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Thread: Breastfeeding at work?

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    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    Default Breastfeeding at work?

    What's wrong with letting moms breastfeed their kids while at work? In my country, there was a politician who breastfed her baby there (mostly during her lunch break, presumably), which was a very feminist statement at the time. EDIT: I remember talking to some men who didn't like the "feminization" of the work environment.

    Assuming that it isn't used as an excuse to abolish maternity leave, it seems mostly positive to me. What do y'all think?
    Last edited by xerx; 02-20-2021 at 08:10 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    What's wrong with letting moms breastfeed their kids while at work? In my country, there was a politician who breastfed her baby there (mostly during her lunch break, presumably), which was a very feminist statement at the time. EDIT: I remember talking to some men who didn't like the "feminization" of the work environment.

    Assuming that it isn't used as an excuse to abolish maternity leave, it seems mostly positive to me. What do y'all think?
    the dudes don't seem to connect malnutrition to their children dying? lol

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    ouronis's Avatar
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    Why are the kids at work?

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    Why are the kids at work?

    It trains them early for a life of drudgery.

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    I definitely believe that breastfeeding at work is a positive, but I'd discourage it in meetings because of it's potential for distracting from the meeting topic. Same as eating lunch in a meeting.

    Not forbidden, but not encouraged.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    Why are the kids at work?
    why are the dads at work and not watching the kids at home?

    there are a lotta options for managing child oversight

    babies being in public makes a lotta sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    why are the dads at work and not watching the kids at home?

    there are a lotta options for managing child oversight

    babies being in public makes a lotta sense.
    It doesn't seem very conducive to a good work environment. Kids crying, needing attention, etc. distracts both the person with the kid and the people around them. I suppose if it was like the kids had a daycare in the same building as where you work, sure.

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    I don't see anything wrong with it. There are places where I work for this though I um make fun of what they are called, which I can't recall because the cringe blotted it from mind.

    I guess the one issue I have (which isn't an issue with breastfeeding at work) is that a lot of this workplace community stuff seems to support the culture of corporatism and overwork. I am NOT against these accommodations, but I am annoyed that these corporations especially try to embed themselves so much into our lives. The world are their slaves but they will make it better by giving us accommodations, so that sacrificing our will and values to them feels better or at least doesn't interfere with our ability to sustain ourselves so much. It's this thing where the move they make is right but their reason for making it is wrong and another way to solidify their dominion. BUT that isn't saying I think they shouldn't do these accommodations, because they should, it's just I wish they were less evil underneath it all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    I don't see anything wrong with it. There are places where I work for this though I um make fun of what they are called, which I can't recall because the cringe blotted it from mind.

    I guess the one issue I have (which isn't an issue with breastfeeding at work) is that a lot of this workplace community stuff seems to support the culture of corporatism and overwork. I am NOT against these accommodations, but I am annoyed that these corporations especially try to embed themselves so much into our lives. The world are their slaves but they will make it better by giving us accommodations, so that sacrificing our will and values to them feels better or at least doesn't interfere with our ability to sustain ourselves so much. It's this thing where the move they make is right but their reason for making it is wrong and another way to solidify their dominion. BUT that isn't saying I think they shouldn't do these accommodations, because they should, it's just I wish they were less evil underneath it all.
    yeah, less evil underneath is needed.i agree

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    Raising children is central to being human. This current trend toward removing children from all public spaces and shunting them off to daycare or whatever is deeply unhealthy for everyone involved -- kids, parents, and society as a whole -- and expensive. What good is a society if it dies out within a generation? We should be doing everything in our power to make the world better for the next generation, because we aren't going to last.

    Ideally mothers who are still breastfeeding shouldn't be working at all, at least not in a conventional 8-hour-at-a-time job. But given how things are every accommodation ought to be made in order to ensure that parents who work can take care of their children.

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    The issue is it's like eating at work. Or cellphone usage. Personal crud should be dealt with at personal times.

    Unless you are cool with it. I honestly don't care, I'm very chill about that kind of thing. But other bosses are stricter.

    But yeah, if higher ups told me no cellphones, I'd include breastfeeding in that category. No offense.

    You could argue it's the equivalent of a bathroom break, but I don't know. It's debatable.

    As you can see, I do not care in favor or not. My vote is an abstain.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    What's wrong with letting moms breastfeed their kids while at work? In my country, there was a politician who breastfed her baby there (mostly during her lunch break, presumably), which was a very feminist statement at the time. EDIT: I remember talking to some men who didn't like the "feminization" of the work environment.

    Assuming that it isn't used as an excuse to abolish maternity leave, it seems mostly positive to me. What do y'all think?
    y the fuq was the baby at work? If a steel worker can't take her baby to work due to the nature of the job, why can a politician? Idk give women 2 years maternity leave so they can breast-feed their kids properly. e_e goddamn bourgeois capitalist mentality is harming the development of kids. Breast feeding is important. Stress has negative effect on milk production in women <_< she shouldn't be working..

    you don't see women where I work taking the kids to work, its hazardous.. I mean there are machines screaming like jet engines in the factory, the noise alone, the welding fumes or the torch light that fucks up your eyes without protection, al the steel dust everywhere e_e... the fuq is wrong with ppl!? The kid would go blind, deaf and be poisoned by metal dust within a week. Can't put a gas mask, welding gear and earmuffs on a kid 8 h a day.. everything there would scare the lil guy all day long :/..

    .. even to the office.. jezus when my boss and some other department's boss start office drama, yelling at each-other.. e_e I wouldn't want my kid near that at such a fragile age.
    Last edited by SGF; 02-22-2021 at 06:44 AM.

  13. #13
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    lol In a petty way I probably wouldn't like it because it feels too much like throwing their heterosexuality in my face (Oh so that's what that feels like... lawl) which although I most definitely karmically deserve that... I probably would be bugged by it but only minorly so. Objectively it should be allowed & my reasons for disliking it are petty. It's not so much about breastfeeding. I just don't like when people are rude and inconsiderate with having children like "I should always get my way narcissistically from society and never be held accountable for anything just because I've bred" type of welfare-y victim mentality attitude. Oh and I apologize if it seems like I'm picking on straight females too much because... men can definitely be that way too. In unhealthy str8 relationships it's often both of the genders acting in that entitled way.

    I don't really have anything against it- as long as they don't do it too much around food like it should be banned in the cafeteria lunch room & I mean they should ideally have a separate spare office room or place to do it in of course. Instead of just like taking their babies and wipping it out in front of Joe at the coffee maker. And I've had women do this in front of me before but they were always nice enough to ask first and I probably wouldn't even care that much even if if they did it without asking, but I always appreciated that they were polite about it.

    Yes breeder, it is perfectly acceptable for you to do that now. Thank you for asking permission first to your superior Gay Overlord. j/k j/k j/k

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