Yes, my mom is SEE-D and my dad LSI-N.

Before I was typed by G, I had typed my mom LSE (LSE or LIE, I thought Te dom) and my dad SLI (LSI or SLI I knew high dimensional Ti but I choose SLI to make him mirror with my mom). The issue is their Se is thru the roof too good to be Delta but I was told by online communities that Deltas can assertive and forceful too which is actually WRONG. It wasn’t until after I got typed by G that information clicked for me.

I suggest you get typed by G because that way you’ll know where you are in the socionics system and that’ll give you a clearer frame of reference to type others in your life. The sooner the better. There’s people who have been married to their mistypings for years, even decades. I meet people in my socionics class who have mistyped themselves and nearly everyone in their lives for 20 years. It’s an unpleasant awakening if you’ve invested so much of yourself into an image.