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Thread: Have you noticed duality to be more common between some types?

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    Scarlett's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    Yes, I am e-9 and my tritype is 946. I am often attracted to guys with 4 or 6 in their tritype. But I have become more open-minded to e-7s..I suppose it is unlikely that Estps would have 4 or 6 in their tritype. Not impossible but there would only be a few possible tritypes (846, 826, 369?) Because I have only seen estp 3s, 8s and 7s..I don't think they come in other e-types lol. Haha I feel like such a nerd with all the numbers.

    For ESI I have seen ennegaram type 1,2,4,6 and 9. And I'm sure some of these would have a 5 in their tritype.

    In the article it says that 8 is the enneagram dual for '459', '359', '145' or '135'. These types might like you if you found one lol.
    Lol. The problem is, I might not like them.

    I'm serious though. Let's go with 145 and 135 first. Both are enneagram 1. I dislike e-1.
    Seems like when you're e-8 you're someone who likes to be in charge and loves challenges, you would hate a perfectionist e-1. It's just they contradict with each other. Sooner or later you will realise it's not gonna work.

    The 459? Hell to the no.
    This is tripple withdrawn. The most socially withdrawn tritype I believe. They have the least amount of energy, easily drained by external environment.

    And the 359? This. Is. Actually "my type". My LSI and LII ex's they're all this tritype. The LSI that I told you I'm often attracted to, they're mostly e5, tritype 593.


    If we're talking about socionic dual, in my case an ESI, I don't think I can ever find an e-8, e-3, or e-5 ESI (if we want to share 1 type in tritype). The e-5 is possible but that would be tritype 459 which is a very withdrawn type, can't handle it, not my forte.
    Anyway I always, always love e-7, but tbh I admire e-2.

    And you know what, I was thinking,
    If someone actually has a 2 and 7 in their tritype and the next number is the type that we actually share in our tritype, which is 8, that would be perfect!
    In my case, dual is not possible, so I think I would go for my activation partner, SEE 278 Sx/So!


    So. You're 946 and you like guys with e-4 and e-6, that makes sense. Like dissolves like. We tend to like people who are like us. Again, similarity.
    I'm an 835, and when I was young, I was often attracted to e-8 and e-3. My first boyfriend ever was actually an ESTP 738.
    And I agree, most ESTP (SLE) they're all 7, 3, or 8. E-7s are FUN!

    SLE with 4 or 6 in their tritype? Seems not possible. A dom-Se like SLE will most likely to have 7 instead of 6 in their tritype. And 3 instead of 4.
    I also think e-8 is glued to their tritype. Can't imagine e-9 or e-1 in their tritype.

    But if you're a 9 and you prefer to share 1 type in your tritype, your activator LSI would be perfect, because most of them I believe will have 9 in their tritype. That what makes them very laid back and easy going.
    The 593.
    Last edited by Scarlett; 02-27-2021 at 02:12 AM.

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