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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    I cant control if someone if obese. I cant control if someone smokes. They made those choices and its not like their isn't options out there that people can choose to loose weight and reverse symptoms. Just like their is the option for the vaccine or not. I cant control them, they make those choices. Those choices lead to their own consequences in regards to the options they have left. All of my grandparents died from cancer at young ages due to life choices. I could not control that but they could. My Pipi was still smoking on his death bed even with lung cancer.
    So why try to control whether people get vaccinated?

    Big Pharma isn't going away anytime soon nor will it. Its fucked up but its like all fucked up evils in the world that aren't going away.
    Maybe not -- but why is the only "solution" ever put forward vaccinations and lockdowns? Even when they demonstrably don't work, the response is that it's because we don't have enough of them.

    Starve it out- Less people to infect, less active the virus becomes is how I view it. Like a lot of old illness that died out when people started vaccinating other diseases and so it became less rampant. Though, there has been a lot more outbreaks in the states with certain ones because parents are refusing to vaccinate their children from certain vaccines.
    We've tried lockdowns for two years. They don't work. The virus is still with us, and to all appearances will always be with us. At what point can we give up? Can we ever?

    You can still get sick with the vaccine. However, if it is a different strain, it wont protect you from that. Just like there is a different flu shot every year. Different strain. Keeps you from full on dying and protect from that strain each year. Its not like vaccines dont work The only reason people are skeptical with this one is that it is because its new which is fair.
    People are also concerned that the vaccines create an evolutionary arms race with the virus, encouraging the spread of new strains. People are also skeptical of their efficacy because there seems to be a pretty high correlation between a country's vaccination rate and its difficulty dealing with Covid right now -- which doesn't make sense if the vaccines "work." Which is why pro-vaxxers are forced to say that, OK, the vaccines seem to wear off in only 8 months, or maybe they just don't protect against different strains...still, they work! Even though they're doing jack shit for Israel, some studies conducted by vaccine manufacturers proved they worked, so they do!

    The question is, are the people that have high covid are the ones that are vaccinated or are they not? Israel is dealing with high rates but only 63% of their population is double vaxxed. That leaves 40% that can poteinally get it. Therefore, high numbers. If they are all mostly vaxxed, I will change my tune.
    "Double vaxxed" -- the double shot is the same as the first. What difference does getting a second make? If it renews immunity, won't it just wear off in another 8 months? Is the plan to make people get vaccinated every 8 months?

    I do think herd immunity is the way to go but, which one will cause less deaths?
    If vaccines do reduce deaths -- which is definitely not certain -- wouldn't it make sense to encourage old and vulnerable people to get them, and let people who aren't going to die from the vaccines anyway get sick if they'd prefer?

    What I am hearing is what I am saying but inverted. Survival of the fittest. That makes the people with the crap immune system the minority and they are the ones at most risk.
    How does locking down all society and vaccinating every person help protect the weak any more than weak people staying home and getting vaccinated?

    What do you want me to do or think FreelancePoliecman? I don't want people to get sick. I don't want people to die. I want this shit over. It's not like anyone is enjoying this. I cant control if people don't want to get the vaccine or not. I think people are allowed to not want to get it but that comes with consequences. I think the consequences for both are fair. Don't want the vaccines, get tested and show that paper. You are vaccinated, show that paper and get tested if you show symptoms too. I could be a real asshole and say that people who aren't vaccinated should not even get a hospital bed if they get sick at all. I don't believe in that cause that's fucked cause they are still people. I can also say that everyone MUST get vaxxed but I don't believe it that. I think people should get vaxxed but I will never force that on anyone. I can't even if I had the opportunity. I think its wrong.
    The problem is that mandating these vaccinations is evil, and lockdowns and masking don't prevent anyone from getting sick or dying, and vaccines don't seem to either. You may want the pandemic to end, but all lockdowns and related measures do is prolong it. Humanity has not become a god; we haven't yet achieved complete mastery over nature. We can't eradicate Covid; all we can do is care for those who get sick as best we can.

    The fact of the matter is that people die all the time -- if they died to a disease like Covid, which is pretty mild as far as diseases go, they would have died soon anyway. But media focus, mask mandates, and lockdowns ensure that they die in an atmosphere of fear, alone and isolated from people. Nursing homes have restricted guests and made themselves into virtual prisons in order to keep residents "safe," but what kind of life is that? When did we decide that "safety" was the highest good in life? How far should people be willing to lower their quality of life, or how many of its principles should a culture abandon, in order to give old or dying people a few more months of this worsened life?

    Unvaxxed can still participate in real life if they want to. Its not like these people cant go see their friends or family cause most already still do. My siblings did before getting vaxxed. They just cannot participate in non essential services like the gym or go into a restaurant. I think that's fair.
    Holy shit, no, no offense meant but that's monstrous. Humans are social animals. For someone who has no family and few friends, what do they do? They can't meet new people; they can't engage in public life? Nobody can live this way; people who do go insane.

    Once again: why not simply protect the people who need to be protected? Why must their "protection" be contingent on the entire population being forcibly "protected?" And before you say "herd immunity," vaccines do not provide immunity against Covid. They cannot provide herd immunity. Yet, for some reason, I never hear pro-vaccination people suggest natural immunity as a viable pathway to herd immunity when it's the only possible way for people to become immune in the first place.

    I try my best and I cant control others. That's my choice. This is just the life we have to deal with and make our own choices now.
    That's all I'm asking you to see.

  3. #203

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Democracy isn't just about having elections, and elections aren't just about selecting leaders.
    Do you legitimately not realize how this kind of phrasing is thought-terminating, or is this some kind of social experiment? I'm genuinely curious how you would rephrase this in an active voice. I see people, mostly journalist types, talk like this often and I usually just assume the point is to get people to not think too hard about what they’re saying.

    "Bananas aren't just about being sweet, and being sweet isn't just about stimulating certain taste buds." Do you talk like this normally, or do you only talk about politics like this?
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 09-12-2021 at 03:59 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    I mean c'mon, bring it on. Bring death to me already
    ILI confirmed.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

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    Israel is doing their 4th booster now.

    Any one thinking the 5 vaccines on offer are ending the pandemic of a now endemic virus, is deluded.

    Both Pfizer and moderna have stated they are branching out into alternative novel treatments. Pfizer is doing a routine oral pill. Moderna is doing a flu/covid yearly.

    Lol to all the brainwashed people who think this is ending anytime soon.

    Having the spike protein cause heart inflammation just doesn't sound all that appealing. Tinkering with my immune system and wearing down its ability to fight covid naturally. Thinking the spikes are harmless just shows you don't know enough of the information about it. These are not vaccines, they are prophylactic symptom reducers that do not have long lasting effects.

    I know I'm going to sound like an arrogant ass but, like. I. Predicted. All. Of. This. Over. A. Year. Ago.

    Step right up get your QR code scanned. Sir, you need the latest drug update to step inside this building.

    Again, fuck you China.

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    Imagine still thinking this is about a virus... anyway LOTS of new "tinfoil hats" around these days it seems. People are so fucking stupid, I would laugh if they were not trying to drag me down with them. Scratch that, I do laugh at them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post

    Unvaxxed can still participate in real life if they want to. Its not like these people cant go see their friends or family cause most already still do. My siblings did before getting vaxxed. They just cannot participate in non essential services like the gym or go into a restaurant. I think that's fair. I live in a place where even if you go to these essential services, you still need a mask. I don't mind the mask. Most people are still doing online classes. I am still doing online classes and I am only going to the university to help with one class but I have to wear double protective gear and show a QR code saying that I don't have symptoms while vaccinated. Those are the two choices that we have now. Not cause I magically proclaimed it but its what is set up. I wear my mask, stay away from others as much as I can, and try and be healthy. That's all I can do. I try my best and I cant control others. That's my choice. This is just the life we have to deal with and make our own choices now.

    I don't think we are going to agree on this is all.
    This post really Sums up all my problem areas with SEI.

    It's like, why can't we just do what we are told because then we don't rock the boat, making myself and others uncomfortable?

    That you can't understand why a passport to do "fun things", and travel and work, is problematic, on principle, especially since the vaccine protects you (right?), shows your lack of understanding into the sovereign rights of the individual in regards to their own cells vs his/her society, which was the main extended moral battle of the 19th and 20th century. Meaning your body is your own. Centuries of effort getting Civilization to that place.

    I'm actually disgusted by your attitude. Like it literally disgusts me at deep root level. I find myself completely and utterly contemptful at your failure to comprehend what it is you are even asking. And make no mistakes it's not asking what you are doing, it's demanding. Flash your little QR codes and pretend you're actually accomplishing something useful. You're not, but it's nice to live in a safe little dream world, right?

    Paper masks for an airborne respiratory virus lmao. Public health passports that prove your symptom reduced potential and therefore waive liabilities for the attended facility. Lmao.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    This post really Sums up all my problem areas with SEI.

    It's like, why can't we just do what we are told because then we don't rock the boat, making myself and others uncomfortable?

    That you can't understand why a passport to do "fun things", and travel and work, is problematic, on principle, especially since the vaccine protects you (right?), shows your lack of understanding into the sovereign rights of the individual in regards to their own cells vs his/her society, which was the main extended moral battle of the 19th and 20th century. Meaning your body is your own. Centuries of effort getting Civilization to that place.

    I'm actually disgusted by your attitude. Like it literally disgusts me at deep root level. I find myself completely and utterly contemptful at your failure to comprehend what it is you are even asking. And make no mistakes it's not asking what you are doing, it's demanding. Flash your little QR codes and pretend you're actually accomplishing something useful. You're not, but it's nice to live in a safe little dream world, right?

    Paper masks for an airborne respiratory virus lmao. Public health passports that prove your symptom reduced potential and therefore waive liabilities for the attended facility. Lmao.
    Dont try to reason with it. Thinking capacity was maxed out long ago.

    Bolded for emphasis.

  10. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    This post really Sums up all my problem areas with SEI.

    It's like, why can't we just do what we are told because then we don't rock the boat, making myself and others uncomfortable?

    That you can't understand why a passport to do "fun things", and travel and work, is problematic, on principle, especially since the vaccine protects you (right?), shows your lack of understanding into the sovereign rights of the individual in regards to their own cells vs his/her society, which was the main extended moral battle of the 19th and 20th century. Meaning your body is your own. Centuries of effort getting Civilization to that place.

    I'm actually disgusted by your attitude. Like it literally disgusts me at deep root level. I find myself completely and utterly contemptful at your failure to comprehend what it is you are even asking. And make no mistakes it's not asking what you are doing, it's demanding. Flash your little QR codes and pretend you're actually accomplishing something useful. You're not, but it's nice to live in a safe little dream world, right?

    Paper masks for an airborne respiratory virus lmao. Public health passports that prove your symptom reduced potential and therefore waive liabilities for the attended facility. Lmao.
    People's freedom to live in a society without a plague running around is more important than an individual's bodily freedom. If you choose to go against the well being of society, society has can punish you by not letting you participate in it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    People's freedom to live in a society without a plague running around is more important than an individual's bodily freedom. If you choose to go against the well being of society, society has can punish you by not letting you participate in it.
    Just out of curiosity, you do realize this is the ideology of fascism, right?

  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Do you legitimately not realize how this kind of phrasing is thought-terminating, or is this some kind of social experiment? I'm genuinely curious how you would rephrase this in an active voice.

    "Bananas aren't just about being sweet, and being sweet isn't just about stimulating certain taste buds." Do you talk like this normally, or do you only talk about politics like this?
    I legitimately believe that elections serve other purposes besides the selection of leaders, the peaceful transition of power being one of them. A census grants more legitimacy than any other form of succession, and it's the best way to persuade the losing party to go home. A political revolution, OTOH, grants almost no legitimacy (about the same as hereditary succession) and will be contested by marginalized factions ---- forever.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I legitimately believe that elections serve other purposes besides the selection of leaders, the peaceful transition of power being one of them.
    What is the point of saying this? Is this supposed to be insightful?

    A census grants more legitimacy than any other form of succession,
    Legitimacy? You talk like “legitimacy” is a stat in a grand strategy game — like it can be measured as some quantifiable score or something. “Legitimacy” as perceived by whom?

    and it's the best way to persuade the losing party to go home.
    A political revolution, OTOH, grants almost no legitimacy
    Huh? Again, as perceived by whom? Certainly not by revolutionaries. Not by states which helped the revolution, or think they’ll stand to gain by recognizing it. What exactly do you mean by “legitimacy,” and what do you think is the point of having it?

    about the same as hereditary succession)
    OK, the rules of hereditary succession are comparatively simple; no one questions who the successor to Elizabeth II will be; elections are much easier to tamper with. Do you believe hereditary succession isn’t common anymore because it’s lost “legitimacy” in the eyes of some abstract body of people? If so you seem to have cause and effect reversed, or do you believe that it’s just coincidence the Church preached the divine right of kings when hereditary aristocracy was at its height, and liberalism just happened to develop when the bourgeoise were beginning to supplant the aristocracy? Or do you even believe that liberalism came first, and somehow physically created the bourgeoise ex nihilo?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    People's freedom to live in a society without a plague running around is more important than an individual's bodily freedom. If you choose to go against the well being of society, society has can punish you by not letting you participate in it.
    I hope you hang when time comes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Just out of curiosity, you do realize this is the ideology of fascism, right?
    It's not. Fascism has nothing to do with freedom, it's a complete submission to the idea of a state/nation and rejection of individual freedom. People don't have the freedom to drive drunk without consequences because when they get into a car accident, they fuck over the other person's freedom, and by not getting vaccinated and being someone who can potentially harbor the virus and spread it to others, you're endangering the lives of others. Society should be run with a social contract, one which maximizes people's individual freedom, but maximizing freedom does mean limiting it in some ways.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    It's not. Fascism has nothing to do with freedom, it's a complete submission to the idea of a state/nation and rejection of individual freedom. People don't have the freedom to drive drunk without consequences because when they get into a car accident, they fuck over the other person's freedom, and by not getting vaccinated and being someone who can potentially harbor the virus and spread it to others, you're endangering the lives of others. Society should be run with a social contract, one which maximizes people's individual freedom, but maximizing freedom does mean limiting it in some ways.
    Fascism has everything to do with freedom. Germans have a right to live free of Jews and Slavs. People's right to live free of the the Jewish and Slavic plagues are more important than Jewish and Slavic physical autonomy. By not assimilating and/or killing themselves, Jews and Slavs compromise the integrity of the German nation, and so the German nation has a right to punish them by not letting them live in it.

    Fascism is just the rational conclusion to liberalism's democratic premises. If the will of the collective is all that matters, the rights of the individual should be completely discarded as they're an impediment to this collective will.

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    This thread is a good example of NTs going rogue and straying from the topic. We're not arguing about rewriting the universal declaration of rights in this thread, nor should public health become a topic for abstract political ideology or strategy debates.

    Please stay pragmatic or open another thread if you're interested in talking about individual freedoms and how to preserve them in current society.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    We're not arguing about rewriting the universal declaration of rights
    Try telling that to my government.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Fascism has everything to do with freedom. Germans have a right to live free of Jews and Slavs. People's right to live free of the the Jewish and Slavic plagues are more important than Jewish and Slavic physical autonomy. By not assimilating and/or killing themselves, Jews and Slavs compromise the integrity of the German nation, and so the German nation has a right to punish them by not letting them live in it.

    Fascism is just the rational conclusion to liberalism's democratic premises. If the will of the collective is all that matters, the rights of the individual should be completely discarded as they're an impediment to this collective will.
    Big bad mustache man was never arguing about freedom, his focus was always on the nation. The German Nation was never a tool for freedom, but the end goal, something to be fed into a powerful beast. It was never about being "free" from Jews and Slavs, it was about maintaining purity. The rational conclusion to the idea of democracy is some unrealistic utopian An-com society where hierarchy is gone and everyone lives peacefully picking flowers, not fascism, an ideology predicated on hierarchy.

    This thread is a good example of NTs going rogue and straying from the topic. We're not arguing about rewriting the universal declaration of rights in this thread, nor should public health become a topic for abstract political ideology or strategy debates.

    Please stay pragmatic or open another thread if you're interested in talking about individual freedoms and how to preserve them in current society.
    Most political arguments are unresolvable considering the underlying disagreements between people's beliefs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    People's freedom to live in a society without a plague running around is more important than an individual's bodily freedom. If you choose to go against the well being of society, society has can punish you by not letting you participate in it.
    Given the actual circumstances of this so called plague, no it does not.

    Society can control what you are not allowed to put into your body, it cannot enforce what you required to put into your body in order to participate. That you believe this, sickens me. Especially given none of the vaccines are neither inoculizing, nor neutralizing spread.

    It's like taking to little children with rudimentary understanding of liberty and individual sovereignty. This was exactly what Jesus was talking about.

  21. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    What is the point of saying this? Is this supposed to be insightful?
    Isn't it?

    Legitimacy? You talk like “legitimacy” is a stat in a grand strategy game — like it can be measured as some quantifiable score or something. “Legitimacy” as perceived by whom?

    Huh? Again, as perceived by whom? Certainly not by revolutionaries. Not by states which helped the revolution, or think they’ll stand to gain by recognizing it. What exactly do you mean by “legitimacy,” and what do you think is the point of having it?

    OK, the rules of hereditary succession are comparatively simple; no one questions who the successor to Elizabeth II will be; elections are much easier to tamper with. Do you believe hereditary succession isn’t common anymore because it’s lost “legitimacy” in the eyes of some abstract body of people? If so you seem to have cause and effect reversed, or do you believe that it’s just coincidence the Church preached the divine right of kings when hereditary aristocracy was at its height, and liberalism just happened to develop when the bourgeoise were beginning to supplant the aristocracy? Or do you even believe that liberalism came first, and somehow physically created the bourgeoise ex nihilo?
    Think about it this way: A revolution removes the ethical backstop against further revolutions (i.e. revolutions against the original revolution). In such a system, in which there is no continuity of institutions, where every side has equal moral standing (i.e. 'legitimacy'), there is no default expectation for the loser to peacefully concede defeat. In such a system, there is no precedent against the use of arbitrary measures, including force, to acquire or maintain power.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    It's like taking to little children with rudimentary understanding of liberty and individual sovereignty. This was exactly what Jesus was talking about.
    O really? What's freedom to you then?

  23. #223
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    Just stopping by real quick-like. I remain vaccine-free. Wanted to see though if there are any Australians hanging about, wondering how you're doing in the penal colony down under.

    Across the world though, anyone who values freedom is in for a fight. It's going to get worse. Couple ways this new executive order in the US goes down . . . backchannels look like an Atlas Shrugged situation is brewing. And a kind of parallel economy is forming, not just like last century's '20s of speakeasys and whatnot, but those are popping up too, so we'll see. Courts will probably shoot down the EO since it's not legal, but if it lasts for enough time, looks like a forced system crash. Other option, they all back down, save the system, and it doesn't end up having widespread effects. Third option - all the "little people" cave in and submit, but I am rooting for backbone. I see most people in this thread are on the Nazi side though. The majority typically is. . . Anyway, happy to see some who aren't

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    If the world had locked down in the beginnings of the pandemic, this wouldn't have happened.

    2 fucking weeks. That's all the time that was necessary.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Isn't it?
    Well, you're certainly qualified to be a political science professor or NYT opinion staff.

    Think about it this way: A revolution removes the ethical backstop against further revolutions (i.e. revolutions against the original revolution). In such a system, in which there is no continuity of institutions, where every side has equal moral standing (i.e. 'legitimacy'), there is no default expectation for the loser to peacefully concede defeat. In such a system, there is no precedent against the use of arbitrary measures, including force, to acquire or maintain power.
    Are you nuts? People revolt because "ethical backstops against revolutions" fail? Yeah, this is definitely how people work, weighing abstract notions of ethics before they decide to pick up a weapon, and selflessly disregarding their own self-interest. Thank God we have the state to make us moral.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Great View Post
    If the world had locked down in the beginnings of the pandemic, this wouldn't have happened.

    2 fucking weeks. That's all the time that was necessary.

  27. #227
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    I wonder what the correlation between not getting the shot and being a freedom fighter is

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Well, you're certainly qualified to be a political science professor or NYT opinion staff.
    Aren't we all.

    Are you nuts? People revolt because "ethical backstops against revolutions" fail? Yeah, this is definitely how people work, weighing abstract notions of ethics before they decide to pick up a weapon, and selflessly disregarding their own self-interest. Thank God we have the state to make us moral.
    The people who "pick up a weapon" are a super-minority. Revolutionaries may prefer their own systems of ethics, but revolutions don't succeed without support from the rest of the people. And those other people, the little people, are the ones whose support is contingent on their perception of the government's right to exist.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Try telling that to my government.
    “your” government?

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    I love how those who are afraid of getting the vaccine are the same people ingesting horse de-wormer

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    I am too smart to get the vaccine!

    I am an independent thinker!

    I have more thots than you!

    Disagree with me and you’re a fascist!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    I love how those who are afraid of getting the vaccine are the same people ingesting horse de-wormer
    If you cared to glance at Ivermectin’s Wikipedia page, you’d see that it’s commonly used to treat humans, and its discovery won its creators the Nobel Prize in medicine. So why did you call it “horse paste,” given that you presumably don’t refer to benadryl as “dog medicine,” and when information about ivermectin’s use with humans is so easily available? Would you be willing to accept that you’re more susceptible to propaganda and group-thinking than you’ve thought?

    Maybe ivermectin helps treat Covid. Maybe it doesn’t. But people calling it “horse paste” ought to seriously examine why they’re calling it that.

    ”your” government?
    ? Was something unclear?
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 09-13-2021 at 06:40 AM.

  33. #233
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    According to the FDA, animal Ivermectin is different from human Ivermectin. I hope that people (the folks using the medicine) aren't confusing the two.

    Ivermectin Products for Animals Are Different from Ivermectin Products for People

    For one thing, animal drugs are often highly concentrated because they are used for large animals like horses and cows, which weigh a lot more than we do—a ton or more. Such high doses can be highly toxic in humans. Moreover, the FDA reviews drugs not just for safety and effectiveness of the active ingredients, but also for the inactive ingredients. Many inactive ingredients found in products for animals aren’t evaluated for use in people. Or they are included in much greater quantity than those used in people. In some cases, we don’t know how those inactive ingredients will affect how ivermectin is absorbed in the human body.
    Last edited by xerx; 09-13-2021 at 07:22 AM. Reason: ..........

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    I think the confusion is when freedoms interfere with one another. I'm against vaccine mandates bc I know it pisses ppl off, but I also accept there are vaccines I was legally required to be injected with as a baby that contribute to saving us all from those diseases. I understand it's not radical to do this with covid. But I get that it is making a significant percentage of ppl who are done trusting those in power with anything resist vaccination even more.

    Still, I would like the "freedom" to have medical care available to me in hospital if something bad befell me, and the freedom to not have to wear a mask, and I understand that ppl who are so adamant against measures to stop the pandemic are why nothing can "go back to normal" which is what they claim to want. Like sometimes your personal freedoms impinge on those of others and others have to pay for it. I don't like paying.

    Like just know, the claims we have to wear masks forever and be restricted forever came from those who fear that the most and they used their fear to help make it a self-fulfilling prophesy, which is what happens when fear is the driver.

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    I don't like how the insitutions pushing this are people that have traditionally been against me and my family for years- the same type of people who falsely accused me of shit- were draconian and Nurse Ratched like etc. They are the cause of a lot of the world's evil because they are smug and arrogant and can't see their own evil-ness or own bad intentions. I admit I have enjoyed provoking them at times, fucking with their minds in the past- because it was so easy- and their Ni polr was easy for me to push.

    But I also look at that my personal feelings also don't matter in the Te polr sense because they could still be right about it being a good thing to get vaccinated despite the system and the people behind it being so fucked up and heartless. ((there seems to be contradictory information with that tho but I mean I mean I will give them the benefit of the doubt because it's the right thing to do...)) That's sorta what Te does often you know. Abuses you and treats you like shit but hey- it's randomly right here in this instance.

    As I keep saying it doesn't mean COVID is not serious or something to not watch out for just because they are the way they are- people use genuine things to dishonestly manipulate people with all the time... Although it may sound a weird example it makes me think of - say you were with a serial killer/pedo or anybody you knew was deeply immoral. But they actually were very logically right about something- would you still listen to them about that specific thing despite you being so morally infurirated with them? You could not listen to them just because you were morally pissed off and enraged- but doing that could have consequences to both society and yourself.

    "vaccine hestiancy" well yeah - people wouldn't be 'hesitant' if they weren't such assholes. Is it 'vaccine hestiancy' or more like hestiancy to allow Big Brother to completely infilitirate your life and control your every move? lol

    I guess I also worry about what this is doing to our adaptative immune system as a whole. Protection from flu/diseases is good but I fear in the more general way it's gonna make people too pussy-ish to play outside and to do basic things- so much so where their fears of germs killing them become true. Because I'm pretty sure you put somebody in an ultra sterile envrionment then unleash them out into the dirty sinful AIDS-y world- they would most likely die very fast from a bee sting or something. "Stay at home and be afraid of everything so you will die easily when you do finally step outside after a long time and realize at the last moment when you die that we were just trying to control you due to our own fucked up power and control issues." Naturally though- people's freedoms end where society's safety begins. Freedom doesn't mean the freedom to harm- because then nobody would have freedom or only really bad people would be free. So I understand that side too.

    Can you blame me for feeling this way? Look at the 1961 'Boys Beware' video how they treated homosexuals and what the governments genuinely believed about us. Yeah people make fun of that video now but remember at the time- that's what Karens and Cops/mainstream society really thought- and LSE Cop Karens are still out in full force. To me this is Boys Beware all over again in a sense. Ralph is sick. Ralph has COVID!!! *gasp* No one knows when the COVID carrier is about... Ralph DEMANDS that he give you COVID!!!

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    I find it pretty ironic that the majority of my ancestors, especially the quaker side who have been here (America) since damn near the beginning, came here to escape religious persecution and be free to practice as they want. And they had really hard lives. And now a bunch of young kids who want to erase our history for the sake of PC, tearing down historical monuments, and have never worked a day in the fields and watched half their family die, never been to war, want to push socialist ideas on me. It’s like they hate our country and what it stands for. Denial always end up biting people in the ass. And the younger generations seem to be full of it.
    Last edited by Aster; 09-13-2021 at 02:42 PM.
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  37. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    If you cared to glance at Ivermectin’s Wikipedia page, you’d see that it’s commonly used to treat humans, and its discovery won its creators the Nobel Prize in medicine. So why did you call it “horse paste,” given that you presumably don’t refer to benadryl as “dog medicine,” and when information about ivermectin’s use with humans is so easily available? Would you be willing to accept that you’re more susceptible to propaganda and group-thinking than you’ve thought?

    Maybe ivermectin helps treat Covid. Maybe it doesn’t. But people calling it “horse paste” ought to seriously examine why they’re calling it that.

    ? Was something unclear?
    In the US, Ivermectin is commonly used to treat parasites in animals, hence the name “horse dewormer”. It is less commonly prescribed for human use over here simply because we have more cases of animal livestock with worms than people with worms in the US.

    Something about the phrase “my government” sounds odd to me. I guess because I don’t view it so personally.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    If people want to go out, they can get a rapid test or go get tested if they don’t want the vaccine. There are options, it’s not like their isn’t. Not as many options as being vaccinated but there are. A lot of influencers do/did this in California with the rapid test during the HIGHT of covid and I’m pretty damn sure they weren’t vaccinated. You’re dammed if you do and you’re damned if you don’t. If you want to stop covid, then you have to put restrictions. If you put too many restrictions, you’re infringing on peoples rights so you got to at least give some choices. That choice is staying home or rapid testing if people really don’t want the vaccine. People who are vaccinated show stay home too but, there will still be people who need to go to essential work and make money blah blah blah.

    I do sympathize with the people who don’t want to get vaccinated. I also don’t think hospital beds should be taken away from them if they were to catch it. I just think that with that choice, they are limited because they are the most at risk if they catch covid. If someone is vaxxed, they may catch it but it’s less of a risk. People have died from this. Let’s not forget that. Everybody always talks about “freedom” but everyone one forgets the consequences that come with those freedoms. Good or bad. You are free to choose, you are not free of the consequences of your actions.
    This is not how things are going on. Getting the experimental vaccine or getting hurt each time You need to get out are not real options. Companies are being pushed to force employees to get vaccined and federal goverment wants to vaccinate all their employees. Thats not optional. Also lock down ppl, use experimental medicine and forcing ppl to get their nose scrapped every 10 days is basically a form of torture and it's against human rights. I honestly don't know what's more frightening, goverments pushing Medical experiments on the worlds population as some did in ww2, or a bunch of ppl who are unable to think by themselves and just keep repeating what they hear. In 50 years ppl is going to look back at this time atrocities in horror as ppl do now when looking back at nazism or the nuclear bomb.
    Last edited by Hope; 09-14-2021 at 08:10 PM.

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    My father-in-law is a pharmacist, has been one for over 25 years. He has to give people these vaccines at work. He said the vaccines he gives have always come with a pamphlet saying what’s in them in the past. But on the pamphlets for the Covid vaccines…these are blank. They say Intentionally Blank. He said he basically doesn’t know what he’s giving people for sure. Pamphlets don’t say. He thought it was odd, but of course the whole thing is odd. Unusual. But, yes, that’s what he said…
    Last edited by Aster; 09-14-2021 at 02:23 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akira View Post
    I honestly don't know what's more frightening, goverments pushing Medical experiments on the worlds population as some did in ww2, or a bunch of ppl who are unable to think by themselves and just keep repeating what they hear
    yes, exactly…I’m so creeped out lately by it… I don’t even know what to say. A bit speechless
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