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    The vax spike protein messes with SIRT6, the immune system master key and responsible for aging as Portuguese just demonstrated in mice. I won't be surprised people start dying early, like the athlete deaths all over the world that the MSM does not report on.

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    This video contains disturbing images of athletes collapsing and going into cardiac arrest on camera from this past year.

    We are being lied to. Fuck Pfizer.

  3. #323
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Well, I'll definitely keep an eye on this. But it's also worth pointing out that it was a scientist who blew the whistle, and that it was an organization (The BMJ) run by scientists that reported on it. And that points to a culture of verification in place and that the free flow of information isn't being impeded.
    A culture of verification which doesn’t exist at the FDA or the companies producing the vaccines, sure. And, again, the majority of scientists there said nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Question for vaccine skeptics: Would you take the new anti-Covid pill?
    What, Pfizer’s? Maybe if I were dying. But I have no reason to believe reports of its efficacy aren’t being lied about just as they were for the vaccine. No one should trust that company or the FDA after seeing what’s been happening for this entire “pandemic.”

    And, of course, there's the matter that Covid still isn't dangerous for anyone who isn't old or terribly unhealthy. If you're neither of those things, why take it?
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 11-11-2021 at 02:15 AM.

  4. #324
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    Quote Originally Posted by blegh View Post
    she had actually already had covid-19 earlier in the year, but still chose in the end to get fully vaccinated to boost her immunity against reinfection (she DID NOT want to get it again).
    It doesn’t prevent reinfection, only adverse symptoms from (re)infection.

    The vaccine does not prevent spread of the virus when initially contracted either, just like getting a flu shot doesn’t prevent the spread of the flu. It only reduces transmission after the first week or so. On the contrary, people who go out and about more (often people who are confident about it after getting vaccinated) have been called “superspreaders” for a time in the news.
    Last edited by lookin4waifu; 11-10-2021 at 05:32 PM.

  5. #325
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    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 11-11-2021 at 02:20 AM.

  6. #326

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    Pure hypocrisy. All of it. From top to bottom.

  7. #327
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    FDA asks federal judge to give it until 2076 to release Pfizer vaccine data

    So. The FDA can apparently review over 329,000 pages of documents in 108 days in order to approve the largest medical experiment in human history, but it won’t release that data to public review for over 50 years? Hm, makes you wonder whose interests the FDA is concerned with.

    As the article says:
    So, let’s get this straight. The federal government shields Pfizer from liability. Gives it billions of dollars. Makes Americans take its product. But won’t let you see the data supporting its product’s safety and efficacy. Who does the government work for? The lesson yet again is that civil and individual rights should never be contingent upon a medical procedure. Everyone who wants to get vaccinated and boosted should be free to do so. But nobody should be coerced by the government to partake in any medical procedure. Certainly not one where the government wants to hide the full information relied upon for its licensure until the year 2076!
    In other news, Pfizer CEO says people who spread misinformation on Covid vaccines are ‘criminals.’

    Speaking of criminals, can you guess who was given the largest criminal fine in American history — on the charge of spreading misinformation about drugs?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    FDA asks federal judge to give it until 2076 to release Pfizer vaccine data

    So. The FDA can apparently review over 329,000 pages of documents in 108 days in order to approve the largest medical experiment in human history, but it won’t release that data to public review for over 50 years? Hm, makes you wonder whose interests the FDA is concerned with.

    As the article says:
    Yes, @FreelancePoliceman, the way the government is acting here is wrong. Taxpayer money paid for that research and the taxpayer's (supposed) representative (the govt) guaranteed Pfizer a market for the product.

    I've been in private negotiations and if one party pays for the research and development, then they own the product. The party which does the research and production is just the hired help.

    The reason this happens, of course, is that Pfizer makes campaign contributions to lawmakers. If you are wondering why lawmakers don't work for your interests, just ask yourself how much you've contributed to their campaign funds, and who is enabling the lawmakers to keep their cushy jobs when they are unqualified even to collect trash.

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    I’ve mostly recovered from the effects of my shot yesterday, but not completely.
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  10. #330
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    And, of course, there's the matter that Covid still isn't dangerous for anyone who isn't old or terribly unhealthy. If you're neither of those things, why take it?
    I think that the main argument for vaccines, lock downs, and other measures, isn't over the question of the virus' lethality, but that the virus would overwhelm hospitals and the health care system (according to the news reports that I've seen, this has indeed been the case in many jurisdictions).

    Unless you were willing to deny hospitalizations for other non-dangerous diseases, denying hospital access to COVID patients would be oddly selective. And even if you did, you'd need to perform an examination to determine whether the patient had COVID in the first place, a process that could itself overwhelm the health care system.

    That said, do lock downs, masks, and other measures actually work to stop the virus' spread? I'll decide that in a decade, after reading the hundreds of forthcoming PHD theses on Sweden's experience. (It had one of the lowest COVID rates in Europe but the highest among the Nordic countries.)
    Last edited by xerx; 11-19-2021 at 06:12 AM. Reason: .

  11. #331
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I think that the main argument for vaccines, lock downs, and other measures, isn't over the question of the virus' lethality, but that the virus would overwhelm hospitals and the health care system (according to the news reports that I've seen, this has indeed been the case in many jurisdictions)
    That’s not been the message to the public. If it were, there wouldn’t be an emphasis on young and healthy people getting the vaccine (let alone children), there wouldn’t be efforts to take away the rights of the unvaccinated, and there would be efforts to give more resources to hospitals or set up emergency clinics, which hasn’t really been done. Encouraging people to exercise and eat well hasn't been done either, even though obesity seems to be the primary comorbidity in covid deaths -- no, the vaccine is the only option; people are only forced to take it, but aren't forced to exercise. And people who’ve had Covid already certainly wouldn’t be pressured into getting vaccinated.

    So, why is the message what it is? The most obvious answer is that it’s not really about not overwhelming hospitals.

    That said, do lock downs, masks, and other measures actually work to stop the virus' spread? I'll decide that in a decade, after reading the hundreds of forthcoming PHD theses on Sweden's experience. (It had one of the lowest COVID rates in Europe but the highest among the Nordic countries.)
    Unless someone can explain to me why masks were only “proven” to work at reducing the spread of a virus after March 2020 and were generally acknowledged to have at best marginal effects in optimal environments before then, the safest bet seems to me that they’re another symptom of mass hysteria. Lockdowns probably slowed the spread out over time, sure, at the cost of economies and people’s health, lives, and livelihoods.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 11-19-2021 at 04:19 PM.

  12. #332
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    That’s not been the message to the public. If it were, there wouldn’t be an emphasis on young and healthy people getting the vaccine (let alone children), there wouldn’t be efforts to take away the rights of the unvaccinated, and there would be efforts to give more resources to hospitals or set up emergency clinics, which hasn’t really been done. Encouraging people to exercise and eat well hasn't been done either, even though obesity seems to be the primary comorbidity in covid deaths -- no, the vaccine is the only option; people are only forced to take it, but aren't forced to exercise. And people who’ve had Covid already certainly wouldn’t be pressured into getting vaccinated.

    So, why is the message what it is? The most obvious answer is that it’s not really about not overwhelming hospitals.
    According to sources, the claim is that vaccinated people are less likely to spread COVID. (EDIT: by spread I'm referring to direct, physical transmission from one person to another). Whether or not that's actually true, I'm not qualified to answer.

    I agree that we should have built more hospitals and other critical infrastructure, critical infrastructure that would have allowed businesses and popular venues to function. Even basic things like state-subsidized glass walls would have been pretty nice. But, in the current political climate, this sort of centralized effort would have likely been defeated by an anti-statist coalition.

    And while I wholeheartedly agree that we should encourage people to exercise, it would never work as Westerners are too entrenched in absolutist interpretations of personal liberty. Even if there was a miraculous turn of events that led people to take care of their health, it would be too little too late.

    Unless someone can explain to me why masks were only “proven” to work at reducing the spread of a virus after March 2020 and were generally acknowledged to have at best marginal effects in optimal environments before then, the safest bet seems to me that they’re another symptom of mass hysteria. Lockdowns probably slowed the spread out over time, sure, at the cost of economies and people’s health, lives, and livelihoods.
    Honestly, I don't know enough about masks to answer this. Hit me up in 2030, after we get a fuller analysis.
    Last edited by xerx; 11-19-2021 at 06:43 PM.

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    FDA clears Moderna's and Pfizer's Booster Shots for all Adults

    The approval comes about two months late — after scientists advising the FDA rejected the administration’s original plans to start distributing boosters to all adults the week of Sept. 20, citing a lack of data supporting the third doses. FDA Acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock also cleared the doses without the usual public meeting to review new data submitted by the companies in the last week. Moderna resubmitted its application just two days ago. The companies announced the decision Friday morning.
    Things that make you go "hmm."

  14. #334
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    Data from the UK shows that vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age. Anyone feel like taking a stab at explaining this one?

    A possible answer from the US: ACS Risk Biomarkers Significantly Increase [More Than Double] After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine

    Link to abstract

    From prevaccination to postvaccination, the levels of IL-16 increased from 35=/-20 to 82=/-75 above the norm. Soluble Fas showed an increase from 22±15 to 46=/-24 above the norm. HGF rose from 42±12 to 86±31 above the norm. As a result, the 5-year ACS PULS risk score increased from 11% to 25%. By the time the report was published, changes had persisted for 2.5 months or more after the second vaccine dose.
    So according to this study your chance of experiencing a cardiac event [e.g. a heart attack] more than doubles if you get double-vaccinated with an mrna vaccine.

    Is the risk worth it?

    What a difference vaccines have made!

    Here's a question: what do you think a chart for 2022 would look like? Here's a second question: why do southern states have fewer cases? Particularly, why does Florida, center of Covid mandate resistance, have the lowest infection levels in the US?

    Incidentally, the FDA has also admitted that the vaccines cause heart conditions. The difference seems to be that the FDA has said it can't study how common they are.

    We have determined that an analysis of spontaneous postmarketing adverse events reported under section 505(k)(1) of the FDCA will not be sufficient to assess known serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis and identify an unexpected serious risk of subclinical myocarditis.

    Really makes you feel fuzzy and warm knowing that the experts are keeping us all safe! Helps put my previous post into context, I'm sure. Helps speed the approval process of vaccines which cause myocarditis and pericarditis along when you don't study this risk in the first place!

    See also the FDA spook at 1 hour and 13 minutes:

    We’re never going to learn how safe the vaccine is [for children] unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes.

    "Trust the experts."
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    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 11-20-2021 at 10:36 PM.

  15. #335
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    @Freelance Policeman I appreciate that you're keeping this conversation going.

    My boss is following the vaccine developments as closely as you are and is quite critical of our government's response and how this is affecting him and other small business owners. He raised doubts that the mRNA vaccine (Pfizer's specifically) will continue to accurately "encapsulate/capture" the spike protein relevant to the current strain of Covid-19.

    Based on what he said, my take: The vaccine provides instructions to our bodies to create antibodies against a specific appearance of virus spike protein - but the virus, as it spreads, is not as static/frozen in time. The effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine should be similar to that of a regular seasonal influenza vaccine, but I wonder if there is something specific to Covid-19 that makes it rapidly fluctuate in its appearance. I posted some images in this thread about the deployment of the vaccine types.

    One issue with data recording (such as that you've linked to above) could be this: if the death rates are looked at in relation to vaccine uptake only - and removed from the context of lockdowns being lifted/more of the population milling about and able to transit the virus - you have muddied the data. Even if unintentionally.

    I don't quite know how to interpret the article below on herd immunity, but I thought you might be interested - if you wouldn't mind reading it and letting me know your thoughts?
    Why are there so many vaccinated people in hospital - from an Australian magazine.

    As I mentioned above I struggle to interpret the statistics and how this pertains to the vaccines effectiveness.

    My main concern is the effect that lockdown and seeding distrust of one another the pandemic environment has on individuals. While we can carry a digital vaccine card and use that to gain pass/entry to venues that could potentially cause a super-spreader event, from the outside we still look like the same person: vaccinated or not. Unless we wear a badge declaring our status someone who hasn't gotten to know us yet might approach us with concern and doubt (understandably wanting to protect themselves from any harm you might present).

    I'm probably overthinking this. All the better for me to air these thoughts and gain some perspective on them.
    Last edited by thistle; 11-21-2021 at 01:23 AM.

  16. #336
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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    @Freelance Policeman I appreciate that you're keeping this conversation going.

    My boss is following the vaccine developments as closely as you are and is quite critical of our government's response and how this is affecting him and other small business owners. He raised doubts that the mRNA vaccine (Pfizer's specifically) will continue to accurately "encapsulate/capture" the spike protein relevant to the current strain of Covid-19.

    Based on what he said, my take: The vaccine provides instructions to our bodies to create antibodies against a specific appearance of virus spike protein - but the virus, as it spreads, is not as static/frozen in time. The effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine should be similar to that of a regular seasonal influenza vaccine, but I wonder if there is something specific to Covid-19 that makes it rapidly fluctuate in its appearance. I posted some images in this thread about the deployment of the vaccine types.

    One issue with data recording (such as that you've linked to above) could be this: if the death rates are looked at in relation to vaccine uptake only - and removed from the context of lockdowns being lifted/more of the population milling about and able to transit the virus - you have muddied the data. Even if unintentionally.

    I don't quite know how to interpret the article below on herd immunity, but I thought you might be interested - if you wouldn't mind reading it and letting me know your thoughts?
    Why are there so many vaccinated people in hospital - from an Australian magazine.

    As I mentioned above I struggle to interpret the statistics and how this pertains to the vaccines effectiveness.

    My main concern is the effect that lockdown and seeding distrust of one another the pandemic environment has on individuals. While we can carry a digital vaccine card and use that to gain pass/entry to venues that could potentially cause a super-spreader event, from the outside we still look like the same person: vaccinated or not. Unless we wear a badge declaring our status someone who hasn't gotten to know us yet might approach us with concern and doubt (understandably wanting to protect themselves from any harm you might present).

    I'm probably overthinking this. All the better for me to air these thoughts and gain some perspective on them.
    Firstly. The vaccines don't provide immunity; they don't stop you from dying; they don't stop you from transmitting the virus. The virus is never going away, and it will mutate to be less affected by the vaccines. Even if every single person gets vaccinated, Covid's not going away. It's a safe bet that everyone will get Covid at some point in their lives. Given what happened to Israel this summer, and Florida's current state, it seems pretty unlikely they even make transmission less likely. So even if you grant that vaccines make you less likely to die from the coronavirus (and putting aside increased risks of heart conditions), why are people's jobs and civil rights being threatened over a decision that only really affects them?

    Secondly, as you said, a lot of data surrounding these vaccines and the efficacy of lockdowns is muddied. So, again, why are people being threatened if they don't comply, if the science is unclear? Forcing literally everyone to take untested technology which is proven to increase risk of heart conditions and ostracizing or imprisoning them if they don't comply is not what people who are concerned with others' health do. Instead, the institutions pushing vaccines and lockdown measures have lied time and time again, including falsifying data, to justify upending people's entire lives.

    Regarding your article:

    The bottom line is that no vaccine is 100% perfect. You can still get sick and there is a chance you’ll still need hospital care – in spite of being vaccinated.
    This is intentionally muddying the waters. The more people who took the polio vaccine, the more polio cases dropped. The more people took the anthrax vaccine, the more anthrax cases dropped. The fact that this article was even written is proof that the "vaccines" (and the definition of "vaccine" had to be changed to accommodate whatever you want to call these) are shit. When would you expect to see an article talking about how polio cases are rising among vaccinated people?

    To understand why this happens, we need to look at vaccine efficacy within the whole population, not just the people in hospital. We know that COVID-19 vaccines reduce your chances of serious illness by around 80%.
    Lol at "we know." No one knows anything for sure about this meme pandemic. Estimates of vaccine efficacy vary and seem to get lower over time for some reason. And there is a lot of money involved in making sure these things are believed to be effective. I don't doubt that many of these studies were manipulated by vaccine companies. As a previous post of mine demonstrated, Pfizer isn't above using underhanded tactics like this -- and this was the company that served the largest criminal fine in American history for falsely upselling the effectiveness of their drugs. And this is, again, before getting into the risk of heart conditions from the vaccines. But even if you believe all these studies were conducted with the best of intentions, if the real world is displaying opposite results as what was found in a lab, that lab is doing something wrong, even unintentionally.

    Quick searching tells me Israel has a population of ~9 million. Florida has a population of ~20 million. Sample size doesn't explain why Florida is doing well and Israel hasn't been. It should be obvious that the point of articles like this is to manufacture any explanation, no matter how unsatisfying, to counter the obvious conclusion: that the vaccines are shit. But you can bet an article even suggesting the obvious explanation wouldn't be published by Cosmos or any other mainstream publication. As always when people are blinded by ideology certain thoughts are forbidden.

  17. #337
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Firstly. The vaccines don't provide immunity; they don't stop you from dying; they don't stop you from transmitting the virus. The virus is never going away, and it will mutate to be less affected by the vaccines. Even if every single person gets vaccinated, Covid's not going away. It's a safe bet that everyone will get Covid at some point in their lives. Given what happened to Israel this summer, and Florida's current state, it seems pretty unlikely they even make transmission less likely. So even if you grant that vaccines make you less likely to die from the coronavirus (and putting aside increased risks of heart conditions), why are people's jobs and civil rights being threatened over a decision that only really affects them?

    Secondly, as you said, a lot of data surrounding these vaccines and the efficacy of lockdowns is muddied. So, again, why are people being threatened if they don't comply, if the science is unclear? Forcing literally everyone to take untested technology which is proven to increase risk of heart conditions and ostracizing or imprisoning them if they don't comply is not what people who are concerned with others' health do. Instead, the institutions pushing vaccines and lockdown measures have lied time and time again, including falsifying data, to justify upending people's entire lives.

    Regarding your article:

    This is intentionally muddying the waters. The more people who took the polio vaccine, the more polio cases dropped. The more people took the anthrax vaccine, the more anthrax cases dropped. The fact that this article was even written is proof that the "vaccines" (and the definition of "vaccine" had to be changed to accommodate whatever you want to call these) are shit. When would you expect to see an article talking about how polio cases are rising among vaccinated people?

    Lol at "we know." No one knows anything for sure about this meme pandemic. Estimates of vaccine efficacy vary and seem to get lower over time for some reason. And there is a lot of money involved in making sure these things are believed to be effective. I don't doubt that many of these studies were manipulated by vaccine companies. As a previous post of mine demonstrated, Pfizer isn't above using underhanded tactics like this -- and this was the company that served the largest criminal fine in American history for falsely upselling the effectiveness of their drugs. And this is, again, before getting into the risk of heart conditions from the vaccines. But even if you believe all these studies were conducted with the best of intentions, if the real world is displaying opposite results as what was found in a lab, that lab is doing something wrong, even unintentionally.

    Quick searching tells me Israel has a population of ~9 million. Florida has a population of ~20 million. Sample size doesn't explain why Florida is doing well and Israel hasn't been. It should be obvious that the point of articles like this is to manufacture any explanation, no matter how unsatisfying, to counter the obvious conclusion: that the vaccines are shit. But you can bet an article even suggesting the obvious explanation wouldn't be published by Cosmos or any other mainstream publication. As always when people are blinded by ideology certain thoughts are forbidden.
    So even if you grant that vaccines make you less likely to die from the coronavirus (and putting aside increased risks of heart conditions), why are people's jobs and civil rights being threatened over a decision that only really affects them?
    Currently, I believe that the vaccine can provide the body with a memory of the appearance of the virus - so that if you contract the virus, you stand a chance of creating antibodies and not becoming so terribly ill that you have to be hospitalised.

    With every medication you take, you understand that there are possible side effects and you weigh the risk/benefits. When you take certain anti-depressants - SSRIs - you are hopefully made aware that a possible side effect is increased suicidality.

    In my mind it still makes sense for a person on the younger, more robust/healthier side to receive a vaccine from a practical POV, which is that a person in this demographic will not stretch hospital resources by being admitted in large numbers, when this could be prevented ahead of time by building antibodies. A person in this demographic will be able to self-treat their virus at home, with sufficient rest, while someone who cannot self-treat and requires urgent care (for a condition not limited to COVID-19) can be treated in hospital.

    You could argue that catching COVID-19 in the community and recovering will also provide your body with a certain memory of the virus, but this implies that you are not as proactively trying not to "contain" COVID-19. Though COVID-19 is inevitable, it still makes sense to protect vulnerable people by trying your damned hardest not to infect them - because it appears that these people will otherwise succumb to illness and die prematurely. That premature death is very difficult to accept if there are means to prevent it - and there could still be a way.

    Question : If you could recognise quickly that you had COVID-19 (which can be difficult, because it does not present itself immediately) in the form of an at-home test, would you opt to stay at home out of a sense of personal responsibility? The purpose is that you reduce the quantity of people you could potentially transmit the virus to.

    It can be difficult to measure the effectiveness of personal responsibility vs. compliance to rules.
    Is someone flouting personal responsibility if they honestly do not realise they have symptoms?

    It should be obvious that the point of articles like this is to manufacture any explanation, no matter how unsatisfying, to counter the obvious conclusion: that the vaccines are shit.
    Well, you could put it bluntly like that or say that articles and news pieces with this tone want to quell our worries of this being very experimental.
    The rules keep on changing because they need to adapt as more is learned about methods that work to reduce loss of life. We are not being purposefully lied to unless someone claims 100% effectiveness of a vaccine or a lockdown, but the fact is that a significant proportion of people need to participate in being locked down so that its effectiveness in practise can be understood.

    There is a sense of being put through a trying and difficult time with the hope that something useful can be learned from it, and this is unfortunate, but we are being told that this is our current reality.

    The idea of there being no effective cure for COVID-19 yet is difficult for people to accept. Loss of individual life as a consequence (lives ended prematurely: in my mind this happens by contracting the virus, not by direct cause of vaccine lethality) is difficult to accept, especially when it feels like you are collectively suffering but there is not one source of blame.

    I don't hold the same view as you do, which is that specific someone/s (e.g. Pfizer) stand to gain from inability to prevent loss of life - to me it feels like everyone is at a loss.
    If it proves that the vaccine alone is not enough and that you must responsibly distance yourself and practise good hygiene when you are sick that shows the vaccine is not going to become a save-all.

    That being said, I will spend more time/effort reading about Pfizer's history because I lack information about them. I'm intimidated by non-mainstream sources of media, for having agendas of their own - something that can manipulate me in its own way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Question for vaccine skeptics: Would you take the new anti-Covid pill?
    Fuck no. It's just Ivermectin with one pretty much irrelevant chemical bond changed so they can say it's totally not that patent it and charge you 200 bucks a pill over getting a bottle of Ivermectin for around 25. This is what Big Pharma does. Takes/finds/discovers a "natural" or cheap cure, finds a way to make the same damn thing with just enough difference to patent it as something totally different, and than charge you out the ass for it.

    Don't give money to people who hate you. Big Pharma hates you. Don't give them money if you can help it. Sadly they're the only source of pharmaceuticals/antiseptics/anesthetics/etc. and not all of them are bad and many are in fact a great boon to humanity so in many circumstances you can't. Still, when you can avoid handing them money do it. Getting a bottle of Ivermectin you pay out of pocket for over nabbing a bottle of their cheap knockoff for "free" that your insurance pays 200X the price for is a prime example of putting conviction into practice.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Yes, @FreelancePoliceman, the way the government is acting here is wrong. Taxpayer money paid for that research and the taxpayer's (supposed) representative (the govt) guaranteed Pfizer a market for the product.

    I've been in private negotiations and if one party pays for the research and development, then they own the product. The party which does the research and production is just the hired help.

    The reason this happens, of course, is that Pfizer makes campaign contributions to lawmakers. If you are wondering why lawmakers don't work for your interests, just ask yourself how much you've contributed to their campaign funds, and who is enabling the lawmakers to keep their cushy jobs when they are unqualified even to collect trash.
    Well put and a thing many creatives fail to accept and realize. See, if someone pays for the sets, actors, etc. and you're just the "show runner" well, guess what, you don't "own" that show. The people who footed the bill do by obvious and self-evident right. This ain't fine print contract shenanigans, this is just common sense. If you want to be in full control of your creative vision, you had best pay for the majority of it out of pocket. Otherwise, well, plenty of nerds will tell you of a Brand that was awesome until corporate exercised its control rights. But I digress...

    Our implicit compliance, by and large, with these vile, degenerate, and evil assholes is worthy of the greatest of scorn and derision of any truly outside observer. Whatever else happens at least these damnable mandates are making this clear and obvious for everyone. By the end of this we will all see who were the modern day versions of Quislings, Stasi Agents, Betrayers of Kin, Gleeful Concentration Camp Guards, etc. always were. I pray you, I, and those who matter most to us do not number among them and that the Good Lord hears the prayers and cries of the righteous.

    Sins such that they are guilty of are the ones that just by occurring cry out to heaven for vengeance, and vengeance belongs to the Lord. I am certain it won't come to the worst possible outcome I can imagine. Yet even so, I am ready for it and am taking steps to ensure my death counts. I swore to myself long ago I wouldn't die like a little bitch...
    Last edited by End; 11-23-2021 at 05:06 AM.

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    Estimating the number of COVID Vaccine Deaths in America

    An analysis of VAERS reports.

    Highly recommend reading this.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 11-28-2021 at 05:30 PM.

  21. #341
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    IDK. As far as I now, I haven't had covid but the vaccines helped me from getting sick from a cold my wife's niece picked up from school. She and my wife got super sick but I had mild symptoms for a day and was totally fine. I picked up a cold when visiting my sister-in-law last week and I am still not over it. When I am better, I think I'll get the booster shot since the vaccine really helped me for a while, but it's been over six months since my second dose. I'm interested to see if the vaccine side effects will be as benign as the last two doses I had.

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    The numbers are in, and counties which voted for Trump have higher death rates from COVID than counties which voted for Biden.

    This proves that the deep state is trying to eliminate all Republican voters through poisoning the voting machine ballots in Republican counties.

    Will these evil people stop at nothing?


    Coincidentally, the counties which voted for Trump also watch a lot of Fox News. "We report. You decide." Lol. Right. Between poison and a bullet, they say, but are those your only choices? You might think so if you watch Fox.

    If you bill your "reporting" as "entertainment", then you can say anything with a reasonable expectation of not being held financially accountable. All the workers at Fox itself have gotten the shot. Because they're not stupid. They just want to keep on getting those advertising dollars from people who are, and if some of their viewers die from misinformation, well, what are you going to do about it?

    And we all know that today's journalism is just for profit entertainment, this is just how things are, and nobody cares about anything except money and it's absurd to expect anything any different.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    The numbers are in, and counties which voted for Trump have higher death rates from COVID than counties which voted for Biden.


    And we all know that today's journalism is just for profit entertainment, this is just how things are, and nobody cares about anything except money and it's absurd to expect anything any different.
    Your link is case in point. Pointing out that rural areas with fatter populations are more statistically likely to be at risk from a disease and then framing this as political ideology that's causing the deaths is peak journalism.

    Also lol at the claim that believing "the government is inflating the number of COVID-19 deaths" is believing "misinformation."

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Your link is case in point. Pointing out that rural areas with fatter populations are more statistically likely to be at risk from a disease and then framing this as political ideology that's causing the deaths is peak journalism.

    Also lol at the claim that believing "the government is inflating the number of COVID-19 deaths" is believing "misinformation."
    @FreelancePoliceman, what sources of information do you believe are accurate?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    What sources of information would you believe?
    Deception is always mixed with truth. The numbers of the study you linked are probably true. Their interpretation is meant to deceive. They spend a great deal of the article explaining the results by saying that conservatives are likely to be hesitant about the measures intended to slow Covid -- but they don't gauge the efficacy of these measures themselves by comparing death rates and lockdowns/vaccination rates, which wouldn't produce results convenient to display. Thought is always needed to interpret information you're given; you can't trust blindly any "source."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    The numbers are in, and counties which voted for Trump have higher death rates from COVID than counties which voted for Biden.
    I didn't read the article yet (going to sleep soon....), but do they take into account that rural counties have smaller populations? When dealing with small sample sizes, you need to use different methods for calculating the confidence interval:

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    Real-world data demonstrates vaccines do not decrease the risk of infection.

    At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.
    These vaccines do not protect others at all. So why, exactly, are people being forced to take them? Why are the unvaccinated being called "plague rats" and being barred from public life in multiple countries, when the only person they ostensibly protect is the person who gets vaccinated himself? Given that of the <1% of people who die from Covid, 93% of those deaths are people >= 55, and that the median age of Covid death is greater than the median age of people who die, why the fuck are we giving these vaccines with no studies on long-term effects to children, in order to supposedly protect those who are already dying?

    It is also illuminating to consider why were there initially studies showing the vaccines were 90-100% efficacious at reducing transmission and why virtually every major health official in the United States has claimed COVID shots stop the virus. The only reasonable conclusion given this real-world evidence was that those initial studies were intentionally flawed and released to support a political (or economic) agenda, and that these "health experts" lied to the public in interest of that same agenda. Science is not apolitical, and this demonstrates why you should never blindly "trust the experts," especially when those experts have vested interest in deceiving you. This also illustrates the problem that much "science" that is published is not only shoddy, but outright fabricated, and caution should be exercised when using "science" as the basis for upending human society across the globe, or generally just using it to support your political agenda.


    I found this article interesting:

    There are a number of eerie parallels between the American government's response to the 1980s AIDS epidemic and what we're going through now. Fauci trying to deny AIDS patients safe and effective drugs demonstrated to save lives in favor of a pet expensive, patented, poorly studied drug which didn't work and which killed people is just the cherry on top. Same guy, of course, who told the country that HIV could be spread through casual contact live on TV, trying to sow fear. Nothing new under the sun.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 12-20-2021 at 01:04 AM.

  28. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post

    I found this article interesting:

    There are a number of eerie parallels between the American government's response to the 1980s AIDS epidemic and what we're going through now. Fauci trying to deny AIDS patients safe and effective drugs demonstrated to save lives in favor of a pet expensive, patented, poorly studied drug which didn't work and which killed people is just the cherry on top. Same guy, of course, who told the country that HIV could be spread through casual contact live on TV, trying to sow fear. Nothing new under the sun.
    Fauci's role in the Aids scandal was dispicable. Truly, the leaders of the LGBT community are not serving their members or working for their good if they are not getting the word out what a snake Fauci, and how his "science" should obviously not be trusted.

    So many took the jab, and I wonder what people think when they see pro athletes falling dead on the field on game day or in practice? Does it occur to them they never saw such a thing prior to the jab? And young people having heart attacks? The jab is a Bioweapon meant to de-populate us. How sad for them that we are hardier than they thought. They have to resort to weather manipulation to wipe people out. And strange forest fires that melt cars and metal light poles but leave trees behind. Well it is almost game over. God is going to swept his hand across the game board soon, and we will see God's justice on the truly evil, and we will all experience a great outpouring of God's glory and blessings, across our land and then the world. And the sick (and the jabbed!) will be healed!

    2022 will be amazing! And 2021 will end with a shout!
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Fauci's role in the Aids scandal was dispicable. Truly, the leaders of the LGBT community are not serving their members or working for their good if they are not getting the word out what a snake Fauci, and how his "science" should obviously not be trusted.

    So many took the jab, and I wonder what people think when they see pro athletes falling dead on the field on game day or in practice? Does it occur to them they never saw such a thing prior to the jab? And young people having heart attacks? The jab is a Bioweapon meant to de-populate us. How sad for them that we are hardier than they thought. They have to resort to weather manipulation to wipe people out. And strange forest fires that melt cars and metal light poles but leave trees behind. Well it is almost game over. God is going to swept his hand across the game board soon, and we will see God's justice on the truly evil, and we will all experience a great outpouring of God's glory and blessings, across our land and then the world. And the sick (and the jabbed!) will be healed!

    2022 will be amazing! And 2021 will end with a shout!
    I don't think its a bioweapon I think its just untested.

  30. #350
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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    I don't think its a bioweapon I think its just untested.
    I think it's a bioweapon. I didn't want to go that far. I would much prefer to hold a view that others that had not looked beyond the goverment narrative would be more willing to get on board with me about. But a convincing Dr. video*, forgot his name, but eminent, told the truth and I could not un-see it.

    What do you think of the test/study results from this great experiement being sealed from view for 75 years?? Unprecedented!

    It is stunning that there is not more gigantic and constant protests against mandates and masks. A little, but not as much as European cities, where millions now jam the streets to protest in major cities every weekend. But as to that, partly the lack of huge citywide protests in the USA is becase European cities are more compact and walkable, vs. US cities being more sprawling. An example is Houston, which has a highway loop around it that takes 2 hours to drive! Yes, our cities are much more spread out, so it is less efficient to strike up a weekend million man protest here. We are having a lot of rallies though.

    Here in CT we are still wearing masks in schools, which is so uncomfortable for talking all day. I hate it. It must be nice to live in Florida, where no one is mandated to wear one, including school children and teachers (at least in some districts now), and of course, there is less covid in FL even with the huge more statistically-vulnerable retired-person population. They are so lucky to have that governor!

    Dem. politics are becoming more and more ridiculous, evil and destructive, but finally some of the most party-loyal minion are awakening. There is the Republican Florida Governor acting so enviably, and now the Democratic West Virginia Governor is willing to go counter-party for the good of his state, and they are both becoming much-loved. I hope that other Dem. Governors see that and decide to go counter-party, too. If they haven't got it in them to do it on principle, they might jump in for personal popularity and political gain.

    But I already know, in the end (which is soon!), the people win -- because that is what the prophets are saying, and I believe them! So however it happens, it will be good and when God pours out his Glory on our nation and then the world, we will all be happy and prosper.

    Last spring, prophet Robin Bullock AND his wife, Robin, both powerfuly told of God's wrath against Cuomo, and prophesized his ousting from the governorship. And we won't be seeing any more of him (just old pictures). He was truly evil and God's had mercy on us and justice was done.

    This week another reliable prophet gave us prophecy that God said the replacement NY governor (forgot her name), whose policies are the same or worse than Cuomo's, and her vainglory is dispicable, will be ousted soon, too. The next governor for NYS after that will be someone who is a true servant of the people. I am so glad for NYS!

    *I really don't care if anyone who hasn't listened to real science thinks about what I think. I think people are asleep or they are deluded, from the onslaught of lies, or both. Being overwhlemed and hopeless and afraid makes people not research things (anyway, NY Times says critical thinking is dangeroous! You should just stick with the narrative given by the first ten sites that come up on google for any question you have! Goodgle will direct yolu to fact checkers for any questions you have!) I think most people believe what they have been told: that the world is going to hell in a handbasket and they can't do a thing about it. All ther is to do is trust the people ini charge to manage it.

    But if you happen to be interested in the aforementioned video I can look it up if you want. it was an hour or more, and rivieting. But really, if you get off the highly-censored Google search and use Duckduckgo, you will find so much. The search results includes the CNN and MSNBC etc. communist narrative links, but you can also find so much more than on google. Also Also The Plandemic movie part. 1 & 2 should not be missed by anyone. Millions have seen it, but too many have not.

    And if you really want to know what is going on, it is the World War III that we have been in, that is almost over! To learn of that, see "Q and the Plan to Save the World" on Rumble. That is no more than 15 minutes and tells why and how our world is about to flip for the better. It's the practical explanation of what is actually happening. [It is alleged to be JFK Jr. narrating, and I think ther is plenty of evidence for that.] That video gives the whole overview of who is involved in changing the world (a lot of military) and why, and how.

    But above all and through this there is also our God, the Lord of all, who says our nation is like a ship sailign upside down and that He is soon going to FLIP it, and set it sailing on a right course. We will know it is God who acted, and He will get the glorty. In fact He will pour his glory out on earth and this year, 2022, a mightly revival like never seen before will spread across our nation and the world. Hearts will hunger and thirst for Him and He will manifest Himself. He is going to pour his Glory out on us, and there will be healing miracles like never before. Miraculous full healings will be commonplace! Even children in schools will heal other children! (I have watched the rise of autism over the years, and worked with so many of these children, and I believe ALL of that is over this year!) People everywhere will become whole! Depression will be gone. Mental health conditions, PTSD, Borderline. missing limbs and organs: God is going to heal it all. And He, who owns the gold, will prosper us. We have a great future!
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I think it's a bioweapon. I didn't want to go that far. I would much prefer to hold a view that others that had not looked beyond the goverment narrative would be more willing to get on board with me about. But a convincing Dr. video*, forgot his name, but eminent, told the truth and I could not un-see it.
    The spike protein is problematic. The way some mrna nanoparticles get into tissues its not supposed to be in and cause them to make spikes on their cell walls is problematic. It may also inhibit DNA repair and that is problematic. There are several other issues. Its not a bioweapon in and of itself though. It was tech hastily put together by a greedy corporation who blackmails health authorities into using it, in fear of actual covid-19.

    Now covid 19 may have been part of a covert bioweapons program run by the PLA in China. The PLA took over operations of the WIV in 2017-18, shortly after its new facility construction. This is all public record as well. The funny part is covid might have escaped from a Level 3 facility, with protocols no more stringent than a dentist office. They put the furon cleavage site onto the virus and also used serial passage to make it look natural. They used published techniques by Zheng - Li Shi and Peter Daszak, who himself was on the WHO investigation team, but was later removed because of outcry into his conflicts of interest. You can't have the leading researcher investigating his own laboratory. Unfortunately all evidence was scrubbed a year before WHO arrived, and the investigation into the lab was a public sham. The cover-up was complete.

    What do you think of the test/study results from this great experiement being sealed from view for 75 years?? Unprecedented!
    Ofc they did this. The data shows the vaccines are not all that effective and they used statistical math to prove they worked without a control group. They don't want any negative attention, seeing how their prophylactic symptom reducer made them billions and billions of dollars this year. The records are sealed until anyone who can be held responsible are dead. Very clear optics here.

    It is stunning that there is not more gigantic and constant protests against mandates and masks. A little, but not as much as European cities, where millions now jam the streets to protest in major cities every weekend. But as to that, partly the lack of huge citywide protests in the USA is becase European cities are more compact and walkable, vs. US cities being more sprawling. An example is Houston, which has a highway loop around it that takes 2 hours to drive! Yes, our cities are much more spread out, so it is less efficient to strike up a weekend million man protest here. We are having a lot of rallies though.
    Europe is the birthplace of modern fascism. They have more fight in them when it comes to control. I agree, North America is designed for the car. But, legacy media is centrally owned and what they want you to see they show you.

    Here in CT we are still wearing masks in schools, which is so uncomfortable for talking all day. I hate it. It must be nice to live in Florida, where no one is mandated to wear one, including school children and teachers (at least in some districts now), and of course, there is less covid in FL even with the huge more statistically-vulnerable retired-person population. They are so lucky to have that governor!
    The masks are the best we have got. But, ventilation and filtration is another. Still, its airborne, always was. Anyone with half a brain can see the masks are minor effective at best. IMHo the way they are used and worn, they are nothing more than theatre props. I've been very vocal about this on the forum since the first month of the first year but no, call me schizophrenic.

    Dem. politics are becoming more and more ridiculous, evil and destructive, but finally some of the most party-loyal minion are awakening. There is the Republican Florida Governor acting so enviably, and now the Democratic West Virginia Governor is willing to go counter-party for the good of his state, and they are both becoming much-loved. I hope that other Dem. Governors see that and decide to go counter-party, too. If they haven't got it in them to do it on principle, they might jump in for personal popularity and political gain.
    You need to understand, its not just a matter of red vs blue. The entire planet is involved, and the hundreds of other governments and their parties as well. That it has become partisan is America's particular brand of covid-19 issues.

    But I already know, in the end (which is soon!), the people win -- because that is what the prophets are saying, and I believe them! So however it happens, it will be good and when God pours out his Glory on our nation and then the world, we will all be happy and prosper.
    I do not subscribe to Armageddon type thinking. Its archetypical, unnecessary, and speaks to a need in people to see their external world end. I'm always interested in Terence Mckenna's opinion about history being pulled towards a strange transcendental object at the end of history, but its not worth getting into here. Is the end times literal, or metaphorical, or self fulfilled prophecy, or witnessed pattern in history's forgotten past, what?

    Last spring, prophet Robin Bullock AND his wife, Robin, both powerfuly told of God's wrath against Cuomo, and prophesized his ousting from the governorship. And we won't be seeing any more of him (just old pictures). He was truly evil and God's had mercy on us and justice was done.

    This week another reliable prophet gave us prophecy that God said the replacement NY governor (forgot her name), whose policies are the same or worse than Cuomo's, and her vainglory is dispicable, will be ousted soon, too. The next governor for NYS after that will be someone who is a true servant of the people. I am so glad for NYS!
    Sometimes the inevitable occurs, and when its something we want, we call that merciful. When its something we do not want, we call that tyrannical. I think grace, the field past right doing and wrong doing, the objective point of view, is the ideal to strive for.

    *I really don't care if anyone who hasn't listened to real science thinks about what I think. I think people are asleep or they are deluded, from the onslaught of lies, or both. Being overwhlemed and hopeless and afraid makes people not research things (anyway, NY Times says critical thinking is dangeroous! You should just stick with the narrative given by the first ten sites that come up on google for any question you have! Goodgle will direct yolu to fact checkers for any questions you have!) I think most people believe what they have been told: that the world is going to hell in a handbasket and they can't do a thing about it. All ther is to do is trust the people ini charge to manage it.

    But if you happen to be interested in the aforementioned video I can look it up if you want. it was an hour or more, and rivieting. But really, if you get off the highly-censored Google search and use Duckduckgo, you will find so much. The search results includes the CNN and MSNBC etc. communist narrative links, but you can also find so much more than on google. Also Also The Plandemic movie part. 1 & 2 should not be missed by anyone. Millions have seen it, but too many have not.

    And if you really want to know what is going on, it is the World War III that we have been in, that is almost over! To learn of that, see "Q and the Plan to Save the World" on Rumble. That is no more than 15 minutes and tells why and how our world is about to flip for the better. It's the practical explanation of what is actually happening. [It is alleged to be JFK Jr. narrating, and I think ther is plenty of evidence for that.] That video gives the whole overview of who is involved in changing the world (a lot of military) and why, and how.

    But above all and through this there is also our God, the Lord of all, who says our nation is like a ship sailign upside down and that He is soon going to FLIP it, and set it sailing on a right course. We will know it is God who acted, and He will get the glorty. In fact He will pour his glory out on earth and this year, 2022, a mightly revival like never seen before will spread across our nation and the world. Hearts will hunger and thirst for Him and He will manifest Himself. He is going to pour his Glory out on us, and there will be healing miracles like never before. Miraculous full healings will be commonplace! Even children in schools will heal other children! (I have watched the rise of autism over the years, and worked with so many of these children, and I believe ALL of that is over this year!) People everywhere will become whole! Depression will be gone. Mental health conditions, PTSD, Borderline. missing limbs and organs: God is going to heal it all. And He, who owns the gold, will prosper us. We have a great future!
    I think covid has really opened up the world, the corporate world, and showed the existential problems of our new century that we have to fight over. I think its made people so buggy in the meanwhile. Its torn a lot of families apart.

    Utopia, there is no such thing. I think the lesson inherent in the Santa Claus myth, that your parents and authority lie to you and the truth is not real, doesn't seem to last long.

    Can there be redemption, can there be peace, as well as the conflict and suffering? To me, that's what a true sage really asks.

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    Fauci says kids under four will likely need three doses of the Covid vaccine

    Alternative headline: federal government recommends child abuse.

    Never mind the fact that kids statistically don't die from Covid; never mind the risk of inflicting on children myocarditis; never mind the fact that Sweden recommends children not get "vaccinated" at all. This is child abuse.

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    I've seen some bad takes, like the belief that Sweden's low count refutes the effectiveness of lock downs. Even if that were true (and it really might be for all I know), it's wrong to use it as an indisputable fact. There are lots of variables to consider, like Sweden's population genetics and its interaction with COVID; Swedes' choice to self-distance, strengthened by the high discipline of Sweden's population; the fact that Swedes already live a solitary lifestyle and tend to stay home; and so on.

    It wouldn't be a problem if these takes were presented cautiously and exploratively. That would be skepticism in action. Instead, they light up social media. They're shouted bombastically with complete confidence, even more dogmatically than the alleged dogmatism of scientists. They're crafted to accuse rather than explore.

    In the long run, if people are inundated with too much conflicting information, my fear is that they become more accepting of regulatory censorship (and of technocracy in general). I used to think that it was cool when people stuck to their guns. But past a certain point, you stop being scientific.

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    Quebec's health institute admits "no documents" justifying curfews and vax pass

    Despite Quebec’s use of repeated curfews and vaccine passports, the province’s national institute of public health (INSPQ) has admitted that it does not have any documents related to studies showing the effectiveness of these two measures.
    These and other revelations came in response to an access to information request filed on Jan 11 asking a number of questions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    The request inquired whether the INSPQ had any studies proving the effectiveness of curfews, to which it stated that it holds “no documents for this question.”
    The same answer was given to a question about whether the INSPQ had studies proving the effectiveness of vaccine passports (apart from increasing vaccination rates through coercion)...
    Despite this lack of documentation, a directive from Quebec’s Ministry of Health reveals the INSPQ had advised that workers who are double or even triple-vaccinated are to be considered only partially protected.
    However, the ministerial directive also stated that non-immunocompromised healthcare workers who had been infected with COVID-19 since Dec. 20 2021 are considered “protected” regardless of their vaccination status.


    The group used data from the INSPQ to back their claim, concluding that the curfew imposed by the government of Quebec was not only ineffective when it came to preventing the spread of COVID, but harmful to society at large.
    What a surprise

    In other news,

    Scotland's Covid data will not be published over concerns it's "misrepresented" by "anti-vaxxers."


    “The main important point around all of the analysis is we understand whether the vaccines are working against catching it and against getting severe Covid, and that’s where the vaccine effectiveness studies come in which are a completely different methodology.

    "The case rates, hospitalisation rates, the death rates are very simple statistics, whereas for the vaccine effectiveness studies we use modelling, we compare people who have tested negative to those who have tested positive and match them on their underlining co-morbidities.
    WTF is this weasel wording, lmao. "We know the vaccines are effective because we've 'modeled' them, so you can't trust those lying numbers saying otherwise." And since when is "modeling" from assumptions used to form conclusions when you have actual data to work with, anyway?

    ...Oh, that's right, we can't publish the data because it would make "anti-vaxxers" think they're right.

    Hahaha. What a thing to admit. So much for informed decisions.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 02-18-2022 at 04:37 AM.

  36. #356
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    The CDC isn't publishing large portions of the Covid data it collects

    I wonder why?

    Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the C.D.C., said the agency has been slow to release the different streams of data “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.” She said the agency’s “priority when gathering any data is to ensure that it’s accurate and actionable.”
    Oh, of course, I'm sure there's a lot of data to collect, and it takes time to release. That's understandable --

    Another reason is fear that the information might be misinterpreted, Ms. Nordlund said.
    Aha, there it is.

    The performance of vaccines and boosters, particularly in younger adults, is among the most glaring omissions in data the C.D.C. has made public.

    Last year, the agency repeatedly came under fire for not tracking so-called breakthrough infections in vaccinated Americans, and focusing only on individuals who became ill enough to be hospitalized or die. The agency presented that information as risk comparisons with unvaccinated adults, rather than provide timely snapshots of hospitalized patients stratified by age, sex, race and vaccination status.


    The agency has been reluctant to make those figures public, the official said, because they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.
    "Guys, trust us, the vaccines are effective, which is why we've been hiding the numbers proving that they are lest they make you think that they aren't."

    Of course the comments are turned off.

    Will anyone who thought unvaccinated people were selfish, or stupid, or wanted them negatively triaged, or wanted them locked up, either publicly apologize or privately reflect on how easily they were fooled into hating them? Doubtful.

    I hope, at the very least, that after this phrases like "trust the science" or "trust the experts" can never be used again.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 02-21-2022 at 02:47 AM.

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    I had my first and second dose of Moderna last year. Got my booster earlier this year.

    My employer gave me a bonus and time off for getting each of the vaccines. I'm pretty happy about that.

  38. #358
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    I'm by no means anti-vaccine, but I liked this sympathetic article written about anti-vaxxers.

    Left-leaning people wonder ‘what’s wrong’ with the unvaccinated. But what if their non-compliance isn’t that surprising?

  39. #359
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I'm by no means anti-vaccine, but I liked this sympathetic article written about anti-vaxxers.
    The fact that governments are admitting to having hidden the data they used to claim that the vaccines were effective because they're concerned the data will prove the vaccines not to be effective is something which should be added to that list.

    There's also the fact that Pfizer was penalized with the largest criminal fine in American history...for marketing an ineffective drug as effective.

    There's also the fact that Moderna never released any approved drug before the Covid vaccine, and despite the fact that there's never been a successful vaccine for any coronavirus before, they managed to produce it in under a year.

    There's also the fact that Fauci and the FDA have a history of disregarding safe, effective, and relatively cheap treatments in favor of untested, dangerous, and expensive experimental treatments.

    And of course Fauci also has a history of fearmongering.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 02-21-2022 at 03:10 AM.

  40. #360
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    and despite the fact that there's never been a successful vaccine for any coronavirus before, they managed to produce it in under a year.
    That could be a part of some scandalous plot to key up (or outright manufacture) a pandemic.

    But another possibility is that pharmaceutical companies were so busy producing profitable, recreational drugs (like Viagra) that they never allocated the necessary resources into researching more serious ailments. Coronaviruses have been known about for some time, meaning that their under-investigation (in favour of short term profits) is a market failure. In fact, for all we know, the "correct" timeline for vaccine production should have been far less than a year. If we are hell-bent on uncovering hidden motivations, this latter possibility sounds scandalous enough.

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