Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
Until "God" qualifies as a hypothesis, "science" does not need to prove there is no "God".
Not yet because science is still hoping to fill every gap with a natural answer and might even succeed, but getting there is going to require they turn back the clock and question their foundations that were once required to move knowledge forward during the Enlightenment.

There is a massive failure and disservice to the the cause to say there is no "x" so don't even try.

Its this same type of indoctrination of graduates currently that allows WHO's directive to not explore the lab leak theory because "its highly unlikely". lol.

*arf arf arf* jump through the hoop Seals. *arf arf arf*

This is also part of the connection problem between micro quantum level and macro physics. Currently you have problematic concepts being touted as solving some of these issues such as many worlds.

Its like basically we will solve these issues but its not going to be by the current paradigm. Its going to require another novel type thinker and that thinker is going to be able to thread our intuitive feeling of God and wisdom of thousands generations that the current age of "smart atheists" are not properly trained for.

Like, two chemicals independently arising in evolution in different plant species by different pathways *by chance, by fluke, by coincidence* is wishful thinking at best and down right retarding to our understanding of life at worst.

Basically, do you think the cargo ship blocking the Suez canal and further exacerbating the current globalized trade issues due to covid is some kind of a-casual event? No bud, there is no such thing as coincidence. That ship was jinxed by 7 billion worries and manifested by our fears of what is currently going on. Its called dependent arising and its a thing.