Quote Originally Posted by Brilliand View Post
However, this makes mental handicaps a feature of personality separate from Socionics, and I don't think they deserve that distinction. They're descriptions of the person that could easily overlap with type...
Such as perhaps someone seeming to be some T type due to their at least superficially observed "weakness" in F function. Although not really in Einsteins case I think.

I think I read somewhere that this can cause some MBTI practitioners to associate something like Aspergers testing out as mostly NT types, which although may have some implication to type, it's also showing an irrelevancy to MBTI typing approach.

It makes me think about something I recall being associated with what Ashura said about socionics only applying to what's generally regarded as mentally healthy people, but that on it's own is a somewhat contentious issue due to nature of a supposed illness and such factors.

I am now rambling and consider deleting this somewhat pointless post of mine.