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Thread: Have you noticed duality to be more common between some types?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    Yes, I am e-9 and my tritype is 946. I am often attracted to guys with 4 or 6 in their tritype. But I have become more open-minded to e-7s..I suppose it is unlikely that Estps would have 4 or 6 in their tritype. Not impossible but there would only be a few possible tritypes (846, 826, 369?) Because I have only seen estp 3s, 8s and 7s..I don't think they come in other e-types lol. Haha I feel like such a nerd with all the numbers.

    For ESI I have seen ennegaram type 1,2,4,6 and 9. And I'm sure some of these would have a 5 in their tritype.

    In the article it says that 8 is the enneagram dual for '459', '359', '145' or '135'. These types might like you if you found one lol.
    Lol. The problem is, I might not like them.

    I'm serious though. Let's go with 145 and 135 first. Both are enneagram 1. I dislike e-1.
    Seems like when you're e-8 you're someone who likes to be in charge and loves challenges, you would hate a perfectionist e-1. It's just they contradict with each other. Sooner or later you will realise it's not gonna work.

    The 459? Hell to the no.
    This is tripple withdrawn. The most socially withdrawn tritype I believe. They have the least amount of energy, easily drained by external environment.

    And the 359? This. Is. Actually "my type". My LSI and LII ex's they're all this tritype. The LSI that I told you I'm often attracted to, they're mostly e5, tritype 593.


    If we're talking about socionic dual, in my case an ESI, I don't think I can ever find an e-8, e-3, or e-5 ESI (if we want to share 1 type in tritype). The e-5 is possible but that would be tritype 459 which is a very withdrawn type, can't handle it, not my forte.
    Anyway I always, always love e-7, but tbh I admire e-2.

    And you know what, I was thinking,
    If someone actually has a 2 and 7 in their tritype and the next number is the type that we actually share in our tritype, which is 8, that would be perfect!
    In my case, dual is not possible, so I think I would go for my activation partner, SEE 278 Sx/So!


    So. You're 946 and you like guys with e-4 and e-6, that makes sense. Like dissolves like. We tend to like people who are like us. Again, similarity.
    I'm an 835, and when I was young, I was often attracted to e-8 and e-3. My first boyfriend ever was actually an ESTP 738.
    And I agree, most ESTP (SLE) they're all 7, 3, or 8. E-7s are FUN!

    SLE with 4 or 6 in their tritype? Seems not possible. A dom-Se like SLE will most likely to have 7 instead of 6 in their tritype. And 3 instead of 4.
    I also think e-8 is glued to their tritype. Can't imagine e-9 or e-1 in their tritype.

    But if you're a 9 and you prefer to share 1 type in your tritype, your activator LSI would be perfect, because most of them I believe will have 9 in their tritype. That what makes them very laid back and easy going.
    The 593.
    Last edited by Scarlett; 02-27-2021 at 02:12 AM.

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    @Scarlett Thanks for your comments, again

    Can I just say..that a 145 tritype doesn’t have to be e1? They could be e4 or e5..(but ESI don’t come in 5 pretty sure)

    Quote Originally Posted by Scarlett View Post

    If we're talking about socionic dual, in my case an ESI, I don't think I can ever find an e-8, e-3, or e-5 ESI (if we want to share 1 type in tritype). The e-5 is possible but that would be tritype 459 which is a very withdrawn type, can't handle it, not my forte.
    Anyway I always, always love e-7, but tbh I admire e-2.
    I don’t know what you mean by this, soz! If you are 835 tritype (order of numbers doesn’t matter btw) then according to the article your enneagram dual is a 6. I know you said you don’t like them..But just pointing it out in case you haven’t noticed it in the article. Soz if I’m reverse supervising you!

    In the article she suggests two things:

    1. It is good to share one number in your tritype. E.g me -964 with let’s say a..631. We would share the number 6. (She is not saying that I'm suited to 9s,4s and 6s.
    2. She has worked out the enneagram duals for each tritype using a ‘formula’..she doesn’t explain her workings out clearly and I had to figure out what she meant. It will hurt my brain to explain it- I might do it, but later haha. If one person in the couple, is the enneagram dual of another…it creates a sort of ‘glue’ she says.

    Yes, it’s a shame that there aren’t many e2 males..I haven’t been looking but I can’t think of any I know?? Yes, SEEs can be e2 or have tritype 728. My sis is SEE e7 (tritype 728).
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 02-25-2021 at 01:39 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post

    Thanks for your comments, again

    Can I just say..that a 145 tritype doesn’t have to be e1? They could be e4 or e5..(but ESI don’t come in 5 pretty sure)

    ‘If we're talking about socionic dual, in my case an ESI, I don't think I can ever find an e-8, e-3, or e-5 ESI (if we want to share 1 type in tritype). The e-5 is possible but that would be tritype 459 which is a very withdrawn type, can't handle it, not my forte.
    Anyway I always, always love e-7, but tbh I admire e-2.’

    I don’t know what you mean by this, soz! If you are 835 tritype (order of numbers doesn’t matter btw) then according to the article your enneagram dual is a 6. I know you said you don’t like them..But just pointing it out in case you haven’t noticed it in the article. Soz if I’m reverse supervising you!

    In the article she suggests two things:

    1. It is good to share one number in your tritype. E.g me -964 with let’s say a..631. We would share the number 6. (She is not saying that I'm suited to 9s,4s and 6s.
    2. She has worked out the enneagram duals for each tritype using a ‘formula’..she doesn’t explain her workings out clearly and I had to figure out what she meant. It will hurt my brain to explain it- I might do it, but later haha. If one person in the couple, is the enneagram dual of another…it creates a sort of ‘glue’ she says.

    Yes, it’s a shame that there aren’t many e2 males..I haven’t been looking but I can’t think of any I know?? Yes, SEEs can be e2 or have tritype 728. My sis is SEE 728.

    Haha no problem!
    I noticed that, and reject that haha. Not for me. I dislike someone with e-1 and e-6. Like ever.
    Don't get me wrong, I have lots of friends who have 6 and 1 in their tritype, I'm ok with all types as friends/colleagues, but not as dates. Anyway. It's not possible though, I'm not naturally attracted to someone with e6, and e1 always constantly contradicts me.

    I've rejected an ESI e6 in the past, I'm just not into him. And I've dated my supervisor an SLI who's an e1 and broke up not long after that.
    Anyway it's not just because of that, somehow I always knew, it's just not for me. Anything but a 1 or 6.

    So what I was saying, if could choose between the head centre, e5 or e6 or e7, I would choose either e5 or e7 in someone but never e6.
    And the body centre, e8 or e9 or e1, I would choose either e8 or e9 but never e1.
    And the heart centre, well, anything, I don't mind, but somehow I'm not too interested in dom-Fi with e4, too much feeling for me I guess.


    I have quite a few SEE friends, some of them are e2, most of them are e7. And they're all amazing. They're all female though.

    Can I just add, when people actually have both 2 and 7 in their tritype, seems like they have sort of very pleasant, seductive air about them.
    I actually just met a client, who, I suspect, had this combination, and boy did he have that charisma around him!
    He's definitely an Se-dom.
    I can't see a 1 in him (of course not), he must be either SEE 728 or SEE 729.
    He's extremely magnetic, fun and sociable. And we get to know each other extremely quickly.

    Anyway, 2 and 7 tend to be very enthusiastic types.
    I find enthusiasm to be very attractive myself.
    Last edited by Scarlett; 02-25-2021 at 02:52 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarlett View Post

    So what I was saying, if could choose between the head centre, e5 or e6 or e7, I would choose either e5 or e7 in someone but never e6.
    And the body centre, e8 or e9 or e1, I would choose either e8 or e9 but never e1.
    And the heart centre, well, anything, I don't mind, but somehow I'm not too interested in dom-Fi with e4, too much feeling for me I guess.


    I have quite a few SEE friends, some of them are e2, most of them are e7. And they're all amazing. They're all female though.

    Can I just add, when people actually have both 2 and 7 in their tritype, seems like they have sort of very pleasant, seductive air about them.
    I actually just met a client, who, I suspect, had this combination, and boy did he have that charisma around him!
    He's definitely an Se-dom.
    I can't see a 1 in him (of course not), he must be either SEE 728 or SEE 729.
    He's extremely magnetic, fun and sociable. And we get to know each other extremely quickly.

    Anyway, 2 and 7 tend to be very enthusiastic types.
    I find enthusiasm to be very attractive myself.
    Ok, I get you about choosing between the different head centres..coool.

    For me, I have basically learnt to type people's tritypes in the same way I learnt to type their sociotype. I began by figuring out a few people's and then compared and contrasted until I now have a 'catalogue' of people of varying tritypes in my mind lol. Now I can sort of 'feel' out people's tritypes, but it's not easy. Need to read a bit more.

    Um, my point is.. I don't think about it in terms of what 'heart, head and body centre' I like. Although maybe I do a bit..for example I have noticed I don't mind it if they have 1 in the tritype, if it also has a 2 lol.

    So yeah, I sort of 'know' what tritypes I think I could date, basing it on my experience of that tritype in general. I suppose never say never to the other ones..yet it's also good to feel informed.

    It's funny, I like people with 7 and 2 in the tritype too I get on well with tritype 127s as well as 278s, but then I generally get on well with e-7s and e-2s. You are correct, 'pleasant and seductive' they are. People with 3 or 6 in the tritype can also be seductive for me lol. But not in such a good way!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    Ok, I get you about choosing between the different head centres..coool.

    For me, I have basically learnt to type people's tritypes in the same way I learnt to type their sociotype. I began by figuring out a few people's and then compared and contrasted until I now have a 'catalogue' of people of varying tritypes in my mind lol. Now I can sort of 'feel' out people's tritypes, but it's not easy. Need to read a bit more.

    Um, my point is.. I don't think about it in terms of what 'heart, head and body centre' I like. Although maybe I do a bit..for example I have noticed I don't mind it if they have 1 in the tritype, if it also has a 2 lol.

    So yeah, I sort of 'know' what tritypes I think I could date, basing it on my experience of that tritype in general. I suppose never say never to the other ones..yet it's also good to feel informed.

    It's funny, I like people with 7 and 2 in the tritype too I get on well with tritype 127s as well as 278s, but then I generally get on well with e-7s and e-2s. You are correct, 'pleasant and seductive' they are. People with 3 or 6 in the tritype can also be seductive for me lol. But not in such a good way!

    I know right!

    Oh by the way, I just figured this out, if I still wanna pursue a dual, lol, the best tritype is ESI 295!
    They got the e-2, you know, e-2 with Fi, I would be instantly admiring them. And we share 1 type in the tritype which is a 5, perfect.
    I think for an ESI they most likely to have e-9 so it's tritype 952 instead of 295,
    but I do hope they have e-2, so tritype 295, the e-2 would make them appear a little extroverted I guess, well, I prefer ESI-Se to ESI-Fi anyway.

    Or, just go for their extroverted cousins, my activity partner, the SEE e-2, tritype 278, I love 2 and 7 in someone tritype's and we share an 8, awesome.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarlett View Post
    I know right!

    Oh by the way, I just figured this out, if I still wanna pursue a dual, lol, the best tritype is ESI 295!
    They got the e-2, you know, e-2 with Fi, I would be instantly admiring them. And we share 1 type in the tritype which is a 5, perfect.
    I think for an ESI they most likely to have e-9 so it's tritype 952 instead of 295,
    but I do hope they have e-2, so tritype 295, the e-2 would make them appear a little extroverted I guess, well, I prefer ESI-Se to ESI-Fi anyway.

    Or, just go for their extroverted cousins, my activity partner, the SEE e-2, tritype 278, I love 2 and 7 in someone tritype's and we share an 8, awesome.

    Ohhh nice...I have a EII 925 friend..she is very very lovely. Very gentle and smart. And hey, makes me think that an Estp 825 could work for me. I tend to get on well with this tritype..(my mother’s tritype?!)

    I had some more thoughts! This kinda connects to you saying you’re not attracted to your enneagram ‘dual’ according to the article...and I was also thinking about how I don’t go for 8s or 3s.

    I started thinking about this SLE/IEI couple I know of. I know he’s a sexual 738 and I thought she was a sexual 936. But I just realised that’ she’s probs a sexual 639..coz she looks like a wannabe supermodel and sexual 6s are associated with wanting to look good. So before I was thinking ‘oh what a perfect, romantic 7 + 9 couple’...but nope she’s probs a 6.

    It makes me idealise Estp 7s fact, though a 9 and a 7 get on really well...actually my relationships with 7s in general are not my most stable relationships. My most stable relationships are with 5s...who integrate to 8, so maybe an Estp 8 would be nice.

    Similar to how I’m usually attracted to 6s, but actually I get on better with 5s.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    Ohhh nice...I have a EII 925 friend..she is very very lovely. Very gentle and smart. And hey, makes me think that an Estp 825 could work for me. I tend to get on well with this tritype..(my mother’s tritype?!)

    I had some more thoughts! This kinda connects to you saying you’re not attracted to your enneagram ‘dual’ according to the article...and I was also thinking about how I don’t go for 8s or 3s.

    I started thinking about this SLE/IEI couple I know of. I know he’s a sexual 738 and I thought she was a sexual 936. But I just realised that’ she’s probs a sexual 639..coz she looks like a wannabe supermodel and sexual 6s are associated with wanting to look good. So before I was thinking ‘oh what a perfect, romantic 7 + 9 couple’...but nope she’s probs a 6.

    It makes me idealise Estp 7s fact, though a 9 and a 7 get on really well...actually my relationships with 7s in general are not my most stable relationships. My most stable relationships are with 5s...who integrate to 8, so maybe an Estp 8 would be nice.

    Similar to how I’m usually attracted to 6s, but actually I get on better with 5s.

    Oh My God.
    Very gentle and smart.
    My IEI bestfriend not long ago mentioned the same thing!

    You know in the past I've mostly dated NT/ST guys, logical and strongwilled, I kept saying that.
    But nowadays, I don't know how I started admiring more F guys, until at one point my IEI friend shouted "Oh wow, I didn't know Scarlett's type was a very very gentle and smart kind of gentleman like XXX" I did not actually realise that.

    Now that I think about it, I don't go for all ESI's, but I think when I can pick up the 2-ish in them, then that's it.
    Then the 5, it's like a must in the tritype, that's the one that we share anyway, that's how I feel attracted, the similarity, the logical "smart" thing.
    And I'm aware most of ESI's are e9. So yeah, 925. Which I believe quite rare.

    It's funny they call 925 The Problem Solver. Because 835 is The Solution Master. Lol

    So, you don't go for 8s and 3s?
    Remember I told you that when you're an e8, seems like e1 constantly contradicts you.
    The same thing I think happens with e3, it kinda contradicts e6. Seems like if you have a high 3 in your tritype, you usually don't go for 6, unless if you have it both 3 and 6 in your tritype.
    Maybe you're not into 3s because you have a high 6 in your tritype. Or you're so attracted to 6s, or something like that.

    But 8s?
    I think an 8 and 9 get on fine.
    They say the best partner for e-8 is e-2, but many female 8s are usually with male 9s.
    Last edited by Scarlett; 02-27-2021 at 12:19 AM.

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