Hmm. You were the one that assumed ((very falsely I might add)) that I posted a dirty video publicly just because I'm gay- so really, who is the asshole here? I forgive you, but this is just a minor example of how "Holy" people often do wrong things thinking they are most in the right.

This isn't a Christian forum- it's a forum about socionics so you aren't going to find everybody that agrees with your lifestyle. If you don't want to be challenged on your beliefs then maybe join a place that will always agree with you. The cool thing about this place is that it has both Heterosexual Angels and Gay Demons.

The real God is one of Oneness- not of preaching or hypocritical morals or denouncing things everybody is going to do anyway. You don't get there by being religious or even "spiritual" but by Dark Night of the Souls and deeply exploring your jungian Shadow and going through it - what most "Christians" are too cowardly and weak to do. It's also a selfish, inward battle- there is no external preaching with this because that tends to all be negative projectionss that stops true enlightenment from happening. These people that actually do this correctly- usually the people that Christians are most likely to condemn or write-off are 'sinners' - are actually the people that are living much closer to God's true words.

The real Jesus broke bread with the prostitutes, the sinners, the homosexuals, the outcasts & weirdos society rejected for one reason or another. He didn't even say 'go sin no more' like a condescending douche. It might was 'written' like it was so by sinful heterosexuals that falsely interpreted Jesus' real teachings - but words mean nothing. Words are a veil. If they had any 'sins' - he cleansed them naturally without even speaking or saying anything- but merely accepting and loving them in his nondualistic presence of Oneness. He was also incredibly anti-Te and anti-establishment. Religion has rubbed people the wrong way for many years because people have corrupt Jesus' teachings for their own narcissism and need to look down on others. The real Jesus WEPT indeed.