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Thread: CV arm poke

  1. #241
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    I got Pfizer due to needing it for travel. The whole situation with it being forced on the public, which it is and only becoming more and more so, is total bullshit. Forcibly jab the old wrinkly and unhealthy populous if you must and leave everyone else in peace from the COVID bullshit.

  2. #242
    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    If you cared to glance at Ivermectin’s Wikipedia page, you’d see that it’s commonly used to treat humans, and its discovery won its creators the Nobel Prize in medicine. So why did you call it “horse paste,” given that you presumably don’t refer to benadryl as “dog medicine,” and when information about ivermectin’s use with humans is so easily available? Would you be willing to accept that you’re more susceptible to propaganda and group-thinking than you’ve thought?

    Maybe ivermectin helps treat Covid. Maybe it doesn’t. But people calling it “horse paste” ought to seriously examine why they’re calling it that.

    According to these articles, there are people who are actually trying to buy the horse version.



    There are more stories like these from local newspapers, where feed-stores and farming equipment retailers are citing increased demand for Ivermectin.

  3. #243
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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    If you cared to glance at Ivermectin’s Wikipedia page, you’d see that it’s commonly used to treat humans, and its discovery won its creators the Nobel Prize in medicine. So why did you call it “horse paste,” given that you presumably don’t refer to benadryl as “dog medicine,” and when information about ivermectin’s use with humans is so easily available? Would you be willing to accept that you’re more susceptible to propaganda and group-thinking than you’ve thought?

    Maybe ivermectin helps treat Covid. Maybe it doesn’t. But people calling it “horse paste” ought to seriously examine why they’re calling it that.

    ? Was something unclear?
    Yes. Seriously examine why they are saying that.

    I haven't been on in awhile because I am simutaeously trying to establish a great new schoolyear and giving my whole house a sparkling overhaul from top to bottom. Guests important to me are coming in early October and I want to feel completely great about my house. And I lost time this summer.

    That's because I got covid in August.

    I rarely get sick, and I had plenty of exposure last year to covid and didn't get it. But after the covid case I overcame in August, my Naturopath found my immune system, which is usually very strong, had been compromised. I am on a strict protocol to recover and super-strengthen it and I feel great. I believe that compromise came from my widespread exposure to "vaxxed" people this spring, where I was several times in close contact with people within 2 weeks of one of their jabs. [You only have to be in the same room with a recently-jabbed person once to have heavy periods or miscarry a baby].

    So out of the blue this summer I got extremely tired for several days; but no symptoms and no fever. I kept checking for fever because there was no explanation for days of complete exhaustion, out of the blue. Then one evening I got hit with a fever of 102 and it stayed there for DAYS. All I could do was lie flat out ALL the time while I forced myself to get through one cup of bone broth a day and a one glass of water. I didn't have a desire to read or watch anything, but once a day, to change things up, I watched a show. But mostly I laid there and stared out the window or slept. And a lot of new stuff went through my mind, so much so that I know God had a purpose in this, to make me think on these things. (But also I see more than one purpose, and I am grateful).

    On the 5th day of constant 102 fever, while my husband was at Mass, I wondering when this would ever stop. I was watching my show for the day, a Grace&Glory interview with Amanda Grace and veteran/patriot/pastor Dave Scarlett. And they mentioned covid is "easy"! Just, you have to do TWO things: 1) treat it immediately (that ship had already sailed for me) and 2) Take Ivermectin. Done in three days!

    At that point I was waiting for my results from my naturopath's electronic body scan to find out what was wrong with me. But when I heard this on the show, I called him and said, "THREE days! I HAVE to have this! So he told me where to buy it at a FARM SUPPLY store. I trust my naturopath, so, my husband went out and got Ivermectibn for COWS. And horses, I suppose. Yikes. Naturopath assured me it's the SAME exact thing as people use. He told me my dose - a particular and small amount* in water. Tasteless. Like taking nothing. You take a first dose, then 3 days later a second dose, and 5 days after that the third and final.

    So it was now just before bed at the end of the fifth day of raging fever, no sign of it letting up, before I finally had both the dose info and the Ivermectin, and I took it and went to bed. For the first time in five days, I slept straight through the night. When I woke up, I knew immediately the fever had broke because I felt completely different. Not used to walking, weak, but NO LONGER UNWELL. It was that easy, and it worked that fast. Next day I rushed to Urgent care for a positive PCR to prove I had Covid. Two weeks later, I had to return for another test, a negative, to prove I didn't have covid.** BOTH Urgent Care doctors agreed with me that I now have a LESS THAN 1% chance now of getting covid or spreadign it to comeone else! And that yes, 75% of the new cases are people that are vaxxed.

    Oh, but our government doesn't recognize a category for that. Why is that?

    And, right after while I was still rejoicing being fever-free, I saw the stories RIDICULING people for taking HORSE MEDICINE. They KNOW the horse medicine is ther EXACT SAME THING as people medicine. But they never say that in the article. Pretty key information they are leaving out. Why is that?

    And then, more recently they published lies that people are being rushed to ER for overdosing on Ivermectin. A lie! Not a single case. I wonder why they would scare people with lies?

    Those are important things to wonder about.

    I am SO GLAD I took horse medicine. I only wish I did it the FIRST DAY!


    *Small, so it was tricky to measure; my husband did it, and questioned him on it how to get the measure the small amount right, becasue it was like 1/16th a tsp [but don't take that as a dose because I was really sick and I let my husband do the thinking/doing, and it might have been half that] but he told my husband said, [I]"Don't worry, you really can't overdose on it. My father use to treat our cows with it, and he would give us kids a dixie-cupful (a TON more than I took), straight, to keep us healthy". [My bottle still looks unused, since you dose it by weight and cows are big.]


    P.S. A funny story was my husband first brought home this giant heavy container, decorated with a big cow head, that said, "Pour-over Ivermectin for Beef and Dairy Cows". We hadn't gotten our instructions yet, and I was really wondering how I was going to take this miracle product. Sit in the tub while my husbsand poured it over me? So when my husband sent the pic of the box-info, he was told, "You need the injectable." So he had to go back out and exchange for a much much smaller bottle. By the grace of God, the farm store was still open, and I am so grateful I did not have to go through yet another horrible day of fever before I could take it.

    I learned, what Amanda and Dave said is true. If you get covid, treat it IMMEDIATELY.

    The day I woke up with no fever I was all about used to sitting, standing and walking again, as well as having a nice bath, washing my hair (what a pleasure to be clean) and drinking a lot more bone broth. Next day I hurried off to Urgent Care to secure my postive covid test before I got all better! But the odd thing is, after the positive the doctor handed me their standard literature for how to treat covid if you get it. They DON'T TREAT IT! Just go home, and rest. Just like how I wasted 5 days before ivermectin!

    I wonder why.


    **P.P.S. Covid tests are designed for false postives. People normally get postives for 2 or 3 months after covid is over, but I had to go back bec. our governor mandates the jab OR weekly positive test. Knowing full well about the false positives. So, if anyone else is in this position, I can explain how to not get a false postive if anyone has to do this for work.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
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    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
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    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
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  5. #245
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    Israeli health minister: there is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport, it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate".

    It's nice to see it admitted publicly that attempts to exclude the unvaccinated from public life have nothing to do with public health. Which does raise the question of what the point of "pressuring the unvaccinated to vaccinate" is.

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    According to these articles, there are people who are actually trying to buy the horse version.



    There are more stories like these from local newspapers, where feed-stores and farming equipment retailers are citing increased demand for Ivermectin.
    Hey, good for them. Responsible adults making decisions about their own health. People like @Eliza Thomason are reporting great results.

    I notice neither of your links mention this "unproven covid 19 treatment" have been used in countries like Mexico or India and have appear to have achieved some great results. I wonder why that could be. That's the kind of information you'd think would be relevant to explaining why people are taking ""horse dewormer.""

  7. #247
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    The current storyline is that if you can't live your life normally, maskless, carefree, it's the fault of the unvaccinated. The thing is, you can live your life normally, you just have to go do it, and everything will be fine. If you're vaccinated you have very low risk of contracting or spreading it, so you don't have much to worry about. Just take off the mask, and act like a normal person. It's not hard. It's currently estimated in the US that 80% of the population is already immune, either through vaccines or from having covid and recovering. Yes people are still catching it and getting sick, but the risk is constantly getting lower.

    Idk, maybe it's because I live in an area where people aren't too frightened of the virus that I can say this, but going out and about, I completely forget that it's even a thing. Took my son to the dentist, and we just walked in, sat in the waiting room like normal, no masks, receptionist had no mask. Dentist and assistant only wore masks as they usually do, when actually cleaning and examining his teeth. And I had a wisdom tooth pulled at a different dentist's office, same thing. I go to the store, the gas station, wherever, and it's all normal, maskless, typical stuff. You'll see a person or two here or there masked up, but largely not. People shake your hands like regular folks, nobody jumps back all scared to touch each other lol. It drops from your consciousness entirely. You don't have to live in fear. And it's not the fault of the unvaccinated if you are living in fear, or you are curtailing your actions - none of that is necessary at this point. It made sense to take precautions early on - none of us knew what this virus was capable of, or how bad it could be, but now, with such high immunity rates, and with a large percentage of the most vulnerable already vaccinated? Doesn't make sense to keep up the charade anymore.

  8. #248
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    Call me a sheep, but I will take my chances with the vaccine over livestock dewormer lol .

    Btw ingredients for the vaccines are publicly available here, under Appendix C:

    I haven’t caught covid. None of my family members who are all vaccinated have caught covid. I know a couple of friends of friends who got it before the vaccine came out and survived. My boss’s friend, who btw was young (<50) and healthy (she was my boss’s hiking buddy) got Covid in January (before the vaccine was available to her) and died.

  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I notice neither of your links mention this "unproven covid 19 treatment" have been used in countries like Mexico or India and have appear to have achieved some great results. I wonder why that could be. That's the kind of information you'd think would be relevant to explaining why people are taking ""horse dewormer.""
    How credible are these reports, how do they know that Ivermectin was responsible, and why should I trust the Mexican and Indian establishments? Statistics can be manipulated by governments and the pharmaceutical establishment (Big Ivermectin). You of all people should know that.

  10. #250
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    I was talking to an ESE and his ESE wife who both work for the University of Michigan about the people who believe what the government tells them, and he said that when George Bush said that evolution was questionable, it became very hard to be a conservative at the University. He said that when you are working for a large idea company like the University and you are expected to believe in dogma over scientific evidence, then it becomes impossible to make progress in science.

    He thought that the main problem with society was that people were not taught at a young age how to think critically, and so they tend to accept whatever easy or convenient argument they hear that agrees with their prejudices.

  11. #251
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    Hannity has been vaccinated, along with almost everyone else at Fox News. And yet, they continue to sow doubt, every-single-night, on the vaccine's effectiveness.


    Is it because the salaries they get come from inciting rage among their easily triggered viewers? Or are they playing five-dimensional chess?

    Hmmm. Let's look at Hannity and Carlson and ask ourselves, "Are these guys capable of playing five-dimensional chess?"

    Or is this just a simple con?

    We report, you decide.

  12. #252
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    I’ll be interested in looking at the data on the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating Covid and understanding the mechanism of action against the virus. I actually hope that it works out. We need more safe and effective treatments for the virus.

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    The current storyline is that if you can't live your life normally, maskless, carefree, it's the fault of the unvaccinated. The thing is, you can live your life normally, you just have to go do it, and everything will be fine. If you're vaccinated you have very low risk of contracting or spreading it, so you don't have much to worry about.
    Yes if there are laws in your state requiring they be worn at work regardless of vaccination status, just take it off. It's not hard. lol. The problem is these laws go into place again when hospitals get overwhelmed. In the states that don't respond to that with laws, there's still the overall issue of how hospitals are overwhelmed. So root cause is indeed the people filling the hospitals. That's the first domino. (I put it in C-D cog /evil smirk/)

  14. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    Yes if there are laws in your state requiring they be worn at work regardless of vaccination status, just take it off. It's not hard. lol. The problem is these laws go into place again when hospitals get overwhelmed. In the states that don't respond to that with laws, there's still the overall issue of how hospitals are overwhelmed. So root cause is indeed the people filling the hospitals. That's the first domino. (I put it in C-D cog /evil smirk/)
    They're firing staff who aren't vaccinated leading to understaffing. They're cutting number of beds because they don't have the staff. Remove mandates, hire more staff, and they're no longer "overwhelmed"

  15. #255
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    Honestly feel like the main issue here is giving away our freedoms a little bit at a time for some short term comfort.And when they start toeing the line, like they are right now, it’ll be a little here, a little there, and whoa how did they take away so many of our rights? Then it isn’t going to be so comfortable anymore for our future generations. People go to war and die for the cause. This seems like war that is on our own soil, and these socialistic ideas are infecting the minds of the youth and they are turning on what our country stands for, which seems to be an even bigger threat than covid.

    If you want a vaccine, especially if you think you are high risk, then you should definitely get one. If you are healthy, and still want one, ok, but I don’t see the point. If you are worried about the unvaxxed, get vaccinated, or stay home. But what the fuck happened to my body, my choice. This mandate is simply bullshit.

    Yes, people mistrust the government. This was a terrible time for a pandemic to happen, right around an election, where lots of people were questioning the election. Many see the Biden administration as controlled by the deep state, and Trump as against it. So of course people are going to revolt against the vaccine & even more so for a mandate.

    Honestly, I really question what Biden is doing with all this. He promised to unite us all, but all he has managed to do is further and further divide us, and this mandate makes me question if this is all on purpose. To divide us. I really wonder.

    All I know is, we are all knee deep in shit and people really need to start looking at it and trying to figure out a way to stop it before it’s over our heads. It’s not a pretty sight no, but it’s there and it’s not going away, and it’s only going to get worse. This Biden/Harris combo is a shady one. All I’m saying.
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  16. #256
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    Both sides are idiots
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

  17. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrassatiLo View Post
    ...Forcibly jab the old wrinkly and unhealthy populous if you must and leave everyone else in peace from the COVID bullshit.
    because the old wrinkly and unhealthy don't matter as much as everyone else?
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
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    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


  18. #258
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    Default Creepy Aliester Crowley great-granddaughter...

    ...makes creepy Freudian slips:

    46 seconds:

    10 seconds:

    [B]Bonus OTHER Crowley-relation pics below/B]:
    Huh? [Barbara Bush alleged possible daughter of A. Crowley]:
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    because the old wrinkly and unhealthy don't matter as much as everyone else?
    Because they make up almost all of the casualties and are the excuse as to why everyone else has to deal with this shit.

    How old are you Eliza? Post a picture of you on the unofficial thread, I want to see.

  20. #260
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    Guys (and gals, etc.), I've seen Ivermectin brought up at least once skimming through this. I URGE you to read this before you ingest large doses of the substance:
    An effective dose at neutralizing COVID would hospitalize you.

    As for the argument for mass vaccination:
    I have heard firsthand experience of groups in close proximity avoiding COVID, while an unvaccinated member alone contracted the virus. This is significant as the virus needs to infect people in order to spread, and some parties are unable to safely be vaccinated due to being immunocompromised. The COVID vaccine is an mRNA vaccine, it does not carry viral material. See here:

    I can understand being protective of your personal liberties, The Patriot Act is something I am not fond of. But this pathogen is deadly, and you are not the sole party at risk when you expose yourself to the disease.

  21. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    ...makes creepy Freudian slips:

    46 seconds:

    10 seconds:

    [B]Bonus OTHER Crowley-relation pics below/B]:
    Huh? [Barbara Bush alleged possible daughter of A. Crowley]:
    she looks like a baby eater for sure
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  22. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrassatiLo View Post
    Because they make up almost all of the casualties and are the excuse as to why everyone else has to deal with this shit.

    How old are you Eliza? Post a picture of you on the unofficial thread, I want to see.
    most of the people that die, or have even been brought up in this thread are old. Hell, my great grandma died of the regular flu in a nursing home and I’d never dream of forcing the flu vac on people. Even articles you read of ‘young’ people dying, you click on the article and see they were obese or read in the article they had other medical issues. But no, they died because they were unvaccinated!
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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    They're firing staff who aren't vaccinated leading to understaffing. They're cutting number of beds because they don't have the staff. Remove mandates, hire more staff, and they're no longer "overwhelmed"
    i don't even know if it's true they are cutting the number of beds as i usually read things like how they have found ways to increase the beds or how the national guard has been brought in to help. i don't have a huge opinion on the hospital staff that won't get vaccinated and the hospitals that require that--i can understand that they don't want their staff spreading covid around the hospital and it probably makes many patients who aren't in the covid ward feel a lot safer. of the staff let go, i don't know what the average is per hospital and of that the average percentage that actually worked with covid. anyway, i have read hospitals are losing revenue because they are postponing other procedures (elective surgeries) for people and that's leading them to lay off staff. someone in my family works in a hospital and said some of the doctors and nurses who work in the covid ward have been quitting because of burnout.

    anyway it's also part of a bigger picture about the abysmal state of healthcare in the US in general, which ofc as probably ppl can guess, i think healthcare should be "socialized" lol.

    in any case, i think the case that the flood of covid patients into hospitals doesn't have a causal impact with consequences for the rest of us, and that it's just that hospitals are doing it wrong, is absurd. it's like retreating to the defense of "mismanagement," and i do think sometimes problems are solely due to mismanagement, just not this one.

    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    Honestly feel like the main issue here is giving away our freedoms a little bit at a time for some short term comfort.And when they start toeing the line, like they are right now, it’ll be a little here, a little there, and whoa how did they take away so many of our rights? Then it isn’t going to be so comfortable anymore for our future generations. People go to war and die for the cause. This seems like war that is on our own soil, and these socialistic ideas are infecting the minds of the youth and they are turning on what our country stands for, which seems to be an even bigger threat than covid.
    the conservatives weren't up in arms about this when the patriot act was created and after 9/11 the US govt increasingly became one that spies on its own people and undermines their civil liberties. i just have difficulty fitting a vaccine into this equation as there is a long history of vaccine requirement. most of the vaccines i've received in life were require afaik. that said, i don't really agree with vaccine mandates...

    though the case with hospitals is iffy because if staff are spreading a virus that can kill 1% of the infected, that's kinda a serious issue and can open them to lawsuits as well... and i can't deny it makes me feel better my workplace has put in a soft requirement in some cases and hard requirement in others that ppl are vaccinated as much as possible (there are some exception pathways) because i actually am wary of the virus and it seems breakthrough cases for those vaccinated might be on the rise. so maybe i'm more for them than i think... haha... though i also worry that mandates will affect the lower classes the most
    ... i don't like the idea of job loss because one isn't vaccinated, because that can really land people in deep water financially. i don't like the way this is all going about, iow. as always, it has been careless regarding the lowest classes and most vulnerable ppl in the country.

    Yes, people mistrust the government. This was a terrible time for a pandemic to happen, right around an election, where lots of people were questioning the election. Many see the Biden administration as controlled by the deep state, and Trump as against it. So of course people are going to revolt against the vaccine & even more so for a mandate.

    Honestly, I really question what Biden is doing with all this. He promised to unite us all, but all he has managed to do is further and further divide us, and this mandate makes me question if this is all on purpose. To divide us. I really wonder.
    aaaaah... i can never understand these arguments in which with biden vs. trump one is good and the other bad. they are both bad. neither is some hero for the common person. these are the super wealthy, the super powerful. the "deep state" is not red or blue, because at the top the interests of the most wealthy align more with one another than with the rest of us. trump may be a black sheep of the club but this IS his club. lol
    Last edited by marooned; 09-15-2021 at 04:05 PM.

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    Guys (and gals, etc.), I've seen Ivermectin brought up at least once skimming through this. I URGE you to read this before you ingest large doses of the substance:
    An effective dose at neutralizing COVID would hospitalize you.

    As for the argument for mass vaccination:
    I have heard firsthand experience of groups in close proximity avoiding COVID, while an unvaccinated member alone contracted the virus. This is significant as the virus needs to infect people in order to spread, and some parties are unable to safely be vaccinated due to being immunocompromised. The COVID vaccine is an mRNA vaccine, it does not carry viral material. See here:

    I can understand being protective of your personal liberties, The Patriot Act is something I am not fond of. But this pathogen is deadly, and you are not the sole party at risk when you expose yourself to the disease.
    Vaccines reduce risk of infection by 91% for fully vaccinated people? Amazing! You'd think the most vaccinated country in the world would be almost over the "pandemic," or at least demonstrably doing better than other countries...or at least doing about the same as other countries...oh, wait...

    1. Stay home for two weeks, but don't wear masks. All the medical data for decades have shown that masks don't work.
    2. Two weeks weren't enough. Human interaction spreads the plague, you know, so don't do it. Stay home for two months. Stay six feet apart. Wash everything in the store. Put one-way signs in them. Cover everything with plexiglass.
    3. Two months weren't enough. Keep doing more of the same. Oh, and masks work now. Ignore literally anything published before March 2020; Covid is special and unlike any other respiratory virus (no, we won't tell you how) meaning masks stop it.
    4. We're just going to do this until the summer and everything will be OK.
    5. Don't visit family on Labor Day or people will die.
    6. Don't visit family on Thanksgiving or people will die.
    7. Don't visit family on Christmas or people will die.
    8. Wear two masks. Or three masks. Wear as many masks as you can!
    9. If you are old, get the vaccine.
    10. If you are old, a member of the teacher's union, or a politician, get the vaccine.
    11. Why isn't everyone vaccinated, you all need to be vaccinated.
    12. Wear masks even if you're vaccinated because the CDC says the vaccines don't work. Oh, and get vaccinated so we can go back to normal.
    13. Get vaccinated or we'll take your job, and wear masks, and don't travel, and avoid large events, and vaccinate the children, and everyone you've spent more than 10 minutes with has to stay home if you don't feel well.

    All of these measures have been supported by "the science." And what's the result been? The virus is endemic and here forever; will these measures be here forever? The more people give in, the more will be taken.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 09-15-2021 at 04:46 PM.

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    Hey, speaking of mRNA vaccines, I wonder why both pfizer and moderna unblinded their control groups six months after they'd begun their clinical trials, almost immediately after the FDA granted emergency authorization -- oh, that's right. We can't study whether the vaccine is safe, because the vaccine is safe and so denying it to the control group would be wrong. This is definitely how companies which have nothing to hide act. I'm so glad we have these companies looking out for the public interest!

  26. #266
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    This is a lot to unpack so... (I will try to be brief)

    1. This is a headline from yesterday. The virus is causing more damage in areas more skeptical to vaccination. It is regrettable that this is even an issue of politics at all.

    2. Epidemiology helps to understand mask mandates. Here is how COVID spreads: and here is a page with multiple sources on the effectiveness of limiting airborne transmission:

    3. Here is a detailed breakdown of the mechanism of action of an mRNA vaccine:

    4. The difficulties of developing one successfully have been outlined further below: "The entry of mRNA molecules, however, faces a number of difficulties. mRNA molecules are too big to enter the cell membrane by simple diffusion. They are also negatively charged, like the cell membrane, which causes a mutual electrostatic repulsion. Additionally, mRNA is easily degraded by RNAases which exist in the skin and blood."

    I said I would be brief, sorry I dragged on. This is not an issue, to me, of some phantom entity trying to control my life. This is a real life mass-pandemic that has killed upwards of 650,000 people in America alone. For reference, that is approximately.. 222 times the number of people killed in the 9/11 attacks. (660,380/2,977=221.83) The magnitude of human loss is (IMO) literally unfathomable.

    I am not a science professional, but I know enough to know their hard work and dedication alongside medical professionals (many of whom have given their lives in service), is not in bad faith. I highly doubt they completed their grueling programs of study out of malice. I hope you stay safe, and I'm sorry if you've lost any friends or family to the virus, and I share your mental distress at the lock-down. It has been hard for all of us.

  27. #267
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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    the conservatives weren't up in arms about this when the patriot act was created and after 9/11 the US govt increasingly became one that spies on its own people and undermines their civil liberties.
    I've been angry for the past 20 years about The Patriot Act. I'm more libertarian than conservative, but yeah, there is so much crap our govt has done that pisses me off to no end. I couldn't believe how people were laying down and giving up freedom. I completely avoided news and even looking at what was going on for a number of years because being constantly angry wasn't doing me much good. Just started looking at things again, and gah.
    You have Generals openly admitting treason for book deals, you have blatant lies and propaganda from every corner. We've had a 20 year scam of an operation in Afganistan that was just a money-funneling operation enriching top brass and military contractors, and then they leave Americans behind, give a kill list of our allies to the Taliban, the state department blocks flights trying to rescue those left behind, and in the meantime they're letting thousands of unvetted folks they have no information on into the country. They prevented any action stopping that bomb killing 13 of our military, and then to try to save face, they killed an aid worker and a bunch of kids in a drone strike, while giving even more money straight to the Taliban in addition to all the equipment they left behind for them. It goes on and on. The majority of Congress has been enriching themselves for years and years, they play the populace against each other to keep the $$ flowing in to them and their buddies, they stay in power and think no rules apply to them. Why should they think the rules apply? They've been getting away with murder for decades while sitting fat and happy.

    The internet and free exchange of information is one of the biggest dangers to them, so on all fronts they and their Big Tech cohorts in crime are censoring, muting, shutting down anything that questions the narrative and labeling it "disinformation" It's 1984 level shit and that's not even an exaggeration. It's disgusting. All of it. They've even shut down banks, credit cards, payment processing to those who question the official stories.

    They've managed to change the meaning of "science" in most people's minds, so that it's no longer science, it's blind trust in authority, and how dare you question it! Science is questioning, it's critical, it's examining evidence and testing and challenging it -- but none of that is allowed, only blind faith and obedience. And I could go on and on, with the blatant corruption right in front of our faces all the time. What do I do about it? I'm one measly person with no power, no connections, and sitting and stewing in rage does nothing. I can read the WEF pages and see what the plans are for digital IDs worldwide, digital currency (trackable, tracable digital currency) going to a cashless society where every transaction is able to be monitored, and your entire ability to live and pay for anything is at the mercy of a global authority who can shut you off at any time. Look at the test cases - how Nigeria is disallowing people to use banks and access their own money if they are not vaccinated. It's a power grab, the whole thing, so that you and I can be controlled and managed. So that if you want to participate in society, be allowed in discussions, buy, sell, work, feed yourself and your family, you will need to toe the line, their line, following the narrative they give you. The climate stuff is another path the the same ends. It's all bullshit.

    You have to realize that those in power don't see you and me as people. We're livestock to be managed. A resource for them to use or dispose of as they see fit. How'd George Carlin put it? "It's a big club, and you're not in it" None of us normal people are. And the best way to keep people from noticing what's going on, is to keep them fighting amongst themselves. Sow division. Make them think there's a red team and a blue team, drive up racial tensions, any method you can to keep the regular folk seeing each other as enemies so they don't notice what's going on. Pitting the vaccinated against the unvaxxed is yet another division to exploit. It all is, as they make themselves richer and more powerful by the minute.

  28. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    I said I would be brief, sorry I dragged on. This is not an issue, to me, of some phantom entity trying to control my life. This is a real life mass-pandemic that has killed upwards of 650,000 people in America alone. For reference, that is approximately.. 222 times the number of people killed in the 9/11 attacks. (660,380/2,977=221.83) The magnitude of human loss is (IMO) literally unfathomable.
    Wow, that is a lot of people. But instead of comparing it to the utterly useless statistic of 9/11s (after all, if mainstream media constantly compared numbers of people who die in car accidents to 9/11s, people would never drive again!), maybe we should try to place it in the context of other deaths in this country. One thing we might do, for instance, is question who's dying of Covid. As it turns out, 93% of Covid deaths are over 55, and the median age of death from Covid is 78. In 2019, the median life expectancy of the US was 78.8 years; in 2020 it was 77.8 -- meaning the average age of Covid deaths was higher than median life expectancy, and even if you say Covid was what brought down life expectancy, its median age of death was still pretty close to the total pre-covid life expectancy. So are you really concerned about Covid, or are you concerned about the fact that 75+ year-old people tend to die? It may sound callous, but if Covid hadn't killed who it killed, something else soon would have.

    Because old people are the only ones, statistically, in any sort of danger from Covid, why is it that they can't simply isolate themselves and get vaccinated should they desire to? Why should the majority of people, who are in no danger from Covid, be forced to vaccinate, wear masks, and isolate from others?

    Let's also talk about a similarly "unfathomable" "magnitude of human loss." Heart disease kills about 655,000 Americans per year, more than Covid has killed in total. Why is it that I never hear the federal government propose firing people who eat at McDonald's, or preventing people who are fat from leaving their homes? After all, fat people will inevitably support fast food or soda companies, which are contributing to the pandemic of obesity, with a death toll of over 222 9/11s (we know that obesity leads to a magnitude of problems besides heart disease, so its death toll is undoubtedly much higher). Or why not mandate that everyone, fat or not, undergo surgery to have a gastric band implanted? After all, they'll clearly save lives, and since the federal government will pay for it, it'll be "free."

    I am not a science professional, but I know enough to know their hard work and dedication alongside medical professionals (many of whom have given their lives in service), is not in bad faith. I highly doubt they completed their grueling programs of study out of malice. I hope you stay safe, and I'm sorry if you've lost any friends or family to the virus, and I share your mental distress at the lock-down. It has been hard for all of us.
    Why did the hard-working and dedicated medical professionals working for J&J put asbestos in baby powder? Surely they wouldn't have completed their grueling programs of study out of malice. Or what about the ones working for Pfizer, which conducted an unapproved clinical trial with its antibiotic drug Trovan on 200 children, which wound up killing 11 of them? (You can read more about Pfizer's history here)

  29. #269
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrassatiLo View Post
    Because they make up almost all of the casualties and are the excuse as to why everyone else has to deal with this shit.

    How old are you Eliza? Post a picture of you on the unofficial thread, I want to see.
    Wow, Frass, you have been decieved by some lies, to your very core of your being, for you to be able to say this.

    Think on this: the things God hates:

    There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him:
    haughty eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    hands that shed innocent blood,
    a heart that devises wicked schemes,
    feet that are quick to rush into evil,
    a false witness who pours out lies and
    a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

    Well, we are seeing ALL these things play out before our eyes right now, aren't we? It is widespread, common place. God is not asleep. He sees everything, and He promises thourgh his prophets that He soon will act against the injustices we are living in. I fully believe that we will see a great deal of God's justice this Fall, and in the end, we will ALL be rejoicing! God has great things in store for this nation, and the world. We will be rejoicing and dancing in the streets becauwse of what He has done! It is said, "Christmas in November!" this year!

    One of the injustices we see now is the shedding of inocent blood, which you are promoting here, concerning the sick and the inform, as well as, also, the child sacrifice of abortion (The lie being: it is GOOD to sacrifice this child's life, that way, you don't risk having to take a semester off college, which would be so horrible, since you can sooner get to a well paying job if you kill the child!)

    The blood of the innocent cries out to God from the ground. He will avenge the blood of the inocent.

    [I want to add, God sees the heart and He is Merciful, so His vengance is not going to be on those who made decisions out of being systematically deceied by today's culture, and who made decisions out of fear in a moment of crisis. It is those who are profiteering over these deaths, and using "choice" stands for their political gain that we will see very soon come crashign down for GOOD, their careers over. They will pay for these crimes against humantiy. God is just.]

    So Frass, you are decieved by the lies of our times. My concern for you is that in your religion you are kept extremely busy and you have so extremely littyle time that it is near imposible to find time to reflect on anything. Youo seriously need some down time away, completely away from distractions and work, in nature, to think on God and examine how this lie that "some people matter less than others" has become so embedded into the core of your being that you are able to say what you said here. And not even question it! It's a problem.

    I think that down time needs to be I away from home, noise, screen time and conversation, with plenty of silence and nature, and for at least 3 days.

    So say I, who is old enough to be your Mom!
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


  30. #270
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    Yeah I was involved with Deep State people for 3+ years. I know what they are like. How they twist people's words- how they unleash the guilty upon the world and how they imprison the innocent. Of course they need to sacirfice a few genuinely guilty people to keep up the illusion that it's working - but God shalt not be deceived. How they try to gaslight you into thinking evil is good and good is evil etc. All while doing it under the guise that they are 'the good guy'- The narcisisstic and sadistic bullying- it's repulsive and GOD WILL NOT BE FOOLED.

    I am with @Eliza Thomason - we're going to watch them all SUFFER while we're in Heaven together!!! Jesus WEPT - but the bad guys slip on His tears and fall on their butts and get seriously but also comically injured the way a cartoon character slips on a banana peel. Beta and Delta fighting the Deep State together, Hallejuah! There is no 'opposing quadra' that's only in the mind. Socionics can be used as another tool of separation by the Deep State if you are not careful. A Beta vs Delta team up = dangerously effective.

    So yeah of course I don't trust any of this shit. If you think you need to get vaccinated for your health- do it- but I refuse to be enforced by some asshole authority type. Authority/government needs to go back to catching Ted Bundies or people severely and obviously spreading harm instead of this fucked up mind control shit that they're doing. People that suck up to them just because you don't want to be bullied or abused yourselves by them- c'mon. I understand this sorta thing but have some courage. Love yourself, love your family- and love your God!!!!

  31. #271
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Wow, that is a lot of people. But instead of comparing it to the utterly useless statistic of 9/11s (after all, if mainstream media constantly compared numbers of people who die in car accidents to 9/11s, people would never drive again!), maybe we should try to place it in the context of other deaths in this country. One thing we might do, for instance, is question who's dying of Covid. As it turns out, 93% of Covid deaths are over 55, and the median age of death from Covid is 78. In 2019, the median life expectancy of the US was 78.8 years; in 2020 it was 77.8 -- meaning the average age of Covid deaths was higher than median life expectancy, and even if you say Covid was what brought down life expectancy, its median age of death was still pretty close to the total pre-covid life expectancy. So are you really concerned about Covid, or are you concerned about the fact that 75+ year-old people tend to die? It may sound callous, but if Covid hadn't killed who it killed, something else soon would have.

    Because old people are the only ones, statistically, in any sort of danger from Covid, why is it that they can't simply isolate themselves and get vaccinated should they desire to? Why should the majority of people, who are in no danger from Covid, be forced to vaccinate, wear masks, and isolate from others?

    Let's also talk about a similarly "unfathomable" "magnitude of human loss." Heart disease kills about 655,000 Americans per year, more than Covid has killed in total. Why is it that I never hear the federal government propose firing people who eat at McDonald's, or preventing people who are fat from leaving their homes? After all, fat people will inevitably support fast food or soda companies, which are contributing to the pandemic of obesity, with a death toll of over 222 9/11s (we know that obesity leads to a magnitude of problems besides heart disease, so its death toll is undoubtedly much higher). Or why not mandate that everyone, fat or not, undergo surgery to have a gastric band implanted? After all, they'll clearly save lives, and since the federal government will pay for it, it'll be "free."

    Why did the hard-working and dedicated medical professionals working for J&J put asbestos in baby powder? Surely they wouldn't have completed their grueling programs of study out of malice. Or what about the ones working for Pfizer, which conducted an unapproved clinical trial with its antibiotic drug Trovan on 200 children, which wound up killing 11 of them? (You can read more about Pfizer's history here)
    I would be interested in knowing who at J&J covered up the asbestos findings. It was wildly unethical and I think, fiscally motivated. Obesity is an epidemic in the United States, yes. I think the media doesn't cover it as much because it is less exciting or flashy than a worldwide pandemic, and all the news is after is ratings, because money. The same as any company is, I am not familiar with Pfizer but I did a presentation on Bayer (who now owns Monsanto) and I can tell you their company history is appalling. IG Farben isn't even the full extent of their crimes, they withheld knowledge of an anti-parasitic drug that could've benefited African citizens for financial reasons. I trust academic research infinitely more than the Corporate sector.

    I do think the government enacts public health programs to combat obesity, in the same vein that they did for Tobacco use. Young people are far less likely to die from COVID, yes, and the ignorant elderly that refuse to protect themselves compromise some of the deaths, yes. However, it may be that COVID causes lasting damage to the lungs, and more alarmingly by far, erectile dysfunction!

    As stated, most of this research is preliminary, but I wouldn't want to risk not being able to get it up because of some anti-masker, in the same way a smoker giving me lung cancer would not be appreciated. At least the obese only tax me indirectly, by incurring medical costs (which doesn't make it harmless of course).

    Edit: I've heard about the Trovan incident, wildly unethical profit-seeking behavior, par for the course for these global corporations.
    Last edited by Father Freedom; 09-15-2021 at 07:25 PM. Reason: My brain somehow skipped the Trovan mention

  32. #272
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    conservatives hate everything that's good. its pointless to elaborate. if ur brain works ull figure it out eventually. if it doesnt u are incapable. most people are conservatives. most libtards are conservartives who have been victimzed by other conservatives. since libtards dont have retarded discriminations they protect part of their interests. lowest common denominator brings everyone to their level. its easier to destroy than to create. they spread their vile existance and replace the othres. the libtard doesn't want to even exist or reproduce in such conditions. now u get a bunch of conservatives creating libtards because they are all antisocial and someone has to get abused. conservatives are narcissistic fascists who want everyone to fit THIER PARTICULAR IMAGE (CULTURE). incapable of being pro social they brand everyone who's unlike them a parasyte. they lack any spirituality yet hypocritically pray and virtue signal. conservatives think dullness, repetition, stagnation makes them exemplary.

    still u disgusting imbecile, that they had health issues, doesn't mean that the virus didn't kill them. they died due to being unable to handle the virus. do u know now why the virus was released in china? population control. fuck the disabled lol. thats the point. and they can kill a bunch of their own people while placing it on the virus too.

    do u know why they lie about climate change? because they know u wont do shit until its way too late. because if it gets the "its still fine, as long as we take measures later" later it would be manipulated into nothing. and because there's also envrionmental control so if it doesnt influence climate change much, u wont care about what's happening outside ur own comfort zone. because it might have disastrous effects that would be impossible to handle but instead of trying to make projecitons and explore alternatives people just latch on profit, establishing their bussiness on toxic means and then using capital to destroy alternative invetions because they would render the former that's the base of the business obsolete.

    oooh i worked my ass off, my brain has eroded. this means i know better than u. its not that i cant explain anything because i have no reasoning capacity, its just that u are too young, and then u should have known anyway. u should shut up, submit and grow up. stop denying my freedom!
    did u fuckin kno we have been speaking on the historical issues as they were happening. it was just some who had authority and pushed their bs on others. there are so many idiots working on fields who dont know shit. there were few who did and the many would act as if the many who didnt know were the ones who knew. did the nazis know? They were crying and just following orders. whoever spoke against was delusional. how fucking stupid do u haev to be to think ur nation is the one telling u the truth about ur nation.

    im anti vax. i dont like masks. there are cases where they shouldnt be masks. but i dont trust people even more. it makes sense if the measures slow down the pandemic so the virus mutates slower and an effective thing is developed to analyze and stop it before it has gone too far.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Wow, Frass, you have been decieved by some lies, to your very core of your being, for you to be able to say this.

    Think on this: the things God hates:

    There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him:
    haughty eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    hands that shed innocent blood,
    a heart that devises wicked schemes,
    feet that are quick to rush into evil,
    a false witness who pours out lies and
    a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

    Well, we are seeing ALL these things play out before our eyes right now, aren't we? It is widespread, common place. God is not asleep. He sees everything, and He promises thourgh his prophets that He soon will act against the injustices we are living in. I fully believe that we will see a great deal of God's justice this Fall, and in the end, we will ALL be rejoicing! God has great things in store for this nation, and the world. We will be rejoicing and dancing in the streets becauwse of what He has done! It is said, "Christmas in November!" this year!

    One of the injustices we see now is the shedding of inocent blood, which you are promoting here, concerning the sick and the inform, as well as, also, the child sacrifice of abortion (The lie being: it is GOOD to sacrifice this child's life, that way, you don't risk having to take a semester off college, which would be so horrible, since you can sooner get to a well paying job if you kill the child!)

    The blood of the innocent cries out to God from the ground. He will avenge the blood of the inocent.

    [I want to add, God sees the heart and He is Merciful, so His vengance is not going to be on those who made decisions out of being systematically deceied by today's culture, and who made decisions out of fear in a moment of crisis. It is those who are profiteering over these deaths, and using "choice" stands for their political gain that we will see very soon come crashign down for GOOD, their careers over. They will pay for these crimes against humantiy. God is just.]

    So Frass, you are decieved by the lies of our times. My concern for you is that in your religion you are kept extremely busy and you have so extremely littyle time that it is near imposible to find time to reflect on anything. Youo seriously need some down time away, completely away from distractions and work, in nature, to think on God and examine how this lie that "some people matter less than others" has become so embedded into the core of your being that you are able to say what you said here. And not even question it! It's a problem.

    I think that down time needs to be I away from home, noise, screen time and conversation, with plenty of silence and nature, and for at least 3 days.

    So say I, who is old enough to be your Mom!
    How wealthy are you and your husband? I may let you be my mother depending on the answer. Post a picture of yourself or direct message me one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Yeah I was involved with Deep State people for 3+ years.

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    You have to realize that those in power don't see you and me as people. We're livestock to be managed. A resource for them to use or dispose of as they see fit. How'd George Carlin put it? "It's a big club, and you're not in it" None of us normal people are. And the best way to keep people from noticing what's going on, is to keep them fighting amongst themselves. Sow division. Make them think there's a red team and a blue team, drive up racial tensions, any method you can to keep the regular folk seeing each other as enemies so they don't notice what's going on. Pitting the vaccinated against the unvaxxed is yet another division to exploit. It all is, as they make themselves richer and more powerful by the minute.
    okay. point taken. i can't really disagree with this.

  36. #276
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    Female ESI and male ILI talking about how they don't need to get vaccinated.

    Unfortunately, this was their last video because they both died of COVID.

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    Michigan boy dies three days after receiving vaccine.

    Yes, dying after you’ve been vaxxed is pretty rare. But people under 55 dying from Covid is about as rare. Not that this prevents fear porn from dominating social media.

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    come on, they were young AND FAT (american normal) so like that's not uncommon. /hides/

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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    I find it pretty ironic that the majority of my ancestors, especially the quaker side who have been here (America) since damn near the beginning, came here to escape religious persecution and be free to practice as they want. And they had really hard lives. And now a bunch of young kids who want to erase our history for the sake of PC, tearing down historical monuments, and have never worked a day in the fields and watched half their family die, never been to war, want to push socialist ideas on me. It’s like they hate our country and what it stands for. Denial always end up biting people in the ass. And the younger generations seem to be full of it.
    anti Kara sentiments. i know for people like u people like me are only appreciated dead. working hard justifies u enforcing exploitation? U got resources/power first. It's "your" things. Conforming to established standards to further exploitation, forcing u to work hard to "earn" what should be already yours but u have to overwork to earn it which takes away from others two-ways, inflating labour? Allowing urself to be exploited justifies forcing exploitation on others? Society is a shitty parent who never grew up. Turns out losing braincells in a field doesn't make u a better person. Just keep passing the ball, that's how real adults solve problems. How is this simple mechanism not clear? U let urself be exploited while complaining that u are giving up ur freedoms.

    You "have" a family. You "have" a wife. U didn't work for the ground and resources. U had to gather them but u didnt have to work for the right to gather them. The structures u established without caring for anyone else who lives there, because of course it's your ground just because u were there first. U are the freeloader and u want to get paid for the problems u cause on other people. Sure destroy more nature and make denser cities while claiming the restrictions u put on everyone else by abusing ur freedom while denying that's happening,. u need to have a car while never getting sick urself, on a shit diet on a wage in a shitty apartment without protection which could have mold or fuck all problems, while nothing is allowed to ever go wrong because there go ur savings, while u have to take care of parents or siblings or even someone u dont know, while not even being allowed to wear what u want, while they are constantly bugging u online because we have the internet now so u have to constantly rearranage everything u have going on, so u save up enough money for years under the prospect u could figure something out. How long until u fucking figure out that's not a way to live? Oh right u are too busy participating in it. U know the problems never end anyway and u have to keep sacrificing things unless u either get lucky or completely sacrificed ur early life so u can be a 40+ year old grumper who has money but not having any meaning in his life but to make fun of others who are suffering while withholding their money and shouting "freedom". Imagine being this kind of piece of shit. This is what u worked hard for?

    What u want half the young ones to die too? So the rest can have their share while replacing them with rancid sex. Those are the people who cared about half their family dying? No they are abusive and that's why. They want strong people whose life is about work to bring kids so they can have a "little joy" for a few years and then abuse them too.
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    anti Kara sentiments. i know for people like u people like me are only appreciated dead. working hard justifies u enforcing exploitation? U got resources/power first. It's "your" things. Conforming to established standards to further exploitation, forcing u to work hard to "earn" what should be already yours but u have to overwork to earn it which takes away from others two-ways, inflating labour? Allowing urself to be exploited justifies forcing exploitation on others? Society is a shitty parent who never grew up. Turns out losing braincells in a field doesn't make u a better person. Just keep passing the ball, that's how real adults solve problems. How is this simple mechanism not clear? U let urself be exploited while complaining that u are giving up ur freedoms.

    You "have" a family. You "have" a wife. U didn't work for the ground and resources. U had to gather them but u didnt have to work for the right to gather them. The structures u established without caring for anyone else who lives there, because of course it's your ground just because u were there first. U are the freeloader and u want to get paid for the problems u cause on other people. Sure destroy more nature and make denser cities while claiming the restrictions u put on everyone else by abusing ur freedom while denying that's happening,. u need to have a car while never getting sick urself, on a shit diet on a wage in a shitty apartment without protection which could have mold or fuck all problems, while nothing is allowed to ever go wrong because there go ur savings, while u have to take care of parents or siblings or even someone u dont know, while not even being allowed to wear what u want, while they are constantly bugging u online because we have the internet now so u have to constantly rearranage everything u have going on, so u save up enough money for years under the prospect u could figure something out. How long until u fucking figure out that's not a way to live? Oh right u are too busy participating in it. U know the problems never end anyway and u have to keep sacrificing things unless u either get lucky or completely sacrificed ur early life so u can be a 40+ year old grumper who has money but not having any meaning in his life but to make fun of others who are suffering while withholding their money and shouting "freedom". Imagine being this kind of piece of shit. This is what u worked hard for?

    What u want half the young ones to die too? So the rest can have their share while replacing them with rancid sex. Those are the people who cared about half their family dying? No they are abusive and that's why. They want strong people whose life is about work to bring kids so they can have a "little joy" for a few years and then abuse them too.
    im a libertarian, we are generally awful people
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