Quote Originally Posted by Yesein View Post
Examples of the type of fickleness I've seen SLE's display:

"Lets go camping tomorrow." *Tells what to bring, gets organized themselves* - cancels it in the morning because their mood dropped
(i feel slightly irritated then sympathetic)

In romance, it tends to be, they include you in their hypothetical future plans, then they say they don't want anything serious yet, and "love is a fart if you push it, it's shit" and alternate between taking the future prospects of a relationship *seriously* and then not. Drives me nuts

Also despite (or because) of being Se lead they're less motivated to see something through to completion if there are too many obstacles in the way. Like planning to get chips, if that gets casually suggested it instantly becomes reality to me and I will go through the most impractical route to get there - ok, can't take the car, NO PROBLEM, we get on the bus, then we take the tram, then we walk 2 kilometers, and we waste half the day to go get chips, and not from any store it has to be shoestring chips.

Their fickleness bothers me mostly because they're my dual and I want to tame them in particular. From anyone else fickleness would be a relief because people who get passive-aggressive with me when I cancel something (usually for a legitimate reason, like I am in another state, or something exploded in my foot, or I remember I had a doctors appointment) make me wonder if it is worth it to endure a friendship or relationship where I feel guilty and in exchange for what? A bit hypocritical i know. Maybe I should face my own demons instead of complaining on a forum about SLE's being fickle

Yeah, when someone perceived as a dual type, there can be higher expactations towards that person. That's one of the pitfalls of socionics. Sounds like you are aware of it, at least.

Also, the fickleness in romance thing is something I hear alot of people complain about nowadays, I myself have had some negative experiences there with fickleness, but not from SLE specifically. Seems to be a byproduct of something of our age, not sure what, could be instant messanging maybe.