal relationship?

    The Analyst possesses clear logical thinking and therefore makes strict and well-grounded conclusions. This is exactly what The Bonvivant needs. His wild emotions often collide with objectivity in his understanding of what needs to be done. Moreover, he has trouble distinguishing between what is important from what is secondary. For this reason The Bonvivant tends to expend too much time and energy doing favors for people who could easily get by without such assistance. The Analyst suggests what is profitable and what is not worth wasting time and material on; otherwise The Bonvivant may be excessive.

    The Analyst loves intellectual development. He pays attention to new theories and technologies. The Bonvivant is receptive to everything new and willingly finds necessary information for The Analyst on issues that interest him. Since The Bonvivant is very active and prompt, he is always well informed about everything concerning demand and proposal. On the other hand, The Analyst lacks tact and sincere attention towards people. In this way he often unintentionally offends people. Others may feel he is impersonal or like objects of cold-minded analysis.

    The Bonvivant can bring warmth and easiness into communication. He often releases tension by his jokes and demonstrations of warm feelings. He uses close physical and psychological approaches - hugs, touches etc. In this way he softens ethical mistakes of The Analyst by turning serious things into ridiculous. In critical situations he can even apologize for his partner, unless he agrees with him. And when he agrees, he becomes like an emotional hurricane smashing opponents in his way.

    The second problem of the Analyst is lack of initiative. He often neglects his physical needs, and does not defend his interests unless it directly relates to his principles. However, in defending his principles The Analyst demonstrates outstanding inflexibility. One can break his impertinence only by influencing his softness, which he hides under a mask of haughtiness, but only in the sphere of relations and not ideas or principles.

    The Bonvivant easily manages such problems, especially because he rarely understands the sphere of abstract ideas and does not consider himself to be competent enough to argue about them. He is more interested in mundane problems. This is why he willingly cares for health and appearance of The Analyst, and by this softens his severe soul. He can protect practical interests (his dual does not always clearly understand them), round the departments, make arrangements, take care of everyday chores. He bravely rejects would-be-friends who in fact only want to use The Analyst’s skills for their own interest.

    The Bonvivant finds in The Analyst a source of clear information and total objectivity, which helps him to solve various problems and schedule actions. He arranges rest stops and amusements for his dual, who tends to deplete himself by working too hard. He is proud of himself when he succeeds in thawing the ice of The Analyst's mistrust and submits his independent partner to his emotional influence. He tames his proud nature and manages him so finely that the Analyst has no qualms ("because we want the same thing").

    The Bonvivant is an expert at manipulating emotions of others, thus arousing the necessary attitude of others. He understands the use of The Analyst's talents and hard work, and so does not hold back in praising him and creating efficient working conditions for him. The weakest point of The Bonvivant is his lack of foresight. His mistakes in global choices can be as great as The Analyst's mistakes in the sphere of feelings. The Analyst can predict the outcome of certain actions or events, if only he himself is not obsessed by emotions, which happens to him very rarely.

    In certain cases this dual pair may demonstrate a disregard for the morals and opinions of the others, shocking them by the straightforwardness of their actions.
    The Craftsman easily detects smallest deviations from esthetic standards in the surrounding world; such disharmony makes him feel distressed, awakes in him a feeling of discomfort, the desire to improve the situation, to perfect what he achieved or actually possesses – not only in the material world, but in his intellectual and spiritual development as well. This is why The Craftsman is exigent to himself and often also to the others. He likes nothing drab, trite and banal, strives for improvement of his own, his friends and family, beginning from the appearance and health, and up to the mental development. He is very curious, has wide range of interests, often he is not self-confident because of increased self-criticism. He needs praise of his capabilities, encouragement of his efforts.

    The Psychologist is just the kind of person who notices talents of the others, inspires them with belief in their capabilities, readily tells compliments. He notices even hidden capabilities and willingly encourages their development. This in turn very much commands respect of The Craftsman, who does not feel bored with such a partner. The Psychologist is useful to him also because he easily finds solutions to difficult situations, which would otherwise make The Craftsman feel depressed. Being thankful for that, The Craftsman takes care of the mental and external comfort of the one solving his internal problems.

    The Psychologist very much needs a caring partner and finds relaxation for his emotional and restless soul in the 'quiet haven' of a friend, who is constant in his words and deeds, reliable and faithful. The Craftsman creates convenience and comfort for The Psychologist, who is not much adapted to the real life, thus giving him the opportunity to focus on spiritual and intellectual values, generate new ideas, which will bring the taste of novelty into their common affairs.

    Everyday chores are usually undertaken by The Craftsman, who believes he can do them better. The Psychologist takes initiative in relations, can unite people around himself, and becomes the 'life of the party'. He gains people's favor, willingly advises on solving personal problems. He is a subtle psychologist, who understands well hidden motives of people. He emotionally demonstrates his attitude towards people; his sincerity, warmth and ingenuousness make others forgive his excessive straightforwardness and hot temper. He corrects The Craftsman's ethical mistakes, and often even his own, since he is not rancorous and likes people very much. His trustfulness disarms the incredulous Craftsman, and emotionality softens his more cold-tempered and reserved partner.

    The Craftsman is reticent enough and does not like to demonstrate his feelings. He can put a distance in communication, seems to be arrogant and non-sociable. But in the very depths of his soul he is thankful to the person who takes responsibility for ethical issues on himself. He likes The Psychologist's spirit of trust, whose permanent optimism, capability of foreseeing the future and perspectives of various undertakings, finding ways out of any problems. The Psychologist raises The Craftsman's confidence of the future, decrease his skepticism and mistrust towards everything new, not well known or not proven by practice. In addition, The Craftsman is sometimes excessively nervous and mistrustful; he exaggerates possible dangers not to mention real ones. But The Psychologist, who lives more in the future than in the present, 'calculates' everything in advance and in such moments call for caution, and at the same time calms down his partner when an alarm is false.

    The Craftsman is very technological and practical. He can work quickly and is well organized. He plans all stages of his work in advance, acquires all the necessary things in advance. He is enduring in perfecting details of his work, can separate important things from trifles, which is not an easy task for The Psychologist. The Psychologist's efficiency of working is high only in critical situations, while routine and monotonous, non-creative work deteriorates his vital tonus, being a source of boredom for this restless creative personality. The Psychologist gladly accepts a role of 'second' or 'assistant', which suits The Craftsman's commanding nature. The Craftsman does not like when others impose on him other ways of doing things than he would prefer. He is strives for real benefit and profit, unlike altruistic Psychologist, and this contributes to growth of material welfare of this dual pair.

    The Psychologist needs a partner indulgent enough to his weak points: negligence at work, lack of consideration to rules, norms and hierarchy, outbursts of non-motivated aggression. The Craftsman is indulgent to such, sometimes they even amuse him. He likes the independent nature of The Psychologist, which does not encroach on his own independence.

    The characteristic features of this dual pair are the independence from each other, as well as from others, harmony of relations and a restless spirit of creativity and self-development.
    The Seeker is somewhat 'not here and now', he longs for far-reaching projects. He is obsessed with many ideas, which he explains so vaguely that only few people can understand him. The Mediator, however, does not refuse them at once, but shows interest and if he finds in them something useful, he looks for support of people capable of practical implementation of these ideas. If these ideas, however, seem to him too naive, or if their implementation may be too problematic, The Mediator can 'earthen' The Seeker's redundant inventive energy, calm him down and distract from 'fighting windmills'. He appreciates The Seeker's originality of thought and often shares his passions. In general, he tolerantly attends to this 'eternal child', playing the role of a caring parent. He guides the practical side of their common life.

    The Seeker is critical towards everything created earlier. He looks for new ways and alternatives. Having analyzed the situation and finding its dubious aspects, he may provoke split in an organization and create his own group of adherents. But lack of tactfulness does not allow him to keep the adherents at his side. However, The Mediator is an expert at 'shuttle diplomacy'; he is quite capable of grouping people, softening the ethical mistakes of his dual and finding support of his superiors. He takes care of the comfort, rest and amusement of the party. He can arrange holiday parties. But in everyday chores he is mobile and strives for completion of his undertakings. That is if he is convinced in the perspective of the new undertakings, the suggested solution of complicated and intricate situations. The Mediator watches the flow of work and does not let The Seeker stop halfway by getting attracted to a new idea. The Seeker needs such a stabilizer both in affairs and in relations.

    The Seeker gets mobilized in critical moments: bravely repulses the enemy, protecting both his own interests and those of others. By doing this he sometimes loses the feeling of necessary limit. The Mediator who directs his initiatives watches him. When The Seeker loses vital tonus and begins neglect his duties, The Mediator 'arranges an emotional episode' for him and by this raises his spirits. But on the other hand, he can extinguish a quarrel by his diplomacy and jokes, before it results in rupture of relations. His feelings often return The Seeker ‘to solid ground’, distracting him from abstractions, making him think about practical tasks as well. The Seeker cannot regulate distance in communication; sometimes he is out of place, unceremonious, too credulous towards people, too kind to those who envy him. For this reason he may get into trouble. The Mediator saves him from this.

    The Mediator can take care of the health and comfort of others. The Seeker appreciates this trait of his dual very much. He responds to The Mediator with reciprocity. He strives to be faithful in their partnership and friendship, which is especially liked by The Mediator.

    Although The Mediator is ostentatiously optimistic, he is very much afraid of the future, as the source of uncertainty. His dual saves him from such doubts by making forecasts and especially by taking global strategic protective measures. The Mediator periodically falls into laziness but his dual does not rebuke him for it, in other words, does not require him to be always highly productive. The Mediator likes The Seeker's capability of deriving benefit from everything without much effort, of concluding profitable agreements, and he willingly assists his partner in such affairs.

    Ingenuousness, impulse of life and feelings represent the 'visiting card' of this dual pair.

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    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    I think that would be a pretty traumatic event no matter what your PoLR was. And it wasn't just getting beat up, it was all the drama afterward. The other guy's father making him apologize, etc.

    I still don't see Fe>Fi - he is all about standing up for the little guy no matter what other people think. And he says things he thinks he shouldn't, makes people feel bad, and then avoids them instead of trying to make them feel better. That doesn't sound very Fe to me. Sounds like Fe avoidance.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    I think that would be a pretty traumatic event no matter what your PoLR was. And it wasn't just getting beat up, it was all the drama afterward. The other guy's father making him apologize, etc.
    I think the key lies in why he decided to put that in his description.

    I still don't see Fe>Fi - he is all about standing up for the little guy no matter what other people think. And he says things he thinks he shouldn't, makes people feel bad, and then avoids them instead of trying to make them feel better. That doesn't sound very Fe to me. Sounds like Fe avoidance.
    Sounds like weak Fe and conscious Fi imo. He has weak Fe, so in the absence of his dual he depends on his Fi role to compensate. Note that he complained that he is becoming more unpopular as a result of this... he does value Fe, he's just not good at it.

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    how is popularity though? delta does/says unpopular things but they're still .

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    Fe isn't exactly popularity... it's more about warm social atmospheres and creating a sense of familiarity with those you come in contact with. It's also about societal norms and roles. (Yes, there's a lot more to it than that, I know.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    delta does/says unpopular things but they're still .

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    Why would an ESFj need to drink in order to be sociable or avoid friends due to inability to handle emotional issues?

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    that description is somewhat difficult to type, but ENTp seems to fit well enough.

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    intj makes the most sense to me

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    delta does/says unpopular things but they're still .
    i mean they do things for themselves (because it's their personal preference.)

    and why an ESFj would drink to handle emotional/instability issues, no idea. because they like to? /:

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    oic... the word "still" threw me off

    As for the ESFj stuff... reread what I wrote

    The drinking isn't to handle emotional issues, it's because it makes him more sociable. Losing friendships because of the inability to handle people's emotional issues was a separate comment. ESFjs are quite tactful and when there is a problem, they're dealing with it as it's arising.... not running away from it.

    The tactlessness is the only thing that suggests to me that he may be a Te type instead of an INTj.

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    He seems to be more of a negativist than positivist imo.

    At the same time though, he sorta sounds like he's at a point in his life where it would be difficult to type him.

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  25. #25


    I got out of it that the drinking was cultural... excuse the steriotype but he did say he was Irish and that drinking from age 15 onward was expected behavior there.

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    That part seems unimportant to me... more of a side note. He specifically mentioned that he gets along with people better and they like him more when he's drinking. The comment about sacrificing his health for that reminded me a lot of the INTj I know. The whole feel of the description did.

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  27. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    He specifically mentioned that he gets along with people better and they like him more when he's drinking
    because the norm for his culture is to be a drinker (also those are the effects of alchahol(SP?), feeling as your getting along with people and that they like you) If he wasn't drinking he'd be considered an outsider and somewhat shunned. You could be right but I don't think you can totally discount the cultural aspects.

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    It's difficult to explain... you'd have to know the INTj I know or someone like him. The two things we're talking about here, something that's socially expected yet unhealthy vs. something that fucks you up enough to make being social easier, are pretty much the same thing. He'll mention drinking/drugs like it's something he doesn't want to do in a tone that says that he doesn't really mind. Gah it's hard to explain.

    Who knows, I could be reading the description the wrong way.

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  29. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    It's difficult to explain... you'd have to know the INTj I know or someone like him. The two things we're talking about here, something that's socially expected yet unhealthy vs. something that fucks you up enough to make being social easier, are pretty much the same thing. He'll mention drinking/drugs like it's something he doesn't want to do in a tone that says that he doesn't really mind. Gah it's hard to explain.

    Who knows, I could be reading the description the wrong way.
    No I think you could be right on his descriptions of how the drinking makes him feel, and his feelings about the drinking. I'm just saying that the reasons for the drinking to me seem more cultural than stemming from any sort of INTj'ness... did that make sense? it's a fine point of distinction there that may not be all that relevant or meaningfull.

    Your recognizing his tone when discussing it may hold more weight for determining his type.

    He'll mention drinking/drugs like it's something he doesn't want to do in a tone that says that he doesn't really mind.
    I've been known to do the same thing though... I think most addicts describe their addictions rather dispassionatly while still negatively, unless they're in crisis that is....

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    Do you think it's also somewhat of an INxj trait though? Their hidden agenda is supposed to be "to be healthy" but I think for many "to feel good" ends up being more the case. This INTj has done a lot of drugs and built his entire social network on drugs. He drank when he was young (like 14) but stopped when he stopped hanging out with his friends that drank all the time. He made friends that did drugs instead and tended to do whatever drugs his friends did. I do believe that a large part of the reason he smoked/smokes weed is medical (he's got serious health issues), but that doesn't account for the tripping, rolling, tweaking... etc... When it came to alcohol, he'd drink if other people were but didn't for the most part (until he and I broke up, and then he drank a lot for a while but not at all anymore).

    Anyways, I'm curious to see what Atrophy says about his type.

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    ISFj would be my guess.
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    The original post I made was around 2am, sorry for the tardiness of my replies. I would also like to confess to using the boards as a method of support aswell as getting my type. I really didn't set off to whine about what annoys me and my grudges, it just kind of happened.

    Welcome to the forum!

    Again, not sure if this is relevant but I actually got a little bit peeved off when I read this the first time, felt like that from the shortness of the answer it was a bit of a pisstake. That was only at first though ^^

    What do you do other than drinking? Like, what career do you want?

    As a GCSE student this is kind of tearing me up at the moment because at the end of this year I will be forced to chose the subjects that I want to do for next year (four subjects). I always get top marks in Maths, Physics, History, English and I'm sure I could pull off chemistry if I put my mind to it. The problem here is that I'm not sure if ultimately I should use the sciences or the humanities later in life. With the sciences I feel that I would make more money and end up with more financial security. I am quite good at them and always have been. With the more wordy subjects I feel that I would get more out of life and ultimately end up happier. My teachers have been more inspirational in this than any other factor, my English and History teachers are the two best in the school hands down. I feel that it is a matter of money/happiness type thing. Law is a possibility that I am considering, I can take arguments apart but I am usually dependant on semantics to do so. Theoretical Physics is also a possibility, the notion of me discovering something that no-one else ever has and finding out the one solution to how and why we are here is very appealing.
    I had a notion to pick up psychology or psychiatry for a while, but looking at my dad (psychologist) steers may away from this root. He's worked about 13 hours a day for the past 15 years, people just shift work to him, expect him to do it and go and slack off and he just feels obligated to do it for them. I personally would tell them to 'fuck off' if you excuse the bad language, but that's just me.
    I also used to read a lot, but I haven't read (or I am very, very slowly reading) in a very long time. The last two books that I read were an analysation of Machiavelli (got about 3/4 of the way through before I couldn't bear it any longer), 'I Claudius' which had me hooked from the beginning and an analysation of Dante Allighieri , his life and works by Barbara Reynolds. I have a very strong tendency to start books and stop reading them.

    Atrophy, why did you choose that name for your screen name?

    Forgive the cheese, but it's a depiction of how I feel at the minute. I feel like I'm kind of just wasting away With no future ahead of me.

    Also, which description sounds most like your ideal relationship?

    Being perfectly honest, none of these three really appeal to me. The second and third sound more appealing than the first but as I said, still not appealing. I've seen people visually identify people by images on the forum so I thought I should include the image at the end. That is the hottest and most attractive photo of anyone, ever.

    I think the key lies in why he decided to put that in his description.

    It's kind of my main regret in life, why I didn't fight back. As I mentioned before I sort of started writing and then didn't stop till I had finished, these were the things that popped up. If you want me to write about anything specific, just ask.

    He seems to be more of a negativist than positivist imo.

    I am (or I like to believe I am) pretty much a humanitarian misanthropist. Of society as a whole I generally adopt a negative attitude though I always find myself wishing that I could make it a positive one, I just can't. I'd like to find out if I actually care about society as a whole though, as sometimes I doubt myself about whether I do or not.

    Anyways, I'm curious to see what Atrophy says about his type.

    Thankyou for specifically for taking an interest, and the person that has the tigers arse trapped in the D aswell for their avatar. And the guy with the kitten avatar.


    "Peace is but a shadow of death, desperate to forget its painful past... Though we hope for promising years. After shedding a thousand tears, yesterday's sorrow constantly nears. And while the moon still shines blue, by dawn it will turn to scarlet hue."

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    For the moment, I think ESTj.
    First eliminate every possible source of error. Thence success is inevitable.

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    Default Re: Hey Everybody, Looking to find my type

    Quote Originally Posted by Atrophy
    I'm generally a very outgoing person, how I speak to other people is in quite a confident, almost arrogant manner. I'd joke around and give people random nicknames (much like Sawyer from lost, if there are any other junkies out there). I never really tell anybody how I'm really feeling at the time. That's not to say I'm never happy, I just don't like burdening people with my problems.
    Not PoLR at least, not IXTp. Probably not dominant either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Atrophy
    Hobbies: Music and basically just going to bars and things.
    This may be stereotypical, but goes against any NT.

    Quote Originally Posted by Atrophy
    Anyway, the reason I'm here in the first place is because of the continuation of a social cycle that I go through. When I first meet people I refrain from talking to them until I know them.
    We probably can eliminate any dominant, and probably as 7th function too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Atrophy
    When I know them properly I get on great with them and for a period of about 6 months everybody adores me and I adore them. Then I get to know people a little bit better and bad things start to happen. It just seems that when I start to get on great with large groups of people I just can't help alienating them. One thing leads to another and some things are said that shouldn't of been said then I can't forgive myself for doing it.
    This is very odd, but suggests to me some irrational feeler.

    Quote Originally Posted by Atrophy
    I can't even bear to speak to the person that I wronged so I just avoid everything and pretend that I don't exist in the hopes that everyone will forget about me.
    No way in ego. Probably not even > .

    Quote Originally Posted by Atrophy
    It never stops and I'm in my avoidance stage at the minute just wasting away infront of the computer screen. I'd stick up for any of them; like if somebody started a fight with them i'd be in there straight away trying to help them (at least I feel like I would). Hell, I don't even know if I'm doing it to protect them or to make me feel better about myself.

    Somehow I feel morally obligated to help and stand up for people and I absolutely hate it. It gets me into trouble with 'popular' people all the time which matters a lot to me.
    That suggests a lot of things. Perhaps Delta as Slacker Mom said; perhaps > but not that clear either. A true type would not feel that conflicted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Atrophy
    I am disgustingly vain and find myself looking into mirrors all the time.
    Again, not a Se type.

    Quote Originally Posted by Atrophy
    Anyway, on with the story. So a small popular kid in my class starts making fun of what would be considered by him (and also secretly by me) one of the nerdy kids of the class. I walk up to him and tell him to stop it to divert attention away from the guy he was picking on. Luckily, I'm 6ft 2 so there really wasn't much chance of me getting started on by the little gobsh***. Anyway, crisis averted and now I become even less popular. I just can't bear to see people that can't defend themselves be made fun of so I do my best to look out for them. I think the reason I do this is because they kind of remind me of myself a few years back.
    No PoLR; perhaps Delta values; perhaps Caregiver; again probably > although not a very clear preference.

    Quote Originally Posted by Atrophy
    God I feel horribly narcissistic writing this.
    Not a Se type but I knew that already.

    Quote Originally Posted by Atrophy
    Anyway, by my calculations and my being in p6 or p7 I must have been 10 years old at the changing rooms at the local swimming pool. My childhood nemesis, a boy that my mother gave bad grades to (she's a teacher) stops me halfway between the showers and the changing rooms and tells me that I'm in the wrong changing rooms (a reference to my sex). I try to walk past him, he pushes me back. I try again, he pushes me back and I tell him to 'go to hell'. This is exactly what he was looking for and then he hits me in the eye. I yell 'come on' at him then he hits me again.

    I just f***ing stand there and take it like an idiot.

    He hits me about 7 or 8 times and I'm still standing there like a moron, not even bloody trying to fight back. He then walks off laughing and I finally bring up the courage to thump him in the back. He keeps on laughing. To add insult to injury the fight took place in front of his mate (who was there to back him up) and the both of them said that I had tried to strangle him. Meanwhile I'm sitting on a chair outside the changing rooms crying with blood spattered all over my face where all my freinds can see me and his father makes him come and apologise to me, putting the icing on the cake. After this I never returned to the swimming club again, avoiding it completely. Nowadays I often envisage myself getting revenge on him and anyone else that hurt me while I was a kid.
    Aha. Not a type, but it bothers him that he can't use it better.

    Quote Originally Posted by Atrophy
    I don't want to write about that anymore.

    As part of Northern Irish culture alcohol is essential to socialisation ages 15 plus. Horrid, I know but you're nobody if you don't drink. Or I'm nobody if I don't drink. I seem to make great impressions on people the first time I meet them, usually blocked and buying everybody at the bar drinks. People only seem to get on with me better when I drink so I do it as often as I can. Sometimes I don't even care if it's destroying my body or not, at least I'm happy for a couple hours each weekend and this seems to be the only real happiness I can derive from life.
    Such bits really suggest Fe over Fi preference, but I think there is more evidence to the contrary.

    Quote Originally Posted by Atrophy
    Really all I want is a damn girlfreind. I'll come out and say I'm not that bad looking, I certainly wouldn't be classed as hot though. I used to have long hair down to my shoulders, going for the whole 'tramp' effect. Started waxing it up now and it looks alot better.

    My relationships never last long and after the smallest little thing I break up with the doll usually leaving on very bad terms. This has happened for the past 5 girlfreinds.

    Quote Originally Posted by Atrophy
    I often dream that 20 years from now, I'll have the girl of my dreams, she'll be 5ft 6 with blonde short hair (i'm into girls with short hair and no fashion sense whatsoever, though they have to be 'hot'). I'll stumble in completely drunk and she'll catch me in her arms and I'll tell her how much I love her. Then she'll haul my drunk ass to the bedroom and just tuck me into bed and we'll fall asleep together with both our clothes on in eachother's arms. No sex at all.
    That's the easiest bit of all. Infantile, Si dual-seeking.

    Also, what he wrote later about the many possible career paths but not deciding is consistent with .

    ENFp, probably intuitive subtype which is why some saw ENTp and why the Fi>Fe preference is a bit blurred.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Thanks very much for the input expat.

    Could somebody please tell me what the circles, triangles, squares and the big squares with a little square taken out of them mean? Also, what are the subtypes? What does PoLR mean?

    I've taken a look at the ENFP profile and I'll say what kind of goes with/goes against.

    What does Success mean to an ENFP?

    ENFPs are motivated in everything that they do by a desire to understand the world around them. They are constantly searching about. Mentally and physically, for input that will help them to better understand the Big Picture. They are open-minded to new people and new experiences; they’re eager for the opportunity to understand what the new people and experiences are all about. ENFPs use their understanding of the world to serve the agendas of their value systems. An ENFP’s value system often includes respect for the needs and desires of individual people over the needs of a social group. Their respect for the individual makes them dislike controlling others, and being controlled by others. ENFPs are passionate about their beliefs, whatever they may be. They often stubbornly adhere to their value system regardless of threats to its validity. They are more concerned with keeping true to what they believe than they are with expectations or demands from the social group that they function within. ENFPs dislike personal criticism, because it threatens their validity as an individual and the validity of their value system. ENFPs may internalize anger rather than express it; their respect for other individuals makes it difficult for them to hurt others. An ENFP’s feeling of success depends upon the availability of opportunities to grow their understanding of the world, upon feeling that they’re living true to their personal value system, and upon the condition of their closest relationships.
    That's me in a nutshell. Completely fits the bill.

    Allowing Your ENFP Strengths to Flourish

    As an ENFP, you have gifts that are specific to your personality type that aren't natural strengths for other types. By recognizing your special gifts and encouraging their growth and development, you will more readily see your place in the world, and be more content with your role.

    Nearly all ENFPs will recognize the following characteristics in themselves. They should embrace and nourish these strengths:

    · They’re exceptionally perceptive about people and situations. They’re often able to quickly and accurately assess where someone is coming from.
    · They accept and value people as individuals, and are strongly egalitarian. They believe that individuals have the right to be themselves, and are very tolerant and accepting of most people.
    · They’re often deep and intelligent, and may be quite brilliant in their ability to tie things together. They’re wired to look for connections in the external world, and so they may mentally put things together more easily than others.
    · Their interest in understanding the world usually makes them in tune with what’s socially acceptable and what isn’t. This may help them to be popular and likeable.
    · They’re highly creative. This ability may be used in an artistic way, or may be used to generate ideas and new ways of thinking.

    ENFPs who have developed their Introverted Feeling to the extent that they apply judgement to all of their perceptions will enjoy these very special gifts:

    · They will have the ability to follow through on projects they’ve begun.
    · They will be less gullible and malleable, and generally more able to discern between “good” and “bad”, rather than accepting everything without question.
    · They may be highly artistic.
    · They will have the ability to focus and concentrate deeply on tasks. This enhanced ability to think and process information internally will make them more capable on many levels.
    · They will balance out their desire to meet new people and have new experiences with the desire to put their understanding to use in some way.
    · They will find more meaning and purpose in their lives.
    Well the first set of bullet points is me basically. In the second set there is very little in common with me...

    They will have the ability to follow through on projects they’ve begun.

    This is a main concern of mine as my interests change quite rapidly as I find myself getting bored very often. My Coursework for school is usually in by the deadline though, it seems I'm always doing those kinds of things at the last moment however.

    They will be less gullible and malleable, and generally more able to discern between “good” and “bad”, rather than accepting everything without question.

    I am very, very gullible and I do change alot in certain circumstances. But when I see something happening that shouldn't be happening to another human being, I can't help myself taking their side of things regardless of my situation.

    They may be highly artistic.

    I'm alright on this one (if being artistic is in reference to music). I have generally advanced concepts on a musical level and my sight reading is almost on par with my actual practiced playing. I've been playing for eight years now. I have however never sat out to learn pretty much any musical theory, anything I pick up about scales and chordal intervals is what I've found out while goofing out with my mates on my guitar (secondary instrument). This is real laziness on my part, as I know music theory would really help to broaden my horizons as far as playing is concerned, I can just never bring myself to do it.

    They will have the ability to focus and concentrate deeply on tasks. This enhanced ability to think and process information internally will make them more capable on many levels.

    Not so good, I'm prone to being distracted quite a lot by my freinds, it does frustrate me sometimes. I find myself wishing that the teacher would force us to move seats in class so I don't have to sit beside my freinds and always talk to them. It's basically the reason I'm not doing well in chemistry... Horrible Teacher + Bad Seating = Meltdown.

    They will balance out their desire to meet new people and have new experiences with the desire to put their understanding to use in some way + They will find more meaning and purpose in their lives.

    I can safely say that I blow goats at the last two, a) I'm always going out when I could be doing work b) I'm living a very purposeless life at the moment (I feel that anyway)

    Potential Problem Areas

    Most of the weaker characteristics found in ENFPs are due to their dominant Extraverted Intuition overshadowing the personality to the extent that they don’t apply judgement to anything. Or, they may use their primary judging function (Introverted Feeling) to support the agenda of Extraverted Intuition, i.e. to rationalize and support the idea of welcoming all experiences and accepting all individuals. In such cases, an ENFP may show some or all of the following weaknesses in varying degree:

    · May be what many would call a “sucker”; vulnerable to schemers and con artists.
    · May get themselves into dangerous situations because they’re too eager to push the envelope of their understanding, and not willing to apply judgement to anything.
    · May feel intense anger towards people who criticize them or try to control them. But will be unable to express the anger. Left unexpressed, the anger may fester and simmer and become destructive.
    · May blame their problems on other people, using logic and ration to defend themselves against the world.
    · May develop strong negative judgements that are difficult to unseed against people who they perceive have been oppressive to them.
    · May get involved with drugs, alcohol, or promiscuity, and generally seek mindless experiences and sensations.
    · May skip from relationship to relationship without the ability to commit.
    · May start projects but be unable to finish them.
    · May be unable to stick to a career or job for any length of time.
    Everything here applies in large quantities.

    Also I find that the way when I compliment people I ridicule them slightly in the process ... as if to say ...

    AG:"God I'm so ugly looking today"
    M: "No your not, I'd pretty much guarantee that any guy in this room would shag you"
    AG: "I really am ugly"
    M: "Would you shut up woman, you're hot and that's that."

    So, how do I fix me? How can I eradicate the negative points and start racking up some of the good things?
    "Peace is but a shadow of death, desperate to forget its painful past... Though we hope for promising years. After shedding a thousand tears, yesterday's sorrow constantly nears. And while the moon still shines blue, by dawn it will turn to scarlet hue."

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    I'm trying to think who else writes like you. Your posts are very long meaning you're talkative and it sounds sorta uptight and awkward to me than smooth and flowy. Maybe that's just personality. I said INTJ because no other 16 year old I know would write in that way.

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    I said INTJ because no other 16 year old I know would write in that way
    You sure know how to make a girl feel welcome
    "Peace is but a shadow of death, desperate to forget its painful past... Though we hope for promising years. After shedding a thousand tears, yesterday's sorrow constantly nears. And while the moon still shines blue, by dawn it will turn to scarlet hue."

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    holy moly
    ah, i figured it out
    hey there, welcome!
    well, I'm just pointing out what I notice,
    I am too lazy to figure out the function stuff so I figure out the other stuff using my infp powers

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    I don't really think I fit the bill for an INTJ though, or more I don't want to fit the bill for an INTJ.

    From what I've read INTJs make their assumptions on the premise that everything makes sense. I don't believe that everything makes sense.
    "Peace is but a shadow of death, desperate to forget its painful past... Though we hope for promising years. After shedding a thousand tears, yesterday's sorrow constantly nears. And while the moon still shines blue, by dawn it will turn to scarlet hue."

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    That part seems unimportant to me... more of a side note. He specifically mentioned that he gets along with people better and they like him more when he's drinking. The comment about sacrificing his health for that reminded me a lot of the INTj I know. The whole feel of the description did.
    I think every ISTp I know IRL drinks to be more social.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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