Quote Originally Posted by DrDonkeyBallz View Post
Welcome to the asylum everyone, where the mentally ill check in to stay.

You have been warned.
Quote Originally Posted by DrDonkeyBallz View Post
Religion is a system of beliefs.

Church is simply a medium for religion. Like people gathering at 16-types forum to talk about socionics.

Like politics, you will have a spectrum of "liberal" and "conservative" ideologies.

The former will put more emphasis on love and forgiveness, the latter will focus more on judgement and morality.

The bible teaches both, as they are two sides of the same coin;

You can't fully understand light without understanding darkness,

You can't understand God's love without understanding his judgement and wrath.

The point of Christianity/Salvation is not about being morally perfect, because Jesus already fulfilled that. Rather, it is knowing this and being transformed inside out. Lifestyle/outside actions are simply a byproduct of that transformation, not necessarily the thing that saves you.

It's like striving to be a physically healthy person; some outside indicators may manifest as eating healthy, going to the gym, being disciplined, etc.

Same thing applies to the spiritual health.

You don't agree with the lifestyle of a meth-user. But because you love that person you tell him to stop