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Force Sensation (F) — extraverted sensing; function of the psyche responsible for excitability and release of the accumulated aggression.
F — Cognitively, state F means perception of strength-weakness.
Thinking in this state is extremely concrete, grounded, objectified. It is
necessarily accompanied by muscular sensations. Thinking technology F
is most conveniently compared to probing or weighing an object. F thinking
is non-verbal: it does not use words. A man who thinks by force
sensation lowers his eyes down to the ground. He seems to be listening to
his body. In society, a person with a persistent state of F pretends to be the force
center of the group. He intervenes in the course of the group’s activities
when it feels that it is necessary to accelerate, slow, or even
change the direction of events. F-type as a conductor controls the group
in one movement of the hand, turning the head or changing the position of
the body, but he usually does not want to be in front of the group, to
formally lead it. Therefore, another name for the F-role in society is an
informal or shadow leader.
Psychologically, the state of F is felt as complete self-confidence. Any
doubts, worries, or reflections are incompatible with this state. There is a
sense of mastery, wherever this person is. He has an attitude to win at any
cost and has a strong nervous system and self control. The state of F
rapidly mobilizes forces, preparing at any second to strike or repel a blow.
All these are unambiguous psychological signs of the state F.
At the physical level, this state requires a massive, full body. There is
little movement, but all of them are committed firmly, in one jerk, without
pauses. Notice the static posture of a man standing strong on both feet.
The stare is sharp, close, and heavy. Under this stare you are being
weighed, the balance of forces is assessed. Despite the solid grounding, the
axis of rotation passes through the body: the state F is very dodgy: the
body easily turns to either side, quickly reacting to a situation in front,
behind, and from the side.
SLE Khabib vs SEE Connor displaying Se from start to finish:
Extroverted sensing is an extroverted, irrational, and static information element. It is also called Se, F, volitional sensing, or black sensing. Se includes the ability to know how much power, force, or influence is latent or required. Types that value Se are much more comfortable with direct behavior aimed at making an immediate impact. This may at times be perceived as abrasive, particularly by types who do not value Se. There is usually a competitive edge to this style of group interaction, resulting in a more intense atmosphere than that of introverted sensing (Si)-valuing quadras. They appreciate contemplating possibilities only if they feel like they stand to gain something from it, or it has a perceived potential impact on "the real world". Unlike Si, which is about one's subjective sensory experience (how intense or enjoyable it is), Se is about achieving an object of desire. It gives one the ability to influence, bend, and push situations and people in order to achieve such an object, rather than to enjoy the situation one is in.