Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
LIEs have good business ideas but a lot of them are online just supervising IEIs too much and hypocritically living the same lifestyle they are trying to correct in IEIs. They also are too busy whining about how the government is holding them back because they want to start a business that is too unethical and shady. This is where they need Delta to correct them so their dream business can actually be moral enough to withstand itself. They whinge about the socialist government being against capitalism too much - but if they were better people and weren't such creepy amoral narcissists the authorities wouldn't be on their case so much and they actually could get their business off the ground rather then just playing it safe and supervising IEIs online whist either having no job themselves or having one that's only marginally better paying ((probably with a wealthy SLI boss that they are jealous of)) because yeah - it's easy to be around our supervisees as it's comfortable and easy to criticize them.
I have encountered one LIE who decided to spend his life preaching about anarchocapitalism and writing blog posts where he called people n**gers (he got fined). He also uses tremendous amount of factual trivia to undermine people. These days his life events can be quite objectively checked using parody version of Wikipedia.