Do you think you have noticed duality to be more common between some types?

I was wondering if it is more common between types where one has Si as a lead function.

For example, SEI seem to get together with ILE often as do SLI and IEE. (I'm also going to include LSE and EII).

Is there something about si that makes them physically attractive haha. Or maybe it is the care-taking aspect that is attractive.

If they place a lot of importance on health (sei, sli) will these types be more open to a healthy, stable relationship like duality? I know it's not this simple in reality..but perhaps on some level it is. To be healthy can be seen as the most basic human need after all.

Or maybe these types are simply more common? Perhaps in terms of evolution it has ended up that way because of all the care-taking!

If you think I'm looking at this the wrong way, let me know haha