Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
I find it easier to narrow it down more organically, without getting into personality types

I say this because there are a lot of heterogeneity within types, sometimes to the degree you would not expect. Plus it's a hypothesis anyway, some 'taking it with grain of salt' is okay. I also say this because there is a certain something I want that personality types simply does not cover, and that I have been aware of since adolescence. Anyways, those ideas seem to become more fully-fleshed now.
Hahah, of course, don't worry. There's so many things matter more than personality types.


I also see in a dual couple, usually the male is a T, and the female is an F.
Kinda like those traditional pairings with traditional gender stereotypes, you know.
There you go again, male LIE and female ESI.

If the female is a T, they usually go for their semi-dual or mirage partner.