Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
I definitely think it is a connection. Like when you can sense someone looking at you in a crowded room. Yes, I think there is a psychic connection between people. So many times I have thought of an old friend I haven't thought of in a long time; their presence is so clear and palatable to me when I am suddenly out of the blue remembering them. And then that next day or two they call me. It's like we were thinking of each other at the same time.

I have a particular friend I have thought about for 3 days now and I should just call her tomorrow before she calls me!

So, yes, I do think this means something.

[P.S. Also I really think a woman has the power to draw a man to herself with her thoughts.]
@Eliza Thomason

I'm so glad u are here on this forum, too many nerds throwing their logic at me destroying my Disney dreams, you balance it out with this perspective!!!