Nice thread! I'm back.

Quote Originally Posted by DeliMeat View Post
The only thing one can do in these situations is to make an appeal to the Fi-dom. LIE/LSE all too often accept their dual's judgments as final and play off of that even when it is negative and about them, and that is precisely where LIE/LSE fuck up. They decide they must dislike the ESI/EII right back and never challenge that. If you don't try to appeal to them and change their mind, to show that you actually like them and you are worth liking back, then they will have no reason to assume they were wrong about you. That is how it works; demonstrate loyalty, or prove disloyal. Making the appeal even plays into the romance styles victim/aggressor and caring/childlike.
But no, my LIE friend assumed that they just could not like each other and thus never tried to talk to her again.
At least that is what I make of my observations.
You're not wrong. How old is your LIE friend? In duality pairing, both people MUST have high level of maturity.
I used to dislike ESI guys, especially when I was in my late teens or early 20s.
But now seems like I'm starting to admire the qualities in an ESI. Which is a rare feeling for me.

Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
I've not observed any common link. Duality seems more of an exception than a rule because cognitive needs are overshadowed by animalistic desires. Far more dual pairs exist in work situations where they're thrown together by circumstance but none that I've known ever became intimate because they had some serious gravity between them - au contraire. Most dual pairs that I've met outside of work seem to have gotten together later in life and stayed together simply because over time and in hindsight, they realized that they felt comfortable and safe with one another.
"They have gotten together later in life and stayed together simply because over time and in hindsight, they realized that they felt comfortable and safe with one another. " This. Completely agree.

And I also observed when a long term relationship/marriage couldn't work, each person tends to look for their dual/activity partner.
Again, maturity and comfort.

Quote Originally Posted by Lolita View Post
Not really. It depends on the person and if they’re familiar with duality energy. If you grew up with your dual then you might be more conscious/aware when you meet them. It doesn’t mean you’ll meet your dual more often or anything. My dad is my supervisor and as a result, I’m really familiar with LSI and I noticed I encounter a lot of them irl and online.
I'm always aware when I meet an ESI. And as soon as I meet them I'm like "Yikes. Nope." For real.
Maybe it's not about being conscious or aware, but more like being attracted to or interested in that person.
Like I said in my previous posts not long ago, I have no problem finding my dual, but seems like my dual is not able to attract me or make me interested in him, the point is, my dual is not my type.

But I agree about the hereditary thing.
If you're a girl, you will be more attracted to or interested in someone who is like your dad.
And if you're a guy, you will be more attracted to or interested in someone who is like your mum.

So for example, my dad is my kindred, an LSE. I'm actually a daddy's girl, we're very very close.
We're both strong and logical, which explains "my type", strong and logical, hahah, the point is, that is probably why I'm never attracted to dom-Fi males.

Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
I've met more than a few heterosexual couples where one of them has a similar personality to the other's parent of the same sex. I would propose that this is a more common scenario than duality.

a.k.a. I/O
And this is I think why, compared to ESI my dual, I'm more attracted to an LSI.
Because LSI is at least a bit similar to LSE my dad, both are dominant thinkers.

Quote Originally Posted by Lolita View Post
Yes, types are in-born and hereditary. But like I say, if duality is in the family, then that’s familiarity for people to recognize their duals. Duality irl is better suited to friendship, or business because it’s a relation of relaxation. Supervision is the most common for marriages. My dad is LSI but from what my mom described about her dad, he was likely LSI, too. My mom’s dad is LSI, and then she married my dad who’s LSI. My dad is LSI, and 3/4 relationships I’ve had is with LSIs.

Consciously, we don’t go looking for specific types, but unconsciously we’re wired to find what we’re most familiar to.
It's actually interesting, right?
That reminds me of Prince Harry. He said he married Meghan because she kinda reminds him of his mum, Diana. Both Meghan and Diana are NF.

So, Lolita, is your mum an SEE too?

I don't know if I'm wired to find what I'm most familiar to, because I'm always aware, always notice, every time I meet a guy like my dad, an LSE.
We get along well, and we really get each other hahah some of my best friends are LSE males. (Yes, most of my bestfriends are actually guys. I even thought about doing man of honor instead of maid of honor if I ever get married lol.)
But only as best friends. I always knew I didn't want to have a serious relationship or even marry an Si-aux or Si-dom person. I dislike Si.