Fave subjects: Math and Science (pretty generic ILE I know hahah)
Least fave subjects: History and Geography
I hated school though lol
Never liked learning stuff by obligation. The whole routine of going everyday to school was also a huge pain in the ass for me.

As for my social life it was meh, I had friends and all but it was always the weirdos lol. I was generally liked but kinda in a 'class pet' or 'funny kid' sort of way. Not one of the cool guys lol.
My best friends were... uhhhh I think I had 2 SEI guy friends (closest friends), an LII/EII guy and my SLI cousin. Sadly I didn't know about socionics back then cause I shoulda done more to keep in contact with em cause they were good friends. Looking back I was a shitty friend and it's one of the very few things that I regret.

School generally sucked and I wanted to grow up fast but now I kinda wanna go back to those carefree days without adult responsibilities haha