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Thread: Have you noticed duality to be more common between some types?

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    Quote Originally Posted by davideemccann View Post
    thanks for this post, my problem has been fixed too.

    I’ve been thinking a bit more about it. Sorry if this repeats some of what has already been said.

    I do think for duality, it seems important to be of the same instinct. Socials with socials, sexual with sexual and self preservation with self preservation.

    Other than that, I reckon that duality is going to be at its best when the two people’s tritypes are more compatible.

    A compatible tritype will mean:

    -the couple share at least one number in the tritype, if there are two this is better (more likely to be same instinct?)

    -certain tritypes are more suited to each other. For me, a 946, these are:

    -Estp 826 (seems very compatible)
    I seem to get on very well with this tritype- have had close friends of this type. (Eg. Enfp 268) It doesn’t surprise me as I get on well with 2s, 6s and 8s in general. (8s more recently)

    -Estp 846 (seems very compatible)
    I like people of this tritype and I think sharing the 4 adds a bit of intensity.

    Also, in the article I shared earlier in the thread, it explains that 9 is the enneagram dual for these two types according to her theory. But I also know from my own observations that I get on well with these types.

    -Estp 749
    I think this would be my favourite. I like 7s a lot- I guess coz they have a romantic air about them. Bizarrely, all this thinking about tritypes has made me think of someone I have met before, who may be an Estp 749.

    -Estp 845
    This one could also work as it has 5 and I get on really well with 5s.

    -Estp 369
    In general I prefer 8s and 7s to 3s but I think this particular tritype would work fine. I have an Estp 369 in mind, who I met briefly and have just remembered now. Also, 369 is one of the special, balanced tritypes.

    There are some other tritypes that may work (836, 739, 359) but something’s telling me they might not be quite right as the 3 may feel too prominent. 748 and 729 don’t seem quite right either. Also not sure about tritypes with a ‘1’ (714, 316). 825 could work as it is one of the ‘balanced’ tritypes. (There may be a proper term other than ‘balanced’.)

    For non duals, a similar pattern may follow. (Not necessarily however!! As I have actually had some bad experiences with non-duals with similar tritypes to mine..e.g with lookalike or comparative who were far too similar to me)

    Also I was thinking that some tritypes might be better for a non dual. E.g an Entp 739 sounds nice..I like 739s in general but it might be too intense in a dual but nicer in an Entp. I’m not sure of this but it’s just a thought.

    Btw I don’t know if it matters about the order of the numbers in the tritype. I have just been writing them starting with the main type and then numerical order for second and third numbers.

    Edit: I am questioning whether Estp 749 or Estp 846 actually would be compatible with me- it might be that this tritype is too similar to mine.

    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 03-08-2021 at 08:13 AM.

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