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Thread: A hot take on transgender ideology (and gender ideology)

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  1. #11
    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Reposting my old post on masculine vs feminine:

    Men and women will both have a mix of masculine and feminine. Males on average will be more masculine relative to females and vice versa.
    Variations of course due to things like testosterone, estrogen, race, parental influences growing up (Father's influence will affect masculinity in women and mother's influence will affect femininity in men) etc etc

    Masculine and Feminine styles of thinking

    Masculine thinking tends to focus on what separates one phenomena from one another. It looks for contrasts between things to better label them. It takes things apart, like a machine and analyzes them. It prefers to look at things from the outside with emotional detachment. The masculine way tends to prefer specialization, to dig deep into something specific.

    Example: Look at all the political/religious topics on this forum. Deep into the conversations it will be pretty much *mostly* dudes.

    Feminine thinking likes to focus on the whole, how the parts connect to one another, the overall picture. In looking at a group of people, it wants to see how they relate to one another. Instead of freezing phenomena in time in order to examine them, it focuses on the organic process itself, how one thing grows into another. This form of thinking leads to insights when the hidden connections between things suddenly become visible in intuitive flashes. As opposed to specialization, it is more interested in how different fields or forms of knowledge can connect to one another.

    Example: The greatest scientists in the world utilized feminine style thinking to open their minds to as many explanations as possible, making discoveries through intuitions, etc.

    Masculine and Feminine styles of Action

    Masculine action- When it comes to taking action, the masculine tendency is to move forward, explore the situation, attack, and vanquish. If there are obstacles in the way, it will try to push through them.

    Example: The top 1% of society in terms of wealth will always be men. Why? Their masculinity helps them work 80 hour weeks and stay focused on boring shit for long periods of time. If there's a task to cut down a billion trees with axes, some crazy mother fuckin dudes will be there to do it trust me lol.

    Masculine also makes for GREAT entertainment lol:

    Feminine action- Patience, resilience, flexibility. Prefers to first withdraw from the immediate situation and contemplate more deeply the options. It will often look for ways to avoid the conflict, to smooth out relations, to win without having to go into battle. Sometimes the best action is nonaction- let the dynamic play itself out to understand it better; let the enemy hang itself by its aggressive actions.

    Example: Queen Elizabeth I, her primary strategy was to wait and see in battle; instead of jumping into battle when Spain invaded, she decided to hold the army back, allowing the harsh weather conditions to slow down their advance.

    Masculine and Feminine styles of self-assessment

    Masculine self-assessment- Men tend to look outward when they make mistakes. Also feel that they are completely responsible for success in life. They are blind to the element of luck and help of others.

    Feminine self-assessment- Women tend to do the opposite - when their is failure, they tend to blame themselves and look inward. If there is success, they are more prone to look at the role of others in helping them.
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 02-10-2021 at 09:08 PM.

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