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Thread: Attitudinal Psyche type system

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RBRS View Post
    If you want to take the PY route then I would suggest you guess the PY type of your opponent. If he is third logics (tendency towards questioning everything & denying rational arguments for the sake of it, saying nonsensicals, having difficulty with rational arguments, insecure about his mental abilities, etc) then it might mean you are first logic (not interested in discussing, does not feel the need to even state opinions as he considers them absolute truths, when seeing someone who disagrees doesn't bother to talk to them about the subject, only talks to people he can lecture on things and treat as disciples, who have an already positive disposition towards his ideas) and if the person is fourth logics (Parroting what their friend/parent/social group/Guru says without putting any thought to it, accepting what others say based on non-rational reasons as personal likings and dislikings, following herd or group thinking, searching for prefabricated argument so they don’t have to put any effort, trying to escape any sort of intellectual or deeper discussion, resorting to emotional/physical means in debates if they find themselves engaged with debate at all, incapacity or lack of any interest to simply understand logical chains...) then it might point out to you being second logics (Interested in discussion, generates logical chains easily, can play the black and the white, comes to conclusions either by debate or by dialectics, tries to create and involve others in deeper intellectual conversations, is tolerant of weak logical abilities and different viewpoints as much as he can help/debate those themes and the other part is willing to understand and listen...). It goes without saying that first logics is more compatible with fourth and second logics is most compatible with third.
    One was 4L and the other one was 2L (at least they claim 4L and 2L). Both 1E and EIE, the 4L one was typed by G. The 4L one was absolutely nonsensical and refused to even consider things even after I thoroughly explained that socionics information elements refer to the same type of information regardless of the model used Fi is Fi, Fe is Fe and definitions for IMEs do not change, apples do not become oranges. While the functions may be different IMEs stay the same, they have to. The 2L EIE was offering perspectives to the 4L but had an equally weird understanding of things despite claiming to have training from Gulenko's students, kept saying that information elements are different between systems.. which to me would mean they are completely different systems then if Gulenko's Fi refers to information completely different from Timur's Fi or model A's Fi. The 4L EIE was saying she is SEE in model A and values Fi, but then said she doesn't value relationships, prefers to be blunt, to say exactly what's on her mind no filters, to be emotionally expressive regardless of what other people think (1E). ^^' which led me to believe that G's typing was correct, she obviously does not value Fi and consequently can't be Gamma or Delta. Based on other factors she was a obvious beta extrovert... their magical thinking continued. I couldn't get through with logic, got pissed and shut up. (arguing with ppl on the internet and all that bs)

    -then again I'm gr8 at personal finance and taking care of myself, cooking, interior design and shit like that so.. unsure.

    I have also seen your posts on diet, exercise, weight loss... all of this I would relate to externally focused physics, thus second physics (more points towards first logics).
    Yeah could be. I do consider LFEV.

    -What I have always struggled with is motivation, but even there I ust tend to refuse to do things I don't want to do and no amount of external motivation, pushiness or even coercion can make me budge... hell it has the opposite effect, I bunker down and refuse to comply just to spite them.

    This points a lot towards third will, but I have the problem that a lot of times when you speak about your relations it doesn't seem to me like you adapt nor accept and copy entirety the likings and emotional/dramatic reactions of others, being colder and with a tendency to breakouts, cutting people off... which points towards third emotions quite a lot. Anyways last will would probably prefer to be led by a stronger-willed individual and have most decisions taken by others and would dislike people who try to ask them about their preferences or have them decide on something, while third will would be the opposite, being weak willed, there would be a tendency towards searching for people who would take their "willings" and desires into account and would hate someone who bulldozes or imposes himself and his desires on others.

    Probably you have the same problem I might be having with it that functions fit into various positions at the same time, actually I'm thinking some attitudes as those described by both third will and third emotion aren't necessarily mutually exclusive and could exist at the same time within an individual.
    There are accentuations, which is a way to explain away differences, so they are kind of like subtypes. Obviously some people can't be shoved onto specific boxes, so there has to be some kind of wiggling room while maintaining a best fit type. I have a 2V accentuation according to Zeke. To be honest the LVEF EXI type does feel kinda weird for me considering how confident I am with F. Both LVEF and LFEV are types where E6 is most common, so 1L 3E fits imo.
    Last edited by SGF; 04-07-2021 at 01:46 PM.

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