Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
Yup. Born in Argentina, lived in Canada for a few years as a kid and then went back to Argentina so I'm dual citizen. I returned to Canada in September last year. There was a tiny window of time in which both borders were open so I escaped in the nick of time.
Now I'm in Vancouver which honestly feels like a Gamma society. Out of the frying pan and into the oven. I think I'll move to a more friendly rural place or small town in the future. First gotta make some cash.
If you wanna talk or something I can send you my Whatsapp contact. Always a pleasure to talk to a fellow argentinian now that I'm not surrounded by 'em 24/7 hahaha.

Seriously the lack of Si back at home is astounding. Guess people just kinda grow up to be confrontative, aggressive, etc. None of that Si chill kinda thing you know? All the Si valuers I knew were the outcasts whereas Se valuers were normies lol.
I think poor EIIs have it the worst though. Basically getting hit in their POLR every 10 minutes and dealing with the political and economic mess/instability. My mum is EII and she always disliked the instability of our country, the rude attitudes, the violence, etc.

Hell is exactly what I call it. Used to live in Jujuy which is Hell within Hell.
Oh man. True. The LII and EII men I know have it hard as fuck as well. So yeah I can see that. And hell yes! I'd love to talk to you, bro. DM me your number!