Today I was listening to a male LSE talk about how tough it's been at work recently because he's overloaded, and a (new) female IEI overheard him and threw her arms around him and said "Big hug!".

The LSE instantly froze, and then when he was released, shifted his speech over to her and gave her a monologue consisting of a highly technical and excruciatingly detailed description of how his project is mechanically constructed. The IEI's eyes instantly glazed over.

Later, she (the IEI) was talking about how her role (quality control) is essential for ensuring that a product is built correctly and conforms to government standards. A male SLE said "We don't need no stinking quality control documents. That's what the D stands for in R & D. Freedom to try stuff."
"Oh yeah?", she said. "Here." She gave him the finger. He looked at her, mildly surprised.

Later I saw them bouncing down the hall together, happily in pursuit of something.