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Thread: Have you noticed duality to be more common between some types?

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    Scarlett's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarlett View Post
    If I could choose a perfect dual for me, it would be ESI 279 Sx-first or Sp/Sx.
    Which I don't think that's possible. I can see 279 among IEE's and EIE's, but not ESI's.
    The only option for me I guess an ESI 479.
    Or just go with the IEE/EIE 279, but then that's not my dual. But anyway, I always like my benefactor and my look a like.

    My point is, I like a 2 and 7 in someone's tritype, but dislike a 6 and 1 probably because I don't like Si.
    So I think if my dual, ESI, doesn't have 6 in his tritype, that would be good enough.

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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    I find it easier to narrow it down more organically, without getting into personality types

    I say this because there are a lot of heterogeneity within types, sometimes to the degree you would not expect. Plus it's a hypothesis anyway, some 'taking it with grain of salt' is okay. I also say this because there is a certain something I want that personality types simply does not cover, and that I have been aware of since adolescence. Anyways, those ideas seem to become more fully-fleshed now.
    Hahah, of course, don't worry. There's so many things matter more than personality types.


    I also see in a dual couple, usually the male is a T, and the female is an F.
    Kinda like those traditional pairings with traditional gender stereotypes, you know.
    There you go again, male LIE and female ESI.

    If the female is a T, they usually go for their semi-dual or mirage partner.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarlett View Post
    Hahah, of course, don't worry. There's so many things matter more than personality types.


    I also see in a dual couple, usually the male is a T, and the female is an F.
    Kinda like those traditional pairings with traditional gender stereotypes, you know.
    There you go again, male LIE and female ESI.

    If the female is a T, they usually go for their semi-dual or mirage partner.
    I know of three female LIEs who are in relationships.

    The first is a woman about 60 who used to run a division of GE. Her first husband called her “Sledge”, short for sledgehammer. I like her, but I can understand why she might get a nickname like that. Her second husband is LSI and she seems happier with him, but if she has any reservations, she wouldn’t share them with me. She might not admit them to herself.

    The second is my niece and she is ex-military, and she and her partner have adopted two kids. I don’t know what her partner’s type is, but I don’t think she is her Dual.

    The third is a woman who manages a hotel. She has two kids by a common-law SEE husband whom she met when she was 17. She is now 36 and she wants nothing to do with him and kicked him out because all he does is party and he contributes nothing to the family except empty promises.
    She has a terrific relationship with the owner of the hotel, who is a female ESI-Fi, married to a male ILI. I showed the female LIE some pictures of male ESIs, and she said, “Ewww. Not them.”

    Relationships are hard.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I know of three female LIEs who are in relationships.

    The first is a woman about 60 who used to run a division of GE. Her first husband called her “Sledge”, short for sledgehammer. I like her, but I can understand why she might get a nickname like that. Her second husband is LSI and she seems happier with him, but if she has any reservations, she wouldn’t share them with me. She might not admit them to herself.

    The second is my niece and she is ex-military, and she and her partner have adopted two kids. I don’t know what her partner’s type is, but I don’t think she is her Dual.

    The third is a woman who manages a hotel. She has two kids by a common-law SEE husband whom she met when she was 17. She is now 36 and she wants nothing to do with him and kicked him out because all he does is party and he contributes nothing to the family except empty promises.
    She has a terrific relationship with the owner of the hotel, who is a female ESI-Fi, married to a male ILI. I showed the female LIE some pictures of male ESIs, and she said, “Ewww. Not them.”

    Relationships are hard.

    I used to say "Yikes. Nope." whenever I saw male ESI's.

    Somehow I notice if a dual/activity couple get together quite young, like late teens or early 20s, they end up divorcing anyway. And they will say "we're too different, we're really opposite, bla bla"
    Like I said, it takes time, experience, and high level of maturity.

    When you're young I think you should be dating your semidual/mirage/mirror/contrary/kindred, for experience. They easy to form anyway. You get along with your mirror really well.

    I don't know if anyone notice, but in my case, when I was in school, and then college, and then early years of work, my circle or best friends were mostly other NT's and NF's. And a few ST's. So the quadra thingy, it doesn't really apply at the beginning.

    Not until the later years of work, and then I went travelling, and back to grad school and work again THEN I realised my close friends now are mostly SP's, especially those in the same quadra with me. It's funny if I think about it.

    When I was in school/college I didn't like interacting with ESI/SEE, seems like they're not mature enough, or I wasn't mature enough, that makes us too different.
    But now after grad school if I meet an ESI/SEE they somehow impress me. And they said they admire me as well, "how can you be so knowledgeable, bla bla.." a mature ESI/SEE really wants to learn and hardworking actually. But I believe, when they were young, they weren't like that.

    The point is, I think you have to grow yourself first to be able to appreciate your dual.
    So after those experience interacting with all different people, you might end up with the one you date, you might not, you might separate, but later in life you grow and are mature enough to see "the other side of the coin".
    Last edited by Scarlett; 02-26-2021 at 02:07 AM.

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