Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
Sure, next time it snows I’ll record it for ya. As for why the snow won’t melt, could be a few reasons. The most likely explanation to me is that when water melts it fills much of it is “reabsorbed” back into the snow. Snow has a lot of air pockets in it, so it can absorb a fair bit of water. You might be able to replicate this with dryish snow that lands in your yard; pour water on the ball and see how much it can take before it starts to drip (some snow is more slushy than others, so this may not work if yours is particularly slushy). And I imagine the burning plastic smell comes from the carbonization of the snow.

Anyway: can I get a guarantee that if I can record myself holding a lighter to snow, and that if it turns black, you’ll re-evaluate where you get your information and the ideas that seem to you believable?

edit: I tested this and you can actually “burn” ice from a freezer if you have a lot of patience. It does noticeably melt, so it’s best to hold the flame to the center of the cube so black markings don’t melt away before you can see them. It won’t be as satisfying a video and the marks won’t be easy to make out but I can record that for you if you like.
Wow. If you don't look closely, you don't see.

But, it is not that hard to see.

Though, the threat of cognitive dissonance is a real thing to be sure.