Quote Originally Posted by Keymaster View Post
Intense World Theory of Autism
I vaguely remember being slightly more sensitive as a child, but nothing like this describes. I remember hearing something about "the dim world of psychopathy" where everything is boring/underwhelming and that describes me perfectly. Yet, I have abysmal social skills. What is this shit?
its all related. u do have autism. autists can have poor empathy and social skills and be very insensitive instead of sensitive. it has a lot of overlap with other disorders. this is called comorbidity. what makes u one thing is actually multiple factors than can make u variations of it and others. the label doesnt matter. IEEs tend to have more pain tolerance. extroverts in general tend to have more pain tolerance and be less sensitive. its due to muscle function affecting the nervous system and organs in people with autism who have bigger brains and bodies more aligned to that. they have hunter genes that make u unfit to live in the modern world which translates into all kinds of weird issues.
autism has severities of symptoms raging from one end to the other.

ENxP is correlated to histrionic personality disorder (like ESFP) and ADD. intuitive variants tend to prefer more alone time than sensors. due to this a lot of ENxx tend to type themselves INxx. ENxPs were long distance marathon runners. long distance running isrelated to BDNF hormone release, high energy and better thinking when moving, and this is related to Ne being the most energy expensive function on Dario Nardi brain scans. ENxPs are a sort of champion character that would make those impressive long distance runs with hunters. they were separated in bands instead of tribes and were not hostile to each other like sensors (sensor aggression proclivity noted on the 2020 election thread by a SLE), ENxPs would pass a lot of people when doing that. moving on forgetting. they are also known for being hoes and cheaters. ENFP Ti PoLR translated into such archetype yet actual human way of life that's completely grounded in reality. ENFPs tend to become workaholics and bend to everyone else's expectations. My IEE sister was very annoyingly persistent and endured more pain than me. I fat shamed her after talking a lot of shit for her not minding hurting me for attention which built up for her over the years. She started eating "healthy" like a lot of people and fitness shitheads push themselves to with stupid slogans and lost her period. She's more sensitive to criticisms than actual pain.