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Thread: Religion is Everything

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    You want to encourage the corrupt stock to keep spreading their genes, rather than leaving them to self-destruct?
    In an ideal world the "corrupted stock" would repent and realize their ultimate role in God's plan. Again, I chose/see Saint Augustine as my Patron for many a darn good reason.

    The man sinned, hard and unrepentantly, right up until he stopped doing that and repented. I mean listen to the arrogance of this mofo: "Lord give me chastity, but not yet" is his most famous quote. He sinned unrepentantly right up until he did not, became a monk, and survived the fall of Rome because the friggin' Vandals respected the kind of man/believer he became. Literal Vandals decided to not chuck rocks at, pillage, or firebomb what amounted to his private library/abode/village out of respect.

    Parse that shit through your downright mistaken perception of Christ and those who follow him.
    Last edited by End; 02-17-2021 at 04:47 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    In an ideal world the "corrupted stock" would repent and realize their ultimate role in God's plan. Again, I chose/see Saint Augustine as my Patron for many a darn good reason.

    The man sinned, hard and unrepentantly, right up until he stopped. I mean listen to the arrogance of this mofo: "Lord give me chastity, but not yet" is his most famous quote. He sinned unrepentantly right up until he did not, became a monk, and survived the fall of Rome because the friggin' Vandals respected the kind of man/believer he became. Literal Vandals decided to not chuck rocks at, pillage, or firebomb what amounted to his private library/abode/village out of respect.

    Parse that shit through your downright mistaken perception of Christ and those who follow him.
    Yeah, ideal.

    The most diseased subspecie of logic ever, it's optimism.

    The requirement that faith be absolute completely disables the "But what if we're wrong?" voice that screams out in your head for a very good reason, and before you know it, generations have passed, over which adherence has dealt more and more damage to the world.

    You know, I have a backup scenario for if it really does turn out your God is real. If he exists, then judging by the way I turned out, he obviously created me as a monster without a soul, or a demon or some shit, so my ass is going to hell no matter what, lol. In which case, I have nothing to be anxious about, since I have my whole life to prepare for the eternal agony of hell, and since nothing I do can prevent it, none of my choices matter. I don't have to worry - it's my destiny.

    The less charitable reality for me is the one where he doesn't exist, because in that world, proper causality is in effect, our choices actually matter, and that demon of Choice gives us wrong-choices to agonize over. What if this crueller godless world really is the one we live in, huh? What if you don't actually have that bulwark of faith to back you up, and humanity really does have to deal with the consequences of that bad genetic practice? What then?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Yeah, ideal.

    The most diseased subspecie of logic ever, it's optimism.

    The requirement that faith be absolute completely disables the "But what if we're wrong?" voice that screams out in your head for a very good reason, and before you know it, generations have passed, over which adherence has dealt more and more damage to the world.

    You know, I have a backup scenario for if it really does turn out your God is real. If he exists, then judging by the way I turned out, he obviously created me as a monster without a soul, or a demon or some shit, so my ass is going to hell no matter what, lol. In which case, I have nothing to be anxious about, since I have my whole life to prepare for the eternal agony of hell, and since nothing I do can prevent it, none of my choices matter. I don't have to worry - it's my destiny.

    The less charitable reality for me is the one where he doesn't exist, because in that world, proper causality is in effect, our choices actually matter, and that demon of Choice gives us wrong-choices to agonize over. What if this crueller godless world really is the one we live in, huh? What if you don't actually have that bulwark of faith to back you up, and humanity really does have to deal with the consequences of that bad genetic practice? What then?
    what are you talking about? We are obviously going to Valhalla to be surrounded by food, mead and busty thicc valkyrie wenches. That heroic death can't come soon enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    I can’t believe in supernatural stuff, that circuitry just doesn’t seem to exist in my brain.
    No thicc busty wenches or mead for you then!

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    what are you talking about? We are obviously going to Valhalla to be surrounded by food, mead and busty thicc valkyrie wenches. That heroic death can't come soon enough.

    No thicc busty wenches or mead for you then!
    Haha, I would love for that to be true. I guess it's more like I believe it when I see it, otherwise such thoughts don't really occur to me because it's just not concrete.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    In an ideal world the "corrupted stock" would repent and realize their ultimate role in God's plan. Again, I chose/see Saint Augustine as my Patron for many a darn good reason.

    The man sinned, hard and unrepentantly, right up until he stopped doing that and repented. I mean listen to the arrogance of this mofo: "Lord give me chastity, but not yet" is his most famous quote. He sinned unrepentantly right up until he did not, became a monk, and survived the fall of Rome because the friggin' Vandals respected the kind of man/believer he became. Literal Vandals decided to not chuck rocks at, pillage, or firebomb what amounted to his private library/abode/village out of respect.

    Parse that shit through your downright mistaken perception of Christ and those who follow him.
    you're still spreading hate of humanity while telling the humans you look down on that they are loved by an invisible being. You make any such deity appear to be as hatefilled as you are to us.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    In an ideal world the "corrupted stock" would repent and realize their ultimate role in God's plan. Again, I chose/see Saint Augustine as my Patron for many a darn good reason.

    The man sinned, hard and unrepentantly, right up until he stopped doing that and repented. I mean listen to the arrogance of this mofo: "Lord give me chastity, but not yet" is his most famous quote. He sinned unrepentantly right up until he did not, became a monk, and survived the fall of Rome because the friggin' Vandals respected the kind of man/believer he became. Literal Vandals decided to not chuck rocks at, pillage, or firebomb what amounted to his private library/abode/village out of respect.

    Parse that shit through your downright mistaken perception of Christ and those who follow him.
    Why do people need to repent if they have been saved from their alleged sins?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Why do people need to repent if they have been saved from their alleged sins?
    I've pointed this all out before many, oh so many times. "God" is many things. He is peace, love, mercy, all that is good.

    There is one other thing people like to forget because of what it implies despite all that. His all that and more, but he is also "Justice" incarnate. His infinite love and mercy allows us sinners to be saved, hell, he even sacrificed his own son so as to make superabundant recompense for all our sins into perpetuity.

    That will not and does not change the fact that his infinite justice demands we not only repent, but repay our debt and then some. Hence why purgatory is a thing. Fortunately, because of Christ's sacrifice, we finite beings can in theory make out like bandits in regards to the repayment of said debt of sin. We need only truly repent if we but accept him as our lord and savior...

    Note: Ardent Atheists are just a single rung below actual Christ Haters/Satanists in regards to a guarantee of damnation. To categorically deny the existence of God is to indulge in the sin of despair. That's a mortal sin BTW. For if you know God is real than you have no reason to despair no matter what happens...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I've pointed this all out before many, oh so many times. "God" is many things. He is peace, love, mercy, all that is good.

    There is one other thing people like to forget because of what it implies despite all that. His all that and more, but he is also "Justice" incarnate. His infinite love and mercy allows us sinners to be saved, hell, he even sacrificed his own son so as to make superabundant recompense for all our sins into perpetuity.

    That will not and does not change the fact that his infinite justice demands we not only repent, but repay our debt and then some. Hence why purgatory is a thing. Fortunately, because of Christ's sacrifice, we finite beings can in theory make out like bandits in regards to the repayment of said debt of sin. We need only truly repent if we but accept him as our lord and savior...

    Note: Ardent Atheists are just a single rung below actual Christ Haters/Satanists in regards to a guarantee of damnation. To categorically deny the existence of God is to indulge in the sin of despair. That's a mortal sin BTW. For if you know God is real than you have no reason to despair no matter what happens...
    If God is "Justice" incarnate, why does he punish the innocent and fails to punish the guilty?

    When I forgive someone, no one has to be killed. Why is God incapable of doing the same?

    If someone hates me, I don't torture them. I'm sorry if you find my moral code troubling.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    If God is "Justice" incarnate, why does he punish the innocent and fails to punish the guilty?

    When I forgive someone, no one has to be killed. Why is God incapable of doing the same?

    If someone hates me, I don't torture them. I'm sorry if you find my moral code troubling.
    You fail to understand how it ultimately all works.

    There are many levels to this but I'll start with one an arch-liberal alerted me to. Blasphemer and heretic though he may be, he made a good observation. Anyone can say "I forgive you". However, say you said that to someone who wronged you in the worst way. Say said sinner told you to go fuck yourself in all the worst ways in response.

    Could you just accept that and forgive them anyway? Could you truly forgive someone who clearly hates everything you stand for and identify with? Could you just go: "Ok man, I get it, peace be upon you regardless because no matter how much you hate me I will always forgive ya."

    "Man FUCK your forgiveness! I hope you die in a fire!" Fine, I forgive you anyway. Peace.

    Can you concieve of doing the same? Could you truly forgive a person who rejected your most heartfelt apology?

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    You fail to understand how it ultimately all works.

    There are many levels to this but I'll start with one an arch-liberal alerted me to. Blasphemer and heretic though he may be, he made a good observation. Anyone can say "I forgive you". However, say you said that to someone who wronged you in the worst way. Say said sinner told you to go fuck yourself in all the worst ways in response.

    Could you just accept that and forgive them anyway? Could you truly forgive someone who clearly hates everything you stand for and identify with? Could you just go: "Ok man, I get it, peace be upon you regardless because no matter how much you hate me I will always forgive ya."

    "Man FUCK your forgiveness! I hope you die in a fire!" Fine, I forgive you anyway. Peace.

    Can you concieve of doing the same? Could you truly forgive a person who rejected your most heartfelt apology?
    The point of forgiving is that it is unconditional. If I am capable of it, then I imagine a god should be able to. Also, you seem to be saying that it is acceptable to torture a person for not believing in you.

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    So this is my 100% unchanging personal feelings about religion and any God, Christian or otherwise; this God should respect this, if they actually have some kind of positive will towards me. Otherwise, God has ill-will towards me and I would rather go to a Hell and/or rebel against them and don't particularly care if I go against God's plan.

    If God is omnipotent and omnipresent, then it transcends space and time. This means it exists everywhere and in everything at all times of an infinitely infinite spectrum of all things. Thusly, things have already been preordained and will happen as they do and yet it also implies that we are a part of God and that the whole of existence is either God or also a part of God. So then whether I worship or believe in a God or not, is not truly relevant at this point. And I see no 'objective' point to doing so; yes, there are always subjective justifications, but to me personally, I value objective justifications because anything can be justified on a subjective level.

    If God exists as an entity that plays with us and wants us to behave a certain way or do certain things or push us in a certain direction, then it's not much different than an authority figure Te person that wants/expects everything to go a certain way. If this is the case, then that God needs to respect that I may disagree with it or disapprove and have good reason for doing so; so this God needs to accept that their idea of everything isn't somehow more right than mine, just because they created everything or because I am so small and stupid and ignorant in comparison. But they certainly have the power to do whatever they want to dissuade or pressure me into some kind of 'plan' because I wouldn't have the power to do anything about that. However, they should understand that if they do that and I think I end up following some kind of God's 'plan' and accepting it, that that doesn't mean I have to approve of that plan or that I will worship them or see that plan as the only right or best way. I will always see meaning, especially in suffering, as a hindsight is 20/20 sort of thing where people subjectively justify negative happenings because it led to some positive revelation or positive end. I think that's more 'objectively' just a Jungian synchronicity more than a God's 'plan' thing anyway though.

    If God simply made us and the universe and let's it play out without intervention, then it doesn't really matter if I believe in God or worship or pray. All that matters is that I try my best and enjoy the journey as best I can because that's obviously the greater implication here, while I still exist. I personally feel that this is the most likely scenario and so this is how I choose to live and see God and religion, but even if the previous two exist as well, it doesn't change much. This is still the same best conclusion for each scenario. But this doesn't make me atheist or against religion per se, but it does make me an existentialist and all the possible implications of that and I'm just fine with that. There shouldn't just be one way to find meaning or enjoy life as defined a God in a religion imo.
    Last edited by Nobody; 02-21-2021 at 04:06 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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