What are ESTjs like in relationships?
Not very spontaneous or the word Boring comes to mind "sometimes." Also, Very caring and devoted... When I was with her she meant everything to me.

How do you guys express your love to him/her in a relationship?
I was told I didn't say it enough...lol i always figured that the things I did for her showed it enough but she actually told me that it would have meant a lot to actually tell her more than I did. I guess, I seemed to take her for granted and didn't express my love as much as I should have. From what I've read that's something good about my dual since it's more understood to the other person and doesn't really need to be said as often.

Being from the Delta Quadra, do you guys view those from the other quadras as being immatured? (no offence to any types, i'm just curious because I have seen some ESTjs complaining about he immaturity of people more than the other types. Even commenting about the immaturity of those from the Delta quadra. One ESTj I know seems to think he's really matured and has seen it all.)
I'm one of the people who will tell people "i've been there, done that, so you shouldn't do it." and i'll be the person that makes sure to rub it in when i was right...lol
I think that people should live life while young and get married later. I always tell people that their crazy for moving as quickly in a relationship as they are...here's a good example from lately.
Me and my roommate had lived together for 2 yrs and in the last couple months we lived together he met this very nice girl. (it was about 5 months ago) They dated for the last 3 months that we lived in our apartment and we went our different ways and moved to single one bedroom apartments. So, about a week after we moved out of the apartment he tells me that him and his girl are getting married, they dated for about 3 months at that point. I told him that he's a dumbass and that he's making a mistake, she's 20 and he's 25 and she hasn't really experienced life yet as he has, which is quite a bit. lol.
I am very good friends with him and of course he knows that I'm saying this because I'm one of the few people he knows that will tell him my opinion on everything and it's usually a valid point. I told him that i'm all for it if he's ready for it and thinks she's the right one...it's his life and i'm cool with him regardless, I just thought it was ludacris...lol they got married about a month ago and I'm happy for him.
So, last week he tells me she's pregnant. So i hit him in the shoulder and called him a dumbass again and that was pretty much all I could add to that conversation. So he got married and has a kid on the way in only knowing her for a little less than 5 months. My ex lived with me for 2 years before I didn't think she was the right one. I just don't like seeing others do something they may regret later on. eh...I don't feel like writing anymore...lol