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Thread: Have you noticed duality to be more common between some types?

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  1. #10
    Scarlett's Avatar
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    ENTJ-Ni 8w9 835 SpSx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    The thing that confuses me is…the instincts/ stacks.

    So, I do believe you can roughly sort people into the 6 stacks. (At least I think people could put their own preferences of the instincts in an order??)

    I can think of two Estps I have known with the same tritype (739). I would have said one guy was sp/sx (incompatible to my so/sx) and one guy was so/sx.
    The sp/sx 739 was nearly 10 years younger than me and unbelievably cool and good looking (high 3sx??) with a bit of bad boy image. At the time when I met him, I didn’t know about socionics but even then I thought ‘nahhh wouldn’t have worked’ even if he was older…'

    So I’m kinda worried now, if you meet someone who isn’t the right stack (for me sp/sx or so/sp) what are you supposed to think? That it’s doomed to fail?
    Maybe it isn’t though and the ‘stacks’ are just kind of in ‘our head’?

    Orrrr maybe certain tritypes are less likely to feel ‘clashy’ to us and be an incompatible stack.

    Or maybe you do just have to trust your gut a bit when you first meet them. It’s hard because you won’t know if it is just normal duality friction at the start or if you really aren’t compatible?

    Maybe like you said before about having 'high 6''s all just about compatibility within people came up with the idea of 'stacks' to roughly explain it. The strength of the numbers/ functions need to match up? (Or you just need to be on a similar 'wave length’ or from similar backgrounds etc) Maybe DNCH can be used at this point, which I've never thought much about before..

    ALSO I swear that a guy I know is an Estp 835 (he could be e3 though..) It’s funny..we get on..but he does kinda feel a bit like a conflictor sometimes :s


    Sometimes I feel like I’m in a dream when I talk about this’s just all so weird..still! Haha

    Reading over this I can see my tritype all over it. So much seeking and doubting like a typical 946
    "If you meet someone who isn’t the right stack what are you supposed to think? That it’s doomed to fail?"
    I'm an Sp/Sx, if I meet a Social person, So/Sx or So/Sp, I will notice right away and they actually kinda turn me off.
    They make good friends, for sure, but I'm not interested in So/Sx or So/Sp in a romantic way.

    For example, you know "my type" is an LSI right, and I have a close friend here an LSI, but I'm not attracted to him in a romantic way, ever.
    He's personally such a true LSI, which is strange how I'm not into him at all. Then I realised he's an So/Sp. I need Sx for connection! Lol.

    "Maybe like you said before about having 'high 6''s all just about compatibility within people came up with the idea of 'stacks' to roughly explain it."
    Haha interesting.
    Now that I think about it, I remember long time ago I rejected an ESI e-6, I just couldn't, I wasn't into him at all, like at all.
    He's a social too! He's So/Sx.
    Maybe that's why I can't with e-6. Most of them are So/Sx or So/Sp.

    All of my previous relationship always with Sexual (Sx/Sp and Sx/Sp) or with other Sp/Sx like me.
    And yes, I believe I'm naturally attracted to Sx/So, Sx/Sp and Sp/Sx only.


    It's amazing how two intuitives seem to immediately connect the dots between such disparate subjects.
    IEI's are always pleasant to be with. I'm often fascinated by the mix between powerful emotions and cold logic.
    Last edited by Scarlett; 02-28-2021 at 07:39 AM.

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