Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
So Volition is about willpower, but also about self-worth and image of 'who we are'. The first function represents excess, so 1V has excess force of will, (excessively) high self-esteem, and a very defined boundary of who they are. The second function is 'normative' in other words it has just the right amount of usage to be healthy for oneself and also helpful towards other people. So 2V people are great at accurately assessing their own abilities as well as others'. They often like to help others achieve their goals. The third function represents a mix of weakness and a desire to appear strong. The third function envies those who have it as a first function. So 3V people give the impression that they are strong-willed, when they really aren't. 3V's self-esteem fluctuates wildly, sometimes they think they're kings and sometimes they think they're dirt. What they need is the accurate assessment that 2V users can give them. Finally the fourth function is weak but at the same time does not mind or even appreciates when others with stronger function use the element. So 4V has a very fuzzy image of self, poor force of will, willingly submits or sees himself as a subordinate, etc. But on the positive side, 4V is the only one that can be truly honest about their shortcomings, because they have no need to 'protect' their will like 3V.
Okay, lots of good stuff @The Banana King. I hadn't seen that first Russian site you linked, thanks. I'll do more processing here on what you said (no need to respond unless you want to). Your answers remind me of talking to my ILE friend--we're both in the middle of trying to figure out what types we are.

I'm a teacher so I like helping my students, but I'm not sure how much I actually like helping other people getting to their goals in life. I'm interested in careers like counseling, but that's different from, say, a life coach, since the help is more emotional. I assume people will get to their goals if they're self-motivated enough, or will ask for help if they need it. I often feel like it's pointless to give someone motivation for something, like you either have it intrinsically or you don't. Kinda seems like 1V.

I don't love having to reassure people on a regular basis. Will definitely reassure a friend in crisis, but if they're naturally indecisive or complaining about the same thing for years, I lose patience. At the same time, I've hung in there for a long time with people because I wanted to be an emotional support or didn't want to lose the relationship....

I intentionally make an effort to accommodate other people who have a strong agenda but over time there's tension. Kind of like "this town ain't big enough for the two of us," but I'm very quiet about it, not forceful or outwardly demanding. I think it comes down to sociotype and introversion like you said in your other post. I just quietly begin to do my own thing and avoid people where it seems like it will become a battle of wills. So that could be the tension of 1V wanting to do its own thing and 2E wanting to not ruffle feathers.

As for the third and fourth spots. I like what you said about having tolerance for a person who has your 4th function as their 1st. I was leaning towards 3L and 4F, but I'm able to be active when I need to be. I've been told consistently I have a work ethic. I'm also not that oblivious to aesthetics of my appearance or surroundings. Finally I do value other's Logical input. What do you think being 3F would look like in terms of being weak but having potential?

Hmm, that last point re: being honest about shortcomings. Not sure if that only applies to 4V people?