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Thread: How to ‘teach’ typology

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    Danali's Avatar
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    Default How to ‘teach’ typology

    At work, my team do a 1 hour session every month called “uncomfortable conversations” as part of our team meeting. It so happens that I’ve been chosen to deliver a session on personality typing.

    I would love some ideas on how to deliver this content in the clearest and most fun way possible. I want the people in my team to understand the functions, type themselves, see how their type manifests at work and potential a fun quiz or game afterwards - all in an hour. I particularly want ideas on how to facilitate a session where people can type themselves in the clearest way and avoid bias as much as possible even if this involves a little deception e.g. not telling them about the functions and asking them just to pick the letters.

    I’d love to hear your ideas and suggestions.

  2. #2
    I don't play, I slay. Lolita's Avatar
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    I think it’s impossible to teach others about typology and how to self-type without imprinting bias of any kind (whether yours or their’s). It’s a rather an involved and intricate topic and it takes a lot of time grasping the concepts. People don’t accurately type themselves since no one is really conscious of themselves on such an analytical basis anyway. People just gravitate towards the type they like and some go further and invest in that type while catering to the descriptions to build their image around that identity. I think this is a sort of thing that you can lead a horse to water but let them drink on their own.

  3. #3
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danali View Post
    At work, my team do a 1 hour session every month called “uncomfortable conversations” as part of our team meeting. It so happens that I’ve been chosen to deliver a session on personality typing.

    I would love some ideas on how to deliver this content in the clearest and most fun way possible. I want the people in my team to understand the functions, type themselves, see how their type manifests at work and potential a fun quiz or game afterwards - all in an hour. I particularly want ideas on how to facilitate a session where people can type themselves in the clearest way and avoid bias as much as possible even if this involves a little deception e.g. not telling them about the functions and asking them just to pick the letters.

    I’d love to hear your ideas and suggestions.
    Forty minutes, twenty slides, maximum.

    Start by telling them the benefits of being able to predict inter-type relationships. Ask them if they’ve ever met a person whom they just did not get along with. Maybe that was a conflictor. Or someone whom they immediately liked? Maybe that was a Dual. Show a chart of the Intertype relationship matrix. Tell them they can make their lives better through better choices.

    Make a joke about Socionics being like Astrology, then give them an example of Intertype relationships in your group, to show that Socionics actually works. Be careful here not to offend or burn people. This is a good point to mention that no type is “bad”, but there are better and worse ITR’s.

    Look at the intro page on this forum for a good overview of the theory.

    Have fun.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 02-03-2021 at 01:06 PM.

  4. #4


    for better or worse, people might hesitate identifying with functions and other stuffs. you can bring up the MBTI and tell them that the goal is not to self-type. a more open approach (IMO) would be explaining that a theory (that could possibly be helpful in the case of uncomfortable conversations?) has attracted your interest and that you will proceed with the presentation of the theory configurations (quadras, functions etc.) so that you can receive their input regarding its relevance/utility. keep in mind that the conversation can branch out to discussions such as the usefulness of theories/psychology, what is real, god, concepts, living in a simulation, the universe, what is an uncomfortable conversation (if you haven't already covered that) etc.

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Actually, Denali, I think making a game of it as you described is a good approach for you. Try to find an SEI who will be the person turning over the letters to your Mistress of Ceremonies. I think you’ve got this.

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    There's no way you can fit all that into an hour. Just do a simple introduction.

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Show them lots of examples of real people. If you can make them aware of the basic phenomenon you have achieved something.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Start by telling them the benefits of being able to predict inter-type relationships. Ask them if they’ve ever met a person whom they just did not get along with. Maybe that was a conflictor. Or someone whom they immediately liked? Maybe that was a Dual. Show a chart of the Intertype relationship matrix. Tell them they can make their lives better through better choices.
    I noticed that people generally disliked the concept that relationships can be influenced by something they cannot control, at least initially. I wouldn't start with that so as to not make them 'bitter' until they've been at least presented with the basics.

    @OP : You can find inspiration on various introductory vids/articles. I would also suggest talking about the bigger picture, such as how typology can be useful when it comes to analyzing history, politics, sociology in general, then narrow it down to your workplace. I'd stick with general explanations if I were you, you might lose people's interest if you go into very technical/specific details in such a short amount of time. Either way, be prepared of biases : they're fairly hard to avoid, and attempting to prevent them might also create other biases and so on. Try to introduce each function in neutral ways, and ask each of them what are the most personally relatable. As suggested, real life exemples might grasp their interest. Make use of humor too. Propose some relevant sources so they can go back to learning at home if they were convinced by the session.
    Last edited by Yulin; 02-05-2021 at 08:46 PM.

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