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Thread: Is Socionics worth it in the long run?

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  1. #1


    Socionics is only as useful as the framework and attitude you provide. On it's own it's not very fruitful. Within greater contexts and with good purposes, there's some good to be had. Personally, I think getting some practical returns and being able to connect the concepts with reality and other ideas are important. What even is socionics? What is type? Why is it important? How do you type someone? Etc.

    It can be a pretty solid system for personal growth - you can look in the direction of how to learn new things and take new approaches by seeing how different types approach things. It can help you see blindspots you might not be aware of and deal with them. It can help you understand how others think, which hopefully leads to an understanding that people see things differently and therefore do things you might not agree with, with no ill intent (or at least, less ill intent). It can teach you how you can help others with your strengths, and how you can build teams of people to achieve good things. It can provide some terminology and a framework to organize and communicate ideas of how people work.

    However, it can't provide an identity. It can't pick out the perfect relationship. It can't tell you what you're good or bad at, or what career you should choose. It can't tell you who to like or dislike. In fact, there are a lot of things socionics can't do. As long as you don't put too much pressure on it, it's a fine tool. Just don't place more importance on it than it's due.

  2. #2
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    The mass usefulness of Socionics may appear when will exist high accuracy (>90%) to identify types by tests and typers.

    Today to get a use needs serious own efforts, - what most people will not do. Those who write on forums show that most people behave naively and irresponsibly to the typology. What most may do with bad typology skills and knowledge more probably will be useless or harmful.
    Even to identify types of well known people with good accuracy needs 1-2 years of typology study - correct theory and practice of typing of people near you. It's not the approach when you trust to any hypothetical nonsense (Reinin traits, for example). And to some typer cause you like his sweet and smart-alike talking. You need to know good typology basics yourself, to check your type by IR to be more objectively sure in it and to have not bad own typing skills.

    About good IR pair, besides the said above.
    Also you need a luck that someone having good IR was noticed by you, were conditions you'd could communicate significantly with him to understood correctly his type.
    Then you need a luck he would fit to other your requirements as a pair, besides good IR.
    Then you need serious efforts to make a good pair and a luck that external factors not opposing you too much.

    Also. After >25 yo exist general problems to make a new pair. As most people of near age have stable pairs already and mb even kids. That you may notice good IR people will not improve the situation magically.
    Since mid of 2000s Internet helps to some degree to find people without marriages and stable pairs. But you'll initially have only photos (videos are rare) and a little of text. To suppose types by such info is not good and also not IRL typing needs significantly better skills (while the time works against you). You'll also need to understand other important about that human. It's a risky way where you may spend much of time on not good for you ones, even when you have some typology knowledge and even when some of them will have good IR indeed.
    It's also not a way comfortable for many people to make active searching and meetings with random ones, only cause they seem to have good IR and look cute on a surface. Mostly people prefer to choose pairs or show an interest to among well knowns ones, which appeared near by external factors. So was the main approach all the time of the past and to this our instincts are adopted the most. Introverts may have additional difficulties with active searching.

    Ideal situation for Socionics usage is. You are 16-22 yo and notice good IR people among the ones with who you study, work, communicate IRL, may see significantly. You pay more attention on those people and mb some of them will inspire significant feelings. If so happens - you get good bonus for good long pair as good IR factor.
    Also good situation is when you have near IRL someone interested to make a pair with good IR, which also fits to your other requirements. Who lives or works near, with who you may talk enough by different reasons to identify the type with an assurance. When you may know good other about that human to evaluate possible traits of relations. As a variant - you may get an interest to someone random (initially without high chance on good IR), somehow to talk more IRL, and then to notice good IR and other what you want. It's possibly and knowledge of types is useful for such cases.


    Besides typology itself, may help its principles of good relations - the attitude on close friendship. People underesteemate this often and this reduces good pairs. They concentrate on related to sexual passion and reduce the attention on how much that human also can be good friend for you. Sexual passion reduces much during 3 years in relations mainly based on it and with low friendship possibility. Stays not much between such people in a short time, except moral duties, household, kids, etc.
    This kind of help of Socionics may be the main now. As the majority do not study the typology good enough for good typing accuracy, even for typing well known people. Also the attitude on a friendship abbility arises a chance to get good IR and other good traits for good relations. People may do not think about types at all during this.

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