Relations that are more commonly accepted by society are more common. Because the more socially accepted a kind of relationship is, the more it will be featured in media. Most people lack a developed sense of recognizing duality.

Common tropes we see in TV are more common in real life

Cold, stoic man who has a hard time showing feelings (SLI) + flighty imaginative woman (IEE)

This is a very very common pairing. Note the gender roles. SLI woman and IEE man is a rare phenomenon.

Another example: Reckless bad boy (SLE) + dreamy feminine good girl (IEI)

This pairing is also insanely common.

IEI man and SLE woman is a lot rarer when you're looking at organic relationships. So in conclusion it's not the types themselves that mesh better, it's just that people lack a sense of identity and really only have superficial things to go off of to form relationship decisions.

The rarest pairing is probably LSE woman and EII man. Also SEI man and ILE woman. Because those types in those forms don't really exist in the cultural consciousness. I have yet to see even one example of them literally anywhere. Also ILI women are kind of rare in general IME so that duality will also be a bit scarce.