Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
They are bad at sizing people up and understanding some idiocryncisases in people- which makes them seem harsh/anti-social to others. "You don't seem like a person that would like that!" is a Ni polr thing to say as if they had Ni they would understand more the beautiful complexity of people and appreciate it better. Obviously a Ni-dom could say the same thing but their tone would be way different about it.

They often like to give advice and be 'confident' but come off as like these Fisherman's Wives type of shrews with no finesse or class. Sorry that's mean but that is just the way Ni polr comes off. Not every polr is Te, suck it bitches.

Or they look at something way too objectively or something and not understand the reason how/why that thing is or how it became the way it did. Just the stone cold objectivity and how it bothers them. This all relates to Ni & insight - as theirs is so crude and simple-minded. They will not value or attach a person's meaning and their own goals and just look at it more from a Fe or Te perspective. This can sometimes make them the world's worst therapists/friends/ppl to confide in as they will just kind of corrupt everything you say in this sphere of Te or Fe instead of the uniqueness that is you? lol

They also seem bad at knowing how and when to keep a secret.

And if LSE they are looking at it wanting Fi so will get annoyed if you aren't personally the way they want so they can feel close to you if ESE looking at it as wanting Fe so will get annoyed if you aren't in a certain mood that they want. Because Ni also allows one to 'detatch' in a sense.
Omg, they really do be like that.

My ESE sister insists that my Dad and I are SOOO much alike!
What are our types?

IEI and LSE....

Yeah, I am not seeing it...