Quote Originally Posted by YXPR View Post
1rst and 4th functions = terminal = I am what I am, I feel what I feel, I think what I think. Who cares? Don't bother me please.
2nd function and 3rd function = processing = we can always improve, let's talk about it, let's work on it together. I'll teach you. Please teach me.

Edit: Also 3W people are the kind to fear being taken advantage of a lot. They can be scared that other people will try to impose their own willpower on them so you need to be careful and reassure them that you don't have ill intentions when you deal with them.
This was all very helpful. It requires another level of self awareness to know in which areas I like to be left to my own counsel and which ones I need to hash out with others. Hmm. L is looking more like a process function for me.