Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post

As for the third and fourth spots. I like what you said about having tolerance for a person who has your 4th function as their 1st. I was leaning towards 3L and 4F, but I'm able to be active when I need to be. I've been told consistently I have a work ethic. I'm also not that oblivious to aesthetics of my appearance or surroundings. Finally I do value other's Logical input. What do you think being 3F would look like in terms of being weak but having potential?

Hmm, that last point re: being honest about shortcomings. Not sure if that only applies to 4V people?
So you could think about it this way: What bothers you the most? People who are overly dogmatic, closed to discussion and don't listen to others opinion, or people who are overly materialistic, concerned about their appearance and carnal pleasure or greedy? Of course these are extremes of behaviour and not all 1L are dogmatic and not all 1F are materialistic but both of these are selfish regarding that element, and offputting to those who have 3L or 3F.

Being active is not necessarily a sign of high F. Generally high V and high F indicate activity. For F, usually 2F and 3F are the most active or restless. 1F can be active if they find value in it (usually monetary or physical improvement value). 2F is the most active type. They're referred to in Russian as 'Workers' because they're always doing something.

So about 3F: 3F is often quite active, interested in exercising, etc. I think the biggest problem with 3F is body image issues and anything related to body processes. The overreact to any physical stimuli, sounds, touch, taste, etc. And they hate it when someone (like me) rushes things like eating or cooking for instance. Since 3F is processional Physics, cooking and eating, for them is all about the process. So they get pissed when they cook something nice to you and you slide it right into your mouth in one huge bite. Most of the people in my life are 4F or 2F so nobody ever made a big deal about it. But I find it that all of the few 3F I met in my life complain about how fast I eat and that I don't savour my food. In my defense food is just so tasty that I can't help gobbling it up like I'm starved every time lol. They accuse me of stress-eating or whatever. I just like food damnit!
Another thing is that often they are interested in exercise, dieting, etc. Sometimes to the point of obsession. But it's an obsession that comes from perceived shortcomings in the realm of Physics. Even the good looking ones think they look bad. I guess that obsession with physics is also a hidden strength since they're always trying to improve in the physical world.
1F are also interested in exercise, etc. The main difference I'd say is that 3F is hyper-aware meanwhile 1F is underaware and needs extra stimulation to get their shift of Physics. 1F is described as a 'sensory behemoth'. I relate to that phrase pretty well lol. I don't feel cold unless its under freezing temperatures, heat doesn't bother me much, love fatty and salty food, etc.

4F on the other hand, can be a bit hard to pinpoint since it's basically the absence of Physical 'attachment' so to speak. 1F is described as being full of vitality. So 4F is described as 'lacking vitality'. This is where they got that thing about 4F being prone to suicidal thoughts. I don't think it's about suicide as it is maybe a sort of melancholy to their temperament. 1F is described as being 'big', which makes sense for someone having excess Physics. Usually they are tall, and either fat, muscular, or well-built, even the ladies. 4F on the other hand are described as thin/asthenic. The positive side to 4F is a fearlessness when it comes to their body. And also not being afraid of seeing a bloody scene of crime for instance. Which would make any 3F instantly faint lol.

About the 4V being honest about shortcomings, I got that one from the archived Russian site:
4V is also called 'Fortress' in Russian. (Which kinda matches with 1V being called 'King')

The picture of the universe, living in the soul of the 4th Will, practically repeats the corresponding picture of the 1st Will, i.e. space is a hierarchy consisting of two stages: the upper and the bottom. The difference is that the "fortress" automatically places itself not on the top, as a "king" but on its lower stage, taking the role of a pass-up, subordinate, child.
From here, one of the most characteristic will take the 4th Will - its untimely childishness, which, because of sincerity and simplicity, do not want to call infantilism. In principle, and the 3rd Will infantile, but it tries to masquerade as an adult and so repels. The 4th Will is not masked and so very disposed to itself, although there are in its behavior traits that cause bewilderment and sn off. For example, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, being under the blanket to Madame de Varance, and there continued to call her "mommy", although the nature of the relationship obviously contradicted such treatment.
Unlimited confessionalism - Achilles heel and the most characteristic of the "fortress." Tolstoy long suffered from the fact that is not able to write with the sincerity with which "Confession" Rousseau is written. And he suffered in vain. Tolstoy, with his 1st Will, simply could not write with such reckless frankness, which can only the 4th Will. And it is easy to give confession to it because the "fortress" lacks a sense of personal self-preservation, not the road will - the support of personality, the blow of which could seriously shake his being. For example, Emperor Claudius was able to speak publicly at the trial of one of the witnesses: "This is my mother's release, from the maids, but she always revered me as the master - I speak about it because in my house and now others do not recognize me for the master, "- and not at all to be confused. And do not be embarrassed because publicity was given what he, the emperor already knew: he is not a person and, most importantly, not a person, not at all concerned about his facelessness.
Understated self-esteem is an incomparable, priceless gift. It makes the life of the "fortress" as anyone's easy, cloudless, and the psyche is so stable that even the time, which necessarily leaves the notches on our soul, unsupious mental mechanism, over the 4th Will is not imperious. When there is no solid basis of personality, flogging is an indispensable companion of life, no more effective than flogging a swamp.