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Thread: Have you noticed duality to be more common between some types?

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  1. #1
    Haikus Dr PissBender's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
    Actually I'd say that Ni-Se pairings are quite common, especially Se guy. Basically because Se men are the stereotype of masculinity. Even ugly guys that act masculine get girlfriends. Typically an Ni girlfriend who forgives appearance (Si unvalued) in exchange for valued Se.

    Ne men being relatively childlike are generally unappealing to most women (except caregiver types). And even then if they don't look handsome or cute then even caregivers don't want em lol. As an Ne guy I naturally developed my Se somewhat in order to get women to like me cuz seriously even my duals thought I was just a lame ass nerd. Well now I'm a lame ass nerd that acts cocky but it works so whatever.
    Anyways from the experiences I had I suppose that Ne men are generally less wanted than other types. Also E men have an easier time than I men because men are expected to initiate. And therefore extroverts feel quite comfortable doing this in the same way that Se men feel quite comfortable in acting cocky and aggressive.
    So generally the more someone conforms to gender stereotypes, the more likely they can find their dual (assuming of course they are straight lol). But it's more of a probability thing (dating being a game of numbers) rather than unique to types.

    And about the LII and ESE pair, I have seen many of them. Somehow it feels like a very natural pair. The ESE of course is the one initiating. I haven't met an LII woman ESE man pair. Mostly because ESE guys are all gay lol (the few ones I met at least, don't mean to offend haha).

    Anyways this is my point of view from a more general public kinda sense. I can see how Ne-Si pairings occur more frequently in settings where Ne types congregate. In a Ne-dominant environment the ones getting laid aren't the most aggressive or those who possess the most resources but rather the most imaginative, witty ones etc. As a general rule people are attracted to others at 'the top of the social hierarchy'. But of course this differs depending on the social group. Just a bit of wisdom I gathered from being a lame nerd at the bottom of the totem pole in HS to a guy who was well-liked in college lol.
    It is true. If you are not a good looking Ne type. You are castrated. Si egos are superficial as fuck as they are dumb HAHAHA

    I also had to develop high ego and cockyness to get laid, so... I relate. I'm good at it and they buy it, while inside i am suffering and just want mommy gf.

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    The Banana King's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr PissBender View Post
    It is true. If you are not a good looking Ne type. You are castrated. Si egos are superficial as fuck as they are dumb HAHAHA

    I also had to develop high ego and cockyness to get laid, so... I relate. I'm good at it and they buy it, while inside i am suffering and just want mommy gf.
    You're from Argentina, right? No wonder you can't find SLI gf. Like 80% of people there are Betas. I think I met 2 SLI over the course of 15 years there lol. And I met maybe 3 SEI. Out of maybe hundreds of people I analyzed. It's such a Se-Fe society it's not even funny: the politics, the drama, the egotism, etc. Part of the reason I moved out of the country was that I couldn't mesh with my own people

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