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Thread: How is centralization of political power a net benefit?

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    Default How is centralization of political power a net benefit?

    I don't understand economics well (or anything or anyone else), but I believe I understand it well enough to conclude that centralization of restrictive economic and social policies doesn't turn into a net benefit for all the people who have to put up with it and that human relations can take care of the things that politicians say they do. The centralization of economic and social power reduces fear and anger in some people, while leading to those things in others. The people who ran (or who really wanted to run) the State/centralize political power had wanted those systems and their own organization of individuals, while claiming that it was for the common good. Alexander Hamilton was in fear of democracy, he opposed it on moral grounds, his disgust, his dreams and vision, his preference for certain people, his need for attention, and he got George Washington to be the leader. James Madison was too detached from reality. And GW admitted he didn't know much about the structure of the State and didn't really want to be President; he didn't trust people and wasn't very forgiving at all, but he didn't seem to ever be able to conclude that the government being force could work enough for people to be moral.

    Thomas Jefferson may have been open to not having the State and could've seen that it took away more liberty and justice and benefits than it allowed... hats off to that wonderful man, he knew systems and human desires and needs exactly, he understood and acted on the state and people even better than Murray Rothbard did, the latter was more forceful and suggestible about it and too willing to put down people (like alexander hamilton was). Ayn Rand didn't go all the way and didn't seem to always act rationally on human differences or her own needs (and neither did I), she seemed concerned, to her detriment at times, with how people behaved although at other times she really did well with human differences. She usually did what brought her what she wanted, but her reasoning didn't seem very sound to me. My own reasoning doesn't seem always sound to me either; only my emotions, desires, sensations and beauty and ugliness usually do.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 05-10-2021 at 01:55 AM.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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