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Thread: To all my lovely SEIs

  1. #81
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    I'm short on time, so some quick thoughts:
    I don't know whether you're IEI or SEI, but I've observed that you write more like an SEI though that's based on a generalization.
    I like to think of Ni vs Si as homeostasis/balance of the inner OR external situation.
    If you are SEI, then being e4 would accentuate Ni role and increase how much time you spend in the inner world.
    SEIs aren't boring. the person i've been friends with the longest in my life is an SEI.
    Si caretaking can come out in little ways such as (some irl examples)
    -IEE getting overly excited about an idea and ESE telling him to calm down (in a caring manner)
    -SEI commenting I should drink a glass a warm water upon waking, when I had a fever
    you don't necessarily literally have to be taking care of someone.
    Anyway, do you relate to Ne or Se seeking more? I think you just need to understand the IEs more. that just requires a lot of time spent browsing the internet about them.

  2. #82
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    I relate to neither Ne seeking or Se seeking...

    I feel more like I need logical structures to my life... But I don't feel like I need Ne spontaneity or constantly changing plans in my life or Se roughness. I can do everything by myself and I don't need all those weird infantile or aggressor things, I just need to actually focus enough to get things done so I can get to where I want to go, and more importantly, make plans for my week so that I actually do the things I need to do.

    I don't think I have ever done any Si caretaking things in my life but that could just be because I am very withdrawn from everything.

    My writing style is like this because I feel like my brain is a messy house with dust everywhere, locked rooms, endless hallways that loop around, holodeck chambers where I fantasize about doing things instead of doing things... so on and so on. Logic and writing is how I can organize it so I tend to try to put it out to make more sense of things.

    Neither SLEs or ILEs feel like my duals... I'd rather be alone most of the time and not be bothered by anyone at all... But maybe I am just ungrateful for the people in my life.

    I am too withdrawn from anything to type with accuracy, but I will just accept a SEI typing and move on because I have tried multiple times to read it all over, and I still don't see myself as either Ne seeking or Se seeking. Besides the fact that I can write about sensory things too easily and my writing style seems not at all IEI. I am just too focused on trying to do what I want to even bother anymore...

    So my dual literally doesn't exist because they would be a logical feeler, Ti dominant and Fe creative, so that they don't have all of these plans and ideas that add to my confusion and also not so ethically helpless that they can't express their feelings to me so that I can help them that way. Also I hope that they do not need a lot of attention, because I will be withdrawn from most things.

    Haha about the IEE getting overly excited about an idea, I can't even calm down myself half of the time...

    Okay, I guess I will try one last time to make sense of it... I feel SEI is about 3/4 times more likely for me now than IEI, so I give up trying to understand how duality is supposed to help me... People just bother me so much and I would rather be alone...

  3. #83
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    Maybe you should gather some life experience and revisit typology in 10 years or so. I don't see the point for teenagers or younger.

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    Last edited by MidnightWilderness; 04-07-2021 at 06:39 PM. Reason: Hmm see y'all in 10 years if I still need it

  5. #85
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    Ehh... In 10 years I will not even bother anymore if everything goes right. Hopefully I can actually pull myself out of my bedroom to actually gain life experiences... Just got to kick my tushy and stop overthinking this shit.

  6. #86
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    One thing I'd say about socionics is that the 2 main things that it should, if it's worth any salt, be able to do. The first is to be able to figure out a more "true" version of yourself, so that you can easily point out insecurities, strengths, and generally simplify things enough for you to generally make the right decisions in what to do with yourself, and the second being how to interact with people and understand why they're acting the way they are, i.e. their motivations. The problem with doing the first one is that it's a lot harder when you already have some mental baggage, it's harder to actually use something like this to help yourself out, which would be even worse if you were an IEI and had Se Suggestive making you helpless to actually change anything. What you should probably do then, is try to relive some of that mental baggage by surrounding yourself with people who would be able to help, friends who are mature enough to actually help you, and whom you also enjoy being around. I don't know how many good, close people you have in your life who would help you find more good close people, but try to attach to anything you can to meet new people. All you need is one person to take the initiative of connecting people to you and you'll be able to get pulled out of the hole you're stuck in. Though I do recommend you try to actually connect with people who you at least could meet irl, since online friendships can only give you so much. Also ignore types and all of that, just try to find people you enjoy being with and don't make you uncomfortable(most importantly when you start to get close to them).

  7. #87
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    Just wanted to mention a thing about subtypes. Subtypes are seriously underrated. The difference between two identical types of different subtypes can be huge. My best friend is ILE-Ne and though we are very similar in life philosophy we're like day and night in attitude. ILE-Ne has strong irrationality and intuition and therefore needs someone who is also irrational and with strong sensation (SEI-Si). He's a very easy going guy, kinda childish demeanor but adultlike in his way of thinking I suppose. ILE-Ti, as far as myself and the other ILE-Ti I know, are more 'balanced' so to speak with the strengthened rationality and sensing. ILE-Ti gives a more severe expression, kinda like LII or even LSI. But the easygoingness shows in interaction. Also in my case at least I never feel the Si-seeking directly, I generally manage Si stuff myself and get it over with. Though that may be related to 1F (confident Physics). It's the Fe kinda positive interaction which is more important to me. Getting help with Si stuff is more like a bonus lol.

    At any rate I always get the impression from ILE-Ti as well as SLE-Ti that they are 'all-rounders', meanwhile ILE-Ne and SLE-Se are more exaggerated versions of their base types.
    I have not met enough SEI or IEI subtypes to compare them though. I just know that both IEI-Ni and SEI-Si seem awfully lazy and easy going lol and they are somewhat unemotional at first glance at least the guys I know.

  8. #88
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    @The Banana King

    I am pretty sure I am SEI with no subtype, I don't think I could be any IEI and definitely not SEI-Si, that leaves me between SEI-Fe and SEI. However I am not really bubbly with the emotions, not always positive, though it could be depression, I was always the really gothy looking quiet kid (few exceptions where I wasn't), and I am pretty sure I am a little more internalized with the emotions around people I do not trust due to some bad instances of sharing personal emotions...

    Also Banana King, I am VELF if that helps, I tend to be obsessed with goals and pretty diehard about them, but I never end up having the momentum to actually start much of anything so I was just... confused at how I could be first will in this system, my emotions are mostly flexible and creative if I pay attention to them, 3rd logic so I can be a bit of a skeptic and sound like a try hard to be smart most of the time (still not 100% sure in Socionics accuracy and I still want to somehow disprove it, a), and 4th physics which is why some people keep saying I am Si polr, it's just that I pay the least attention to it (for a sensor) and I generally need a little help, but not a lot of help as I can do things myself with some effort... Although cooking is a bit of a nightmare because I tend to make messes without fully realizing how bad I did everything. Bit of a pain to think about it still...

    I guess if I was SEI-Fe this would explain why I don't feel Ne seeking at all but more Ti seeking? Still some things don't match up for me to be a SEI-Fe, bit too introverted and sluggish for that I think...

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    @The Banana King

    I am pretty sure I am SEI with no subtype, I don't think I could be any IEI and definitely not SEI-Si, that leaves me between SEI-Fe and SEI. However I am not really bubbly with the emotions, not always positive, though it could be depression, I was always the really gothy looking quiet kid (few exceptions where I wasn't), and I am pretty sure I am a little more internalized with the emotions around people I do not trust due to some bad instances of sharing personal emotions...

    Also Banana King, I am VELF if that helps, I tend to be obsessed with goals and pretty diehard about them, but I never end up having the momentum to actually start much of anything so I was just... confused at how I could be first will in this system, my emotions are mostly flexible and creative if I pay attention to them, 3rd logic so I can be a bit of a skeptic and sound like a try hard to be smart most of the time (still not 100% sure in Socionics accuracy and I still want to somehow disprove it, a), and 4th physics which is why some people keep saying I am Si polr, it's just that I pay the least attention to it (for a sensor) and I generally need a little help, but not a lot of help as I can do things myself with some effort... Although cooking is a bit of a nightmare because I tend to make messes without fully realizing how bad I did everything. Bit of a pain to think about it still...

    I guess if I was SEI-Fe this would explain why I don't feel Ne seeking at all but more Ti seeking? Still some things don't match up for me to be a SEI-Fe, bit too introverted and sluggish for that I think...
    Wow VELF is so weird for SEI lol. I can't imagine what it's like having 4D Si but 'weak' Physics in the attitudinal psyche sense. So you have strong Si but it's like "out of focus" in your psyche. Physics is my 1st function so it's like I was born bad at Si but I've focused so much on it over the years that I became self-sufficient hahah. To be honest I kinda get the thing about not paying attention to Si stuff even as a Si lead. At least I used to think that there was no way I was Ne-lead because I'm not that extraverted or 'crazy' like the ILE scientist caricature. But then I noticed that my Ne was a really unconscious process going on all the time in my psyche. Like a permanent 'perception' of possibilities, oportunities, ideas always flowing back and forth. It was just so internalized that it didn't stand out to me. Eventually I met a few guys, one ILE-Ti and one SLE-Ti and I noticed this same quirk, both kind of 'ambiverted' and didn't express the Ne/Se outwardly. So I finally decided ILE-Ti for myself.

    As for SEI, really the descriptions about them being bubbly and cheerful aren't that accurate lol. I haven't met that many but if feels many SEI are kinda sad-ish. Maybe not depressed but low-key and moody sort of. But I get good vibes when interacting with them, like they hide their sadness and act cheerful around people. I can see the 4F in particular affecting your mood somewhat. 4F is described as being 'melancholic' most of the time, because Physics measures vitality so 3F and 4F may have negative moods more often.

    Low self-esteem, not starting tasks, reminds me more of 3V than 1V. But I dunno what introverted types with 1V look like so I can't say for sure. As a 4V and Ne-lead I have the exact opposite problem, love starting tasks but can't follow through hahah
    If you feel Ti seeking and introverted then try to figure out what comes more naturally to you, using Ni or using Si? One of these functions should be 4-dimensional (very skilled, flexible, 'on' most of the time) and the other 2-dimensional (imitative, based on societal expectations).

  10. #90
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    Well it is confusing to be fourth physics and SEI, just kind of strange that it is that way. Hmm I don't really hide my sadness very well most of the time... I only do it because people can get weirded out and things like that. I act cheerful maybe only in the first couple of conversations but then it quickly goes to stress mode and I can't really fake cheerfulness. Yes, but the 3rd function tries to overcompensate all the time, I don't really try to appear strong in will or anything like that, besides I am generally stubborn and more overzealous about wanting to get things done than typical SEI, just it is hard to implement because I am an introverted irrational feeler type. I don't fully understand Ni vs Si, but I am pretty sure I am SEI based on other's opinions about my type. Everything is sort of confusing when you don't have real life experiences and also a 4th physics sensor... But I just think SEI... Would be easier if I could find VELF SEI to compare but I think that would be like finding a needle in a haystack so I am not even going to try.

  11. #91
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    Pls gawd, don’t let this post be a joke because I’m an SEI who relates.

  12. #92
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    It's 100% not a joke Poptart Finally another SEI!!!

  13. #93
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    Yeah 1V SEI and 4F SEI examples are probably hard to find. Wait actually I think I know one SEI who may be 1V.
    I remember she got posted here at some point as a SEI example and maybe she's 1V but not too sure. She seems either 2L or 2E.

  14. #94
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    She sounds nothing like me, and also her editing is painful... Although I do see how she carries herself more confidently compared to other SEIs. I would say 2L and not 2E because her videos are not centered on emotions but more on building projects.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    It's 100% not a joke Poptart Finally another SEI!!!

    Sup!!!!! Are you guys talking about psychosophy? I type myself Borgia, mainly because I REFUSE to be a dumas in two systems lol.

  16. #96
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    here's descriptions of IEI and SEI by talanov, who basically surveyed a bunch of these types with questionnaires. Let google auto-translate it all, and scroll down to Table 7 on both links to find the difference between them. The higher it is on the table, the more likely it's correlated to that type. If you go through it and neither one really fits well, you could try looking at some of his "borderline" types here.

  17. #97
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    100% sure I am SEI, but thanks

  18. #98
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    It bothers me that SEIs are portrayed as the maids and stay at home moms of the socion.

  19. #99
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    It is all just stereotypes in the end Poptart. Realistically you can do whatever you want regardless of Socionics. More people should be aware of the meaning of Si. It is just experiencing things through sensations and one can reject certain senses if they want. I don't even like sculpting, painting, photography, building, dance, cooking, fashion, but that doesn't make me any less SEI.

    It's just this whole "caretaker" phrase that should be redone... I am sure many Ne types don't identify with "infantile" either. The terrible Russian articles that named everything strangely and too specifically got translated and now we have this mess.

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    Well said, MidnightWilderness.

    I don’t like a lot of stereotypical SEI activities either. I find cooking, cleaning, and baking cookies to be rather tedious. I like to think I have good taste in fashion and home decor, though I have a variety of interests that don’t fall under the typical “SEI” umbrella.

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post

    here's descriptions of IEI and SEI by talanov, who basically surveyed a bunch of these types with questionnaires. Let google auto-translate it all, and scroll down to Table 7 on both links to find the difference between them. The higher it is on the table, the more likely it's correlated to that type. If you go through it and neither one really fits well, you could try looking at some of his "borderline" types here.
    This site is amazing and worthy of its own thread, very interesting and unexpected correlations in there! Apparently SEI and ILE both tend to like dogs more than cats lol. For ILE it's like 4x more likelythat they prefer dogs over cats vs. the general population (if I'm interpreting the data correctly)

  22. #102
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    Dogs constantly need attention and walks and petting. (Clearly Si valuing infantile there) Dogs are always loyal and will never leave your side. (Anti Ni doubting) Enthusiastic emotional expression, wags tail happily when they see you. (positive Fe reinforcement)

    Cats want little attention unless they come to you for petting. Unenthusiastic about seeing you unless you have been gone for a long time. (anti Si/Ne relationship) Always lurks somewhere in the back plotting something evil. Will show you their power by pouncing in dead animals, then giving it to you as a gift to remind you of their power. (Se)

    ILEs therefore like the enthusiasm of a dog to bring them back down to Earth and bring them positive emotions.

    But that's my stupid theory...

  23. #103
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    Lol you're right dogs are basically infantiles haha. Aside of being loyal I like that they're really smart and obedient so they're easy to train. But that may be biased because my dog's a Border Collie. Oh and also their energy levels are really high, always ready to play and run around even when they're older.

    Cats on the other hand are just pure evil and also lazy as fuck. I admit they are cute and all but the moment you bring one home they start demanding royal treatment and it just pisses me off cause they just lie there doing nothing all day. But actually I like active/playful cats cuz they're fun and they also have AMAZING reflexes compared to goofy dogs. Still prefer dogs a million times.

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    As someone who's never had a dog and only lived with a couple cats, I've always just thought of pets as living decorations like plants.

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    Simply I am only unsure of being able to provide sensory things but the only way now to find out is to meet in real life and see how it goes and if it still doesn't feel right, jump on a plane and get out.
    I mean, I don't buy model A that states that SEI have Fe creative. If you're really Fe creative then I highly doubt you're SEI.

    What's your experience with ILE? Have you ever experienced duality?

    Btw, there was a guy who insisted I was SEI-Fe and I can see the Fe in me but I now self type as IEE, since I believe the only Fe creatives are IEE and SEE
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Megatrop View Post
    I mean, I don't buy model A that states that SEI have Fe creative. If you're really Fe creative then I highly doubt you're SEI.

    What's your experience with ILE? Have you ever experienced duality?

    Btw, there was a guy who insisted I was SEI-Fe and I can see the Fe in me but I now self type as IEE, since I believe the only Fe creatives are IEE and SEE
    Hold up, I thought your second function was the creative one? Oh no did I get that wrong? I meant my second function was Fe...

    Yes I have an ILE boyfriend, though I can't really say what is duality, but I assume it's duality because I think I am SEI. I can't comment on my experience because it might be muddled with NTR things, I would have to get to know more ILEs to be able to really say what it is like.

    I am definitely not SEE or IEE, my Fi is very much hidden and I don't think in terms of new opportunities all the time or Se concreteness. I value Ti above Te.

    I just have less of a need for Ne than normal SEIs I guess and my Ti is terrible in comparison. At least that's how I feel. I suppose I should be ESE, but I am not extroverted, I still have role Ni, and my Te is quite bad.

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    I love SEIs
    If they ever tryna neck, I'll put my foot up in your caca
    Call your mama and your papa
    Like I'm finna take your dadda
    Turn that bitch into a soccer ball and rocka, rocka, rocka (brrr)
    Get into it like a suit
    And fuck a stack up like a broker

  28. #108
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    I don't even like sculpting, painting, photography, building, dance, cooking, fashion, but that doesn't make me any less SEI.
    Yes, many of these things are not even Si related.

    Something like this:

    Sculpting = intuitive or Se
    painting = can be many functions
    photography = often Ni related
    building = ST
    dance = definitely not Si. Many EIEs can be good dancers. Also strong Se types.
    cooking = can be many functions
    fashion = mainly Fe related

    Si base can be used in art but it is pretty rare because that requires special skills for expressing the Si.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Yes, many of these things are not even Si related.

    Something like this:

    Sculpting = intuitive or Se
    painting = can be many functions
    photography = often Ni related
    building = ST
    dance = definitely not Si. Many EIEs can be good dancers. Also strong Se types.
    cooking = can be many functions
    fashion = mainly Fe related

    Si base can be used in art but it is pretty rare because that requires special skills for expressing the Si.
    How is sculpting intuitive? Basically all you have to do is have in mind the image of what you want to sculpt, and then carefully follow the details.
    Painting, yes could be anything now that I think about it.
    How is photography Ni? I understand Film being Ni, but photography is just either symbolic imagery and/or having in mind what you want to photograph.
    Building, how is that ST? I think I meant architecture but wrote building on accident, but architecture is just knowing in mind what you want to create and then following all the details.
    Isn't dancing all about physical ways of symbolism, which seems more Si to me?

    I don't believe that Si base is rarely used in art because I always can come up with images in my head of how things should look like, and what message I want to convey. Despite the fact that I can take awhile to develop it, I don't feel overwhelmed thinking about art, it is like a fun puzzle to me. Or it could just be my role function, who knows? Hmm what even is Si at this point?

    Actually I think now that creativity has nothing to do with IMs but actually other abilities that Socionics doesn't describe. The IMs seem not to be linked to how much art you make or what type of art you make, but actually what message you convey through your art, for example, your point of view or what you value.

    If you take an example of an artist that is correctly typed and search for the themes in the art and the values they express, you will notice some kind of correlation of themes between types.

  30. #110
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    How is sculpting intuitive? Basically all you have to do is have in mind the image of what you want to sculpt, and then carefully follow the details.
    Painting, yes could be anything now that I think about it.
    How is photography Ni? I understand Film being Ni, but photography is just either symbolic imagery and/or having in mind what you want to photograph.
    Art is often intuitive because you go into the unknown and create something new. Of course there are artists who are sensors, but Sensing is a pretty primitive function.

    Photography is a frozen moment in time, and that creates all kinds of challenges and possibilities.

    Building, how is that ST? I think I meant architecture but wrote building on accident, but architecture is just knowing in mind what you want to create and then following all the details.
    Building or construction is certainly ST. But architecture is Intuitive because it's complicated engineering and design, where you have to manage lots of unknown factors and make a unified whole. An architect has to combine his ideas with the technical stuff and create something that works visually, aesthetically, historically, technically, economically and serves the needs of people. I am not an architect but you get the picture.

    Isn't dancing all about physical ways of symbolism, which seems more Si to me?
    Si is not symbolic. Si gives you impressions from the body, but it is all introverted and doesn't show much. I just know from experience that EIE can be very good dances, they have the feel for time and motion (Ni) and sense for style and expression (Fe). Michael Jackson was EIE. Check out his dancing.

    I don't believe that Si base is rarely used in art because I always can come up with images in my head of how things should look like, and what message I want to convey.
    Si types can be interested in their Si-impressions and they like to get involved in soft hands-on activities, but it's really difficult to express Si in art, because then you would need to develop some rational function so that you have a means for expression, because Si in itself doesn't express anything. I think you are maybe not using Si at all when you come up with images.

    Hmm what even is Si at this point?
    Si is just when you stare at something, like the wall or the sky, and you take it in. But you are actually immersed in an inner impression, without knowing it. Because you sense something more than the pure object.

    Actually I think now that creativity has nothing to do with IMs but actually other abilities that Socionics doesn't describe. The IMs seem not to be linked to how much art you make or what type of art you make, but actually what message you convey through your art, for example, your point of view or what you value.
    Yes, although in some way Intuition is the creative function for obvious reasons.

    If you take an example of an artist that is correctly typed and search for the themes in the art and the values they express, you will notice some kind of correlation of themes between types.
    I think that's definitely true.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    Hold up, I thought your second function was the creative one? Oh no did I get that wrong? I meant my second function was Fe...

    Yes I have an ILE boyfriend, though I can't really say what is duality, but I assume it's duality because I think I am SEI. I can't comment on my experience because it might be muddled with NTR things, I would have to get to know more ILEs to be able to really say what it is like.

    I am definitely not SEE or IEE, my Fi is very much hidden and I don't think in terms of new opportunities all the time or Se concreteness. I value Ti above Te.

    I just have less of a need for Ne than normal SEIs I guess and my Ti is terrible in comparison. At least that's how I feel. I suppose I should be ESE, but I am not extroverted, I still have role Ni, and my Te is quite bad.

    he's saying he doesn't abide by the first model of Socionics, but perhaps he prefers Model G or T or something where Fe is of lesser importance than say Fi.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Art is often intuitive because you go into the unknown and create something new. Of course there are artists who are sensors, but Sensing is a pretty primitive function.

    Photography is a frozen moment in time, and that creates all kinds of challenges and possibilities.

    Building or construction is certainly ST. But architecture is Intuitive because it's complicated engineering and design, where you have to manage lots of unknown factors and make a unified whole. An architect has to combine his ideas with the technical stuff and create something that works visually, aesthetically, historically, technically, economically and serves the needs of people. I am not an architect but you get the picture.

    Si is not symbolic. Si gives you impressions from the body, but it is all introverted and doesn't show much. I just know from experience that EIE can be very good dances, they have the feel for time and motion (Ni) and sense for style and expression (Fe). Michael Jackson was EIE. Check out his dancing.

    Si types can be interested in their Si-impressions and they like to get involved in soft hands-on activities, but it's really difficult to express Si in art, because then you would need to develop some rational function so that you have a means for expression, because Si in itself doesn't express anything. I think you are maybe not using Si at all when you come up with images.

    Si is just when you stare at something, like the wall or the sky, and you take it in. But you are actually immersed in an inner impression, without knowing it. Because you sense something more than the pure object.

    Yes, although in some way Intuition is the creative function for obvious reasons.

    I think that's definitely true.
    Ok, what if I never stare at something and just take it in? My eyes just glaze over everything, and I can never feel fully immersed in my environment... I very rarely "just take things in", very rarely because it is hard for me to do it without getting distracted by thoughts.

    Then does Si manifest as something else in me? And isn't Si about more than just the sensation of seeing and also about other sensations? And if I do not feel sensations so powerfully, then can I still be a sensor?

    Why is Si so confusing???

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    Ok, what if I never stare at something and just take it in? My eyes just glaze over everything, and I can never feel fully immersed in my environment... I very rarely "just take things in", very rarely because it is hard for me to do it without getting distracted by thoughts.

    Then does Si manifest as something else in me? And isn't Si about more than just the sensation of seeing and also about other sensations? And if I do not feel sensations so powerfully, then can I still be a sensor?

    Why is Si so confusing???
    Hmm maybe it is quite possible to be a sensor and yet not actually focus on sensory experiences or try to improve them. This sounds crazy, on top of the fact that I do not relate to being Ne seeking, but I think this has to do with being SEI-Fe and therefore Ne annoys me. However I do not appear to be skilled at Ni or Ne so this is the only other option for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    Hmm maybe it is quite possible to be a sensor and yet not actually focus on sensory experiences
    possibly is to mistake in own type
    you may place your videointerview and to get opinions

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    Ok, what if I never stare at something and just take it in? My eyes just glaze over everything, and I can never feel fully immersed in my environment... I very rarely "just take things in", very rarely because it is hard for me to do it without getting distracted by thoughts.

    Then does Si manifest as something else in me? And isn't Si about more than just the sensation of seeing and also about other sensations? And if I do not feel sensations so powerfully, then can I still be a sensor?

    Why is Si so confusing???
    There are several reasons: Most SEIs have poorly developed Si. There is no use for it so other functions get developed instead. And as a SEI you don't have anything to compare with. You only know you and might not be aware of Si, although you are standing in the middle of it.

    Si can be about visual sensations, sound, smell etc. But it is always the impressionistic (introverted) component to the raw sensation. A typical Si person is detached from the concrete environment and senses things as if he was inside a bubble. It takes some effort to become aware of this situation.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    There are several reasons: Most SEIs have poorly developed Si. There is no use for it so other functions get developed instead. And as a SEI you don't have anything to compare with. You only know you and might not be aware of Si, although you are standing in the middle of it.

    Si can be about visual sensations, sound, smell etc. But it is always the impressionistic (introverted) component to the raw sensation. A typical Si person is detached from the concrete environment and senses things as if he was inside a bubble. It takes some effort to become aware of this situation.
    Hmm I guess so. Well it makes sense that there isn't too much of a use and quite probably I will never have to use it ever. I will have jobs that do not require any Si. That doesn't bother me though, the only thing is that it becomes sort of hard to interact with your duals when you have underdeveloped Si. Well or maybe it's just this one dual that I get annoyed with.

    I will probably never put in any effort into trying to become aware of this, but it seems interesting. I guess I don't really smell much of anything, nor really taste much of anything, but I do hear music quite well just not background noise. Or well I guess I don't focus on these things at least due to underdeveloped Si. It even seems annoying to think about every single sensation, it's much easier to block it out.

    Oh well, I still got advantages that aren't socionics related, so even if I have to go throughout life without using much Si I will still be happy. There are so many interesting things to do, and I already am excited to work towards my goals and achieve them if I can make it.

    It isn't so bad after all then, just a minor inconvenience to rely only on weak functions, but in fact it probably just makes you use your brain more, exercising it. Which is a good thing to do, everyone should overcome their weaknesses for what they truly want, then they can be happy eventually.

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