Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
The former.

High V could explain it, then. Goals energize me. Even hardships, in a way, although I can do nothing for long stretches when the goal is done. When there's a truly inspiring goal I can easily get out of routine or neglect eating/sleeping (less so as I get older).

That's hilarious about 3F people caring how you eat. Are they also the people to get annoyed by how others chew, or is that just most people? Ha. This does help clarify 3F vs 4F. I still am not completely sure of myself. I'm definitely an ectomorph/slender, was also notoriously squeamish as a child. Violence doesn't bother me as much as graphic close-ups of wounds, which I can't handle. I have insecurities about certain physical features, like most people, but I don't think I'm obsessive. I do have some sensory sensitives but maybe that's just introversion.

Yup, chewing sounds too. I'm not sure if its the auditory thing or whether its that I'm 'eating wrong' but my 3F Dad used to get mad at me since I was little for walking around with a snack or whatever and chewing next to him. I have met a few new 3Fs recently which also told me to stop making so much noise when eating. Funny that in over 20 years my dad was the only one to ever complain hahah. For ladies I'd say both 3F and 4F are slender with some exceptions. 4F is described as having 'thin' features, thin eyebrows, thin lips, etc. Also 4F are said to look younger than their age.

The 4th function in general is hard to type since it's usage is so low it feels like it isn't there. One thing to keep in mind is that in times of stress, the fourth function shuts down completely and the person soothes themself with the first function.